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The Microsoft pact

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I am against a lot of corporations. I can’t be enemies with everyone, and I had to pick 1 corp to befriend. I chose Microsoft. Microsoft seemed the least evil in several ways, and I owe a lot to them, such as my introduction to computing, many, many parts of my childhood and beginning of programming, and more. Although I can’t stand Windows 10, the pact is still there. Microsoft is spared.

Enemies Still an enemy Reason
Google Various, see DeGoogle your Life
Amazon Various
Facebook Various
TenCent Various
Apple Neutral
Valve Neutral
Spared Still friendly with Reason
Microsoft The Microsoft Pact, introduction to computing
Mozilla Various
Red Hat Various
Canonical Various

I also have to do this, since Microsoft now owns GitHub, my main means of production. Under this compromise, I am still free to criticize Microsoft, as like anyone else, but I can’t do anything to make their services decremented, other than services I have strong disagreements with, which include Windows, Microsoft Office, and Surface.

I can still criticize other services, even GitHub and Bing, but the criticism must be highly constructive. I must not mention Microsofts involvement in the PRISM program. I can mention Microsofts past attempts to destroy Linux, but it must be done in retrospect, and it must be mentioned that Microsoft backpedaled on this.

I support the past Scroogled campaign, and I support Fluent Design, as it is so much better than flat design or material design.


If Microsoft terminates my GitHub account, locks me out, or hinders functionality to the point where normal use is not possible, the pact will end.

File info

File type: Markdown document (*.md *.mkd *.mdown *.markdown)

File version: 1 (2021, Tuesday, October 12th at 3:42 pm)

Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 47