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modify to work with CmdArgs 0.2 or newer
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Mitsutoshi Aoe authored and sebfisch committed May 6, 2011
1 parent daef3ce commit 864f0a0
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Showing 2 changed files with 147 additions and 133 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions barchart.cabal
Expand Up @@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ Executable barchart
Main-is: barchart.hs
Hs-Source-Dirs: src
Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5,
cmdargs >= 0.1 && < 0.2,
csv >= 0.1 && < 1.2,
cmdargs >= 0.2 && < 0.7,
csv >= 0.1 && < 1.2,
diagrams >= 0.2 && < 0.3,
filepath >= 1.1 && < 1.2
filepath >= 1.1 && < 1.3
Extensions: DeriveDataTypeable,
Expand All @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Library
Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5,
csv >= 0.1 && < 1.2,
diagrams >= 0.2 && < 0.3,
filepath >= 1.1 && < 1.2
filepath >= 1.1 && < 1.3
Extensions: FlexibleContexts,
Expand Down
272 changes: 143 additions & 129 deletions src/barchart.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, RecordWildCards, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cse #-}

import Graphics.BarChart hiding ( Intervals )
import Graphics.BarChart.Types ( readColor )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,199 +70,210 @@ replaceUnknownFileType t _ = t
data Breakdown = Summary | Summary_Comparison | Benchmark_Comparison
deriving (Eq,Show,Data,Typeable)

blocksMode :: ExecMode
blocksMode =
Blocks {
out_file = outFile conf
&= text "Name of generated file"
& typFile,
file_type = Guess_File_Type `enum`
&= help "Name of generated file"
&= typFile,
file_type = enum
&= text "Guess output file type by name (default)",
PNG &= text "Generate .png file",
SVG &= text "Generate .svg file",
PDF &= text "Generate .pdf file",
PS &= text "Generate .ps file"],
&= help "Guess output file type by name (default)",
PNG &= help "Generate .png file",
SVG &= help "Generate .svg file",
PDF &= help "Generate .pdf file",
PS &= help "Generate .ps file"],
title = caption conf
&= text "Title of bar chart"
& typString,
&= help "Title of bar chart"
&= typString,
xlabel = xLabel conf
&= text "Label of x axis"
& typString,
&= help "Label of x axis"
&= typString,
ylabel = xLabel conf
&= text "Label of y axis"
& typString,
division = "" &= text "Labels separated by whitespace"
& typStrings,
colors = "" &= text "Color names separated by whitespace"
& typStrings,
&= help "Label of y axis"
&= typString,
division = "" &= help "Labels separated by whitespace"
&= typStrings,
colors = "" &= help "Color names separated by whitespace"
&= typStrings,
width = width
&= text "Width of generated bar chart"
& typ "NUM",
&= help "Width of generated bar chart"
&= typ "NUM",
height = height
&= text "Height of generated bar chart"
& typ "NUM",
label_size = 12 &= text "Font size used for labels"
& typ "NUM",
&= help "Height of generated bar chart"
&= typ "NUM",
label_size = 12 &= help "Font size used for labels"
&= typ "NUM",
bar_width = barRatio conf
&= text "Bar width between 0 and 1"
& flag "W"
& typ "FLOAT",
in_files = [] &= text "CVS files with data to visualise"
& args }
&= help "Bar width between 0 and 1"
&= name "W"
&= typ "FLOAT",
in_files = [] &= typ "FILES"
&= args }
where (width,height) = dimensions conf

-- cannot reuse flag attributes in cmdargs :(
intervalsMode :: ExecMode
intervalsMode =
Intervals {
out_file = outFile conf
&= text "Name of generated file"
& typFile,
file_type = Guess_File_Type `enum`
&= help "Name of generated file"
&= typFile,
file_type = enum
&= text "Guess output file type by name (default)",
PNG &= text "Generate .png file",
SVG &= text "Generate .svg file",
PDF &= text "Generate .pdf file",
PS &= text "Generate .ps file"],
&= help "Guess output file type by name (default)",
PNG &= help "Generate .png file",
SVG &= help "Generate .svg file",
PDF &= help "Generate .pdf file",
PS &= help "Generate .ps file"],
title = caption conf
&= text "Title of bar chart"
& typString,
&= help "Title of bar chart"
&= typString,
xlabel = xLabel conf
&= text "Label of x axis"
& typString,
&= help "Label of x axis"
&= typString,
ylabel = xLabel conf
&= text "Label of y axis"
& typString,
division = "" &= text "Labels separated by whitespace"
& typStrings,
colors = "" &= text "Color names separated by whitespace"
& typStrings,
&= help "Label of y axis"
&= typString,
division = "" &= help "Labels separated by whitespace"
&= typStrings,
colors = "" &= help "Color names separated by whitespace"
&= typStrings,
width = width
&= text "Width of generated bar chart"
& typ "NUM",
&= help "Width of generated bar chart"
&= typ "NUM",
height = height
&= text "Height of generated bar chart"
& typ "NUM",
label_size = 12 &= text "Font size used for labels"
& typ "NUM",
&= help "Height of generated bar chart"
&= typ "NUM",
label_size = 12 &= help "Font size used for labels"
&= typ "NUM",
bar_width = barRatio conf
&= text "Bar width between 0 and 1"
& flag "W"
& typ "FLOAT",
in_files = [] &= text "CVS files with data to visualise"
& args }
&= help "Bar width between 0 and 1"
&= name "W"
&= typ "FLOAT",
in_files = [] &= typ "FILES"
&= args }
where (width,height) = dimensions conf

criterionMode :: ExecMode
criterionMode =
Criterion {
out_file = outFile conf
&= text "Name of generated file"
& typFile,
file_type = Guess_File_Type `enum`
&= help "Name of generated file"
&= typFile,
file_type = enum
&= text "Guess output file type by name (default)",
PNG &= text "Generate .png file",
SVG &= text "Generate .svg file",
PDF &= text "Generate .pdf file",
PS &= text "Generate .ps file"],
&= help "Guess output file type by name (default)",
PNG &= help "Generate .png file",
SVG &= help "Generate .svg file",
PDF &= help "Generate .pdf file",
PS &= help "Generate .ps file"],
title = caption conf
&= text "Title of bar chart"
& typString,
&= help "Title of bar chart"
&= typString,
xlabel = xLabel conf
&= text "Label of x axis"
& typString,
&= help "Label of x axis"
&= typString,
ylabel = xLabel conf
&= text "Label of y axis"
& typString,
division = "" &= text "Labels separated by whitespace"
& typStrings,
colors = "" &= text "Color names separated by whitespace"
& typStrings,
&= help "Label of y axis"
&= typString,
division = "" &= help "Labels separated by whitespace"
&= typStrings,
colors = "" &= help "Color names separated by whitespace"
&= typStrings,
width = width
&= text "Width of generated bar chart"
& typ "NUM",
&= help "Width of generated bar chart"
&= typ "NUM",
height = height
&= text "Height of generated bar chart"
& typ "NUM",
label_size = 12 &= text "Font size used for labels"
& typ "NUM",
&= help "Height of generated bar chart"
&= typ "NUM",
label_size = 12 &= help "Font size used for labels"
&= typ "NUM",
bar_width = barRatio conf
&= text "Bar width between 0 and 1"
& flag "W"
& typ "FLOAT",
in_files = [] &= text "CVS files with data to visualise"
& args,
breakdown = Summary `enum`
&= help "Bar width between 0 and 1"
&= name "W"
&= typ "FLOAT",
in_files = [] &= typ "FILES"
&= args,
breakdown = enum
&= text "Show benchmark summary (default)",
&= help "Show benchmark summary (default)",
&= text "Compare different benchmark summaries"
& flag "s",
&= help "Compare different benchmark summaries"
&= name "s",
&= text "Compare different benchmarks"
& flag "b"] }
&= help "Compare different benchmarks"
&= name "b"] }
where (width,height) = dimensions conf

progressionMode :: ExecMode
progressionMode =
Progression {
out_file = outFile conf
&= text "Name of generated file"
& typFile,
file_type = Guess_File_Type `enum`
&= help "Name of generated file"
&= typFile,
file_type = enum
&= text "Guess output file type by name (default)",
PNG &= text "Generate .png file",
SVG &= text "Generate .svg file",
PDF &= text "Generate .pdf file",
PS &= text "Generate .ps file"],
&= help "Guess output file type by name (default)",
PNG &= help "Generate .png file",
SVG &= help "Generate .svg file",
PDF &= help "Generate .pdf file",
PS &= help "Generate .ps file"],
title = caption conf
&= text "Title of bar chart"
& typString,
&= help "Title of bar chart"
&= typString,
xlabel = xLabel conf
&= text "Label of x axis"
& typString,
&= help "Label of x axis"
&= typString,
ylabel = xLabel conf
&= text "Label of y axis"
& typString,
division = "" &= text "Labels separated by whitespace"
& typStrings,
colors = "" &= text "Color names separated by whitespace"
& typStrings,
&= help "Label of y axis"
&= typString,
division = "" &= help "Labels separated by whitespace"
&= typStrings,
colors = "" &= help "Color names separated by whitespace"
&= typStrings,
width = width
&= text "Width of generated bar chart"
& typ "NUM",
&= help "Width of generated bar chart"
&= typ "NUM",
height = height
&= text "Height of generated bar chart"
& typ "NUM",
label_size = 12 &= text "Font size used for labels"
& typ "NUM",
&= help "Height of generated bar chart"
&= typ "NUM",
label_size = 12 &= help "Font size used for labels"
&= typ "NUM",
bar_width = barRatio conf
&= text "Bar width between 0 and 1"
& flag "W"
& typ "FLOAT",
in_files = [] &= text "CVS files with data to visualise"
& args,
breakdown = Summary_Comparison `enum`
&= help "Bar width between 0 and 1"
&= name "W"
&= typ "FLOAT",
in_files = [] &= typ "FILES"
&= args,
breakdown = enum
&= text "Breakdown chart by benchmark summary (default)"
& flag "s",
&= help "Breakdown chart by benchmark summary (default)"
&= name "s",
&= text "Breakdown chart by benchmarks"
& flag "b"] }
&= help "Breakdown chart by benchmarks"
&= name "b"] }
where (width,height) = dimensions conf

typString, typStrings :: Ann
typString = typ "STRING"
typStrings = typ "STRINGS"

execModes = [blocksMode &= defMode,
execModes :: [ExecMode]
execModes = [blocksMode &= auto,
intervalsMode, criterionMode, progressionMode]

exitIf :: String -> Bool -> IO ()
exitIf msg cond = when cond (error msg)

main = do execMode <- cmdArgs "Bar Chart 0.0" (map mode execModes)
main :: IO ()
main = do execMode <- cmdArgs $ modes execModes
&= summary "Bar Chart 0.1.1"
&= program "barchart"
exitIf "no input files given" $ null (in_files execMode)
dispatch execMode

dispatch :: ExecMode -> IO ()
dispatch mode@Blocks{..} =
forM_ in_files $ \in_file ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -327,11 +339,13 @@ guessDefaults in_file = guessColors . guessTitle . guessFileType . guessOutFile
guessColors mode =
mode { colors = colors mode ? "forestgreen firebrick midnightblue" }

guessBenchmarkDefaults :: FilePath -> ExecMode -> ExecMode
guessBenchmarkDefaults in_file = guessAxis . guessDefaults in_file
guessAxis mode = mode { xlabel = xlabel mode ? "benchmark",
ylabel = ylabel mode ? "run time" }

config :: ExecMode -> Config
config mode = Config {
outFile = out_file mode,
outputType = fromFileType $ file_type mode,
Expand Down

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