DEPRECATED: If you start with a new project please use this SDK:
SecucardConnect.Configuration cfg = SecucardConnect.Configuration.get(); //use default config
// or
SecucardConnect.Configuration cfg = SecucardConnect.Configuration.get(<path>); //use your config from path
ClientAuthDetails authDetails = new AbstractClientAuthDetails(<your-store-dir>) {
public OAuthCredentials getCredentials() {
return new ClientCredentials(
"your-client-id", "your-client-secret");
public ClientCredentials getClientCredentials() {
return (ClientCredentials) this.getCredentials();
cfg.clientAuthDetails = authDetails;
// Get a API client instance.
SecucardConnect client = SecucardConnect.create(cfg);;
service = client.service(<Service>.class);
// or
service = client.<product>.<resource> // like client.payment.secupaydebits
try {
// retrielval
<ResourceObject> obj = service.get("id", null);
// Creation
<NewResource> obj = service.create(<NewResource>, null);
} finally {
Available service classe are in package com/secucard/connect/product
For your own configuration file see: src/main/resources/
To use this projects artifacts with Maven add the following dependency and repository to your POM:
<!-- optional since version 2.16.0 -->
To allow the usage of this projects build artifacts (secucard-connect-java-sdk-xxx.jar and optional sources) in projects via Maven the artifacts can be pushed in apropriate form to the "mvn-repo" branch of this project. The simplest approach is: checkout the "mvn-repo" branch, build the artifacts by using mvn package/install, copy the artifacts to the local git repo using the mvn install command below and then push the changes back.
mvn install:install-file
-Dfile=<path to secucard-connect-java-sdk jar>
-Dsources=<path to sources jar>
-DpomFile=<path to jar's pom.xml>
-DlocalRepositoryPath=<path to the local git repository where the "mvn-repo" branch lives>