import os import re from mdutils.mdutils import MdUtils from powerapps_docstring.parser import Parser # class Docstring(): def __init__(self, source, output, config) -> None: self.source_path = source self.output_path = output self.parser = Parser(self.source_path) self.config = config self.manifest_file = self.parser.get_canvas_manifest() self.relevant_objects = self.config["RelevantObjects"] self.relevant_object_keys = [f" As {x}" for x in self.relevant_objects.keys()] def _get_screen_files(self): screen_files = [] screens_path = self.source_path + "/Src/" # read screen order from manifest and check if files exists screen_order = self.manifest_file["ScreenOrder"] for screen in screen_order: screen_file_name = screen + ".fx.yaml" if screen_file_name in os.listdir(screens_path): if screen_file_name != "App.fx.yaml": screen_files.append(screen_file_name) return screen_files def _extract_parts_from_propperty(self, propperty) -> tuple: """Extracts the parts from a propperty. Parts can be: - docstring - function Args: propperty (str): The string representation of the propperty Returns: tuple: bool for contains docstring, docstring, function """ if propperty.startswith("=/*"): start = propperty.find("/*") + len("/*") end = propperty.find("*/") docstring = propperty[start:end] func = propperty[end+2:] return True, docstring, func.strip() else: return False, None, propperty[1:] def _extract_screen_content_to_markdown(self, screen_objects) -> None: self.md_file.new_header(level=2, title=screen_objects[0]) self.md_file.new_line("---") def _recursive(key, value): # check for object rel_obj_key = None for rel_obj in self.relevant_objects.keys(): if f" As {rel_obj}" in key: rel_obj_key = rel_obj break # key is header if rel_obj_key != None: # we found a header self.md_file.new_header(level=3, title=key) # check if value has content (deals with blank screens) if not value: return for sub_dict_key, sub_dict_item in value.items(): if sub_dict_key in self.relevant_objects.get(rel_obj_key): if sub_dict_key == "OnVisible": screen_docstring = self._extract_parts_from_propperty(sub_dict_item) # check if docstring exists then add screen docstring if screen_docstring[0]: self.md_file.new_paragraph(screen_docstring[1]) sub_dict_item = screen_docstring[2] if sub_dict_item != "": self.md_file.new_header(level=4, title=sub_dict_key) self.md_file.insert_code(str(sub_dict_item),language='typescript') elif type(sub_dict_item) == dict: # we found another dict so start over for new_key, new_value in sub_dict_item.items(): _recursive(new_key, new_value) for key, value in screen_objects[1].items(): _recursive(key, value) def _create_mermaid_screenflow(self): # from def get_recursively(search_dict, field): """ Takes a dict with nested lists and dicts, and searches all dicts for a key of the field provided. """ fields_found = [] for key, value in search_dict.items(): if key == field: fields_found.append(value) elif isinstance(value, dict): results = get_recursively(value, field) for result in results: fields_found.append(result) elif isinstance(value, list): for item in value: if isinstance(item, dict): more_results = get_recursively(item, field) for another_result in more_results: fields_found.append(another_result) return fields_found # create header for mermaid graph screenflow_list = ["```mermaid", "graph LR;"] screen_files = self._get_screen_files() screens_path = self.source_path + "/Src/" for screen in screen_files: # check if screen has been excluded if screen.replace(".fx.yaml", "") not in self.config["ScreenFlow"]["ExcludeScreens"]: screen_obj = self.parser.get_screen_objects(screen) from_screen = screen_obj[0].replace(" ", "") list_of_onselects = get_recursively(screen_obj[1], "OnSelect") for item in list_of_onselects: if "Navigate(" in item: item = item.strip().replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "").replace(" ", "") navigate_occurences = [m.start() for m in re.finditer('Navigate\(', item)] for occurence in navigate_occurences: #print(occurence) start = occurence + len("Navigate(") #print(start) end = item[start:].find(",") if end == -1: end = item[start:].find(")") end = end + start to_screen = item[start:end] to_screen = to_screen.replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "").replace(")", "").replace("'", "").replace(" ", "") if to_screen != None and to_screen != "" and not to_screen.startswith("[@") and to_screen not in self.config["ScreenFlow"]["ExcludeScreens"]: screenflow_list.append(" "+ from_screen + "-->" + to_screen) screenflow_list.append("```") # to avoid double entrys in the graph # the doubled items are removed by convertig to dict and back to list screenflow_list = list(dict.fromkeys(screenflow_list)) return screenflow_list #"\n".join(screenflow_list) def _create_chapter_app(self, app_name): # # APP # # # get contents from App.fx.yaml app_screen = self.parser.get_screen_objects("App.fx.yaml") on_start = app_screen[1]["App As appinfo"].get("OnStart") start_screen = app_screen[1]["App As appinfo"].get("StartScreen") # create heading for app info self.md_file.new_line("") self.md_file.new_line("") self.md_file.new_header(level=1, title=app_name) # write app info if on_start != None: appinfo = self._extract_parts_from_propperty(on_start) if appinfo[1] != None: self.md_file.new_paragraph(appinfo[1]) self.md_file.new_line("") self.md_file.new_header(level=2, title="OnStart") self.md_file.insert_code(appinfo[2],language='typescript') if start_screen != None: appinfo = self._extract_parts_from_propperty(start_screen) self.md_file.new_line("") self.md_file.new_header(level=2, title="StartScreen") self.md_file.insert_code(appinfo[2],language='typescript') self.md_file.new_line("") def _create_chapter_connections(self): # # Connections # # # writing connections header self.md_file.new_header(level=1, title="Connections") connections = self.parser.get_connections() if len(connections) > 0: for connection in connections.items(): # not all connections have an apiTier try: api_tier = f" ({connection[1]['connectionRef']['apiTier']})" except KeyError: api_tier = "" self.md_file.new_line(connection[1]["connectionRef"]["displayName"] + api_tier, "b") # Header self.md_file.new_line("") for parameter in connection[1]["connectionParameters"].items(): self.md_file.new_line(f"{parameter[0]}: {parameter[1]}") self.md_file.new_line("") self.md_file.new_line("With following datasources:") self.md_file.new_line("") self.md_file.new_list([x for x in connection[1]["dataSources"]]) self.md_file.new_line("") def _create_chapter_screens(self): # # Screen # # self.md_file.new_header(level=1, title="Screens") # TODO: add screenflow visualization #self.md_file.new_paragraph(self._create_mermaid_screenflow()) for scr_flow in self._create_mermaid_screenflow(): self.md_file.new_line(scr_flow) # loop thru all screens and create markdown screens_path = self.source_path + "/Src/" for file in self._get_screen_files(): screen_objects = self.parser.get_screen_objects(file) self._extract_screen_content_to_markdown(screen_objects) def create_documentation(self, format=None): if format == None: self.format = "markdown" else: self.format = format # instantiate the md file # TODO: get title from docstring variable app_name = self.manifest_file["PublishInfo"]["AppName"] output_file = self.output_path + f'/{app_name}-doc' self.md_file = MdUtils(file_name=self.output_path + f'/{app_name}-doc', title=f'{app_name} Documentation') for chapter in self.config["DocumentStructure"]: if chapter == "App": self._create_chapter_app(app_name=app_name) elif chapter == "Connections": self._create_chapter_connections() elif chapter == "Screens": self._create_chapter_screens() # write toc + file self.md_file.new_table_of_contents(table_title='Contents', depth=2) self.md_file.create_md_file() return output_file + ".md"