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Complete works of Shakespeare: GraphQL schema and DGraph RDF dump

This repository holds the GraphQL schema and RDF file needed to setup a Shakespeare database on Slash.

This project is split across 2 repositories:

  1. dgraph-shakespeare-data (current repository): Contains the RDF file and GraphQL schema needed to setup DGraph.
  2. complete-shakespeare: Contains code for Alexa skill for Shakespeare which consumes data from DGraph.

Demo video

Complete shakespeare demo



Visualized schema

Schema visualized

Steps to push data on Slash

  1. Create a new instance on Slash.

  2. Set the backend mode to flexible and generate an admin API key.

  3. Copy schema from schema.graphql and save it in the Slash console.

  4. Upload sql.rdf to Slash using live loader. The command should have the absolute path to this folder.

    docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/dgraph-shakespeare-data/sql.rdf:/tmp/sql.rdf dgraph/dgraph:v20.07-slash \
        dgraph live --slash_grpc_endpoint=<grpc-endpoint>:443 -f /tmp/sql.rdf -t <api-token>

How was the data obtained?

These steps are for documentatary purposes. The final schema.graphql and sql.rdf files have already been prepared.

  1. Run a MySQL instance on localhost using XAMPP and PHPMyAdmin.

  2. Create new database and import data from shakespeare.sql. This is an improved version of the dump provided by Open Source Shakespeare. Unnecessary tables were removed, fields were renamed and foreign keys were added.

  3. Run the SQL to Dgraph migration tool to obtain schema.txt and sql.rdf files. Add necessary credentials in file.

    dgraph migrate --config --output_schema schema.txt --output_data sql.rdf --host
  4. By looking at the database, design a schema.graphql file as per needs. Add types, authorization, inverse relations and search as necessary.

  5. Some regular expression transformations were performed on the generated sql.rdf file to support all access patterns- adding <dgraph.type>, reverse relations etc. For complete steps, look at my blog post.

Future work

  1. In the SQL data, Paragraph table does not have a foreign key for Chapter table. Paragraph and Chapter graphQL types are yet to be linked.
  2. Quotes table was separate and not linked to Works, Character or any other table. The graphQL types are not linked yet.


  1. Open source Shakespeare by George Mason University: For making their SQL database open source.
  2. Terence Eden and Richard Morrison: For improvements in the original SQL dump.
  3. DGraph Labs and DGraph developer community


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