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issue with typings #273

shomodj opened this issue Oct 9, 2019 · 25 comments

issue with typings #273

shomodj opened this issue Oct 9, 2019 · 25 comments


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shomodj commented Oct 9, 2019

when trying and compiling my project I get errors on rambda typings?

node_modules/rambda/index.d.ts:74:34 - error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'F'.

74     assocPath<T, U>(path: Path): F.Curry<(a: T, b: U) => U>;

node_modules/rambda/index.d.ts:152:51 - error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'Curry'.

152     curry<F extends (...args: any) => any>(f: F): Curry.Curry<F>;

node_modules/rambda/index.d.ts:439:37 - error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'Curry'.

439     maxBy<T>(keyFn: (a: T) => Ord): Curry.Curry<(a: T, b: T) => T>;

node_modules/rambda/index.d.ts:473:37 - error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'Curry'.

473     minBy<T>(keyFn: (a: T) => Ord): Curry.Curry<(a: T, b: T) => T>;

node_modules/rambda/index.d.ts:544:29 - error TS2314: Generic type 'Exclude' requires 2 type argument(s).

544     ) : (input: Pick<Input, Exclude<keyof PartialInput>>) => Output

node_modules/rambda/index.d.ts:558:33 - error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'Curry'.

558     pathOr<T>(defaultValue: T): Curry.Curry<(a: Path, b: any) => any>;

node_modules/rambda/index.d.ts:818:52 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'T'.

818       <P extends string>(name: P): (obj: Record<P, T>) => boolean;

node_modules/rambda/index.d.ts:825:30 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Placeholder'.

825     propOr<T, U>(val: T, __: Placeholder, obj: U): <V>(p: string) => V;

node_modules/rambda/index.d.ts:826:19 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Placeholder'.

826     propOr<U>(__: Placeholder, p: string, obj: U): <T, V>(val: T) => V;

node_modules/rambda/index.d.ts:844:65 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Reduced'.

844     reduce<T, TResult>(fn: (acc: TResult, elem: T) => TResult | Reduced<TResult>, acc: TResult, list: ReadonlyArray<T>): TResult;

node_modules/rambda/index.d.ts:845:65 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Reduced'.

845     reduce<T, TResult>(fn: (acc: TResult, elem: T) => TResult | Reduced<TResult>): (acc: TResult, list: ReadonlyArray<T>) => TResult;

node_modules/rambda/index.d.ts:846:65 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Reduced'.

846     reduce<T, TResult>(fn: (acc: TResult, elem: T) => TResult | Reduced<TResult>, acc: TResult): (list: ReadonlyArray<T>) => TResult;

node_modules/rambda/index.d.ts:852:13 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Filter'.

852     reject: Filter;


  "compilerOptions": {
    /* Basic Options */
    "incremental": true,                      /* Enable incremental compilation */
    "target": "ES2019",                       /* Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', 'ES2015', 'ES2016', 'ES2017', 'ES2018', 'ES2019' or 'ESNEXT'. */
    "module": "commonjs",                     /* Specify module code generation: 'none', 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es2015', or 'ESNext'. */
    "lib": ["es2019"],                        /* Specify library files to be included in the compilation. */
    "outDir": "./build",                      /* Redirect output structure to the directory. */
    "rootDir": "./src",                       /* Specify the root directory of input files. Use to control the output directory structure with --outDir. */
    "importHelpers": true,                    /* Import emit helpers from 'tslib'. */

    /* Strict Type-Checking Options */
    "strict": true,                           /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */

    /* Additional Checks */

    /* Module Resolution Options */
    "moduleResolution": "node",                /* Specify module resolution strategy: 'node' (Node.js) or 'classic' (TypeScript pre-1.6). */
    "esModuleInterop": true                   /* Enables emit interoperability between CommonJS and ES Modules via creation of namespace objects for all imports. Implies 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports'. */
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shomodj commented Oct 9, 2019

sorry forgot to add rambda 3.2.0

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It should work. Please reopen if you still have issue with the latest release.

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shomodj commented Oct 10, 2019

Just paste the index.d.ts into typescript playground...

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That would not work as index.d.ts has local dependency

There was an issue with Typescript typings, but it should be fixed with the latest Rambda version. Can you tell me with which Rambda version this happends?

@selfrefactor selfrefactor reopened this Oct 10, 2019
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shomodj commented Oct 11, 2019

index.d.ts does not have a local dependency, tools.d.ts has and it depends on index.d.ts, which I think is wrong it should be the other way around, and when I do this I get less errors.

About the playground, sure you can do this, just copy paste them both, refs are technically just includes.

and I did state which version of rambda was used to get this errors

typescript is 3.6.3
node 12.10.0 and 12.11.1

tsc --init
# no changes to tsconfig.json
yarn add rambda@3.2.0
echo 'import * as R from "rambda"' > test.ts
tsc test.ts

Found 13 errors.


selfrefactor added a commit that referenced this issue Oct 11, 2019
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@shomodj I want to thank you for bringing this up. I will try fix this today. I am unsure what happened, but the end result is total mess.

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Try out 3.2.1 as I just deployed fast fix. During the weekend I will try to apply better solution.

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shomodj commented Oct 11, 2019

Yep this works, thanks

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G07cha commented Oct 21, 2019

For me it fails with isolatedModules enabled

../../node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Union/_api.ts:16:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

16 export {TupleOf} from './TupleOf'

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@G07cha Thank you for bringing this up. I will test it and get back with result and solution.

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G07cha commented Oct 22, 2019

Awesome, let me know if you need any help or additional information!

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@G07cha I couldn't reproduce it. Can you share a reproduceable temp repo

You can check my try at

with yarn&&yarn test

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G07cha commented Oct 23, 2019

Thanks for checking @selfrefactor! Indeed, I'm not able to reproduce it with setup that you have as well but when modified for running for the whole project it fails (tsc instead of tsc index.ts) even when node_modules are excluded in tsconfig.json.

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@G07cha Yep, that helps a bit. I will try to include it in project and see if it fails there.
What might help is if you share the whole error log, so I can see if I can manually fix ts-toolbelt issues.

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G07cha commented Oct 23, 2019

Sure, it basically fails for every re-exported type:

Error log

yarn run v1.13.0
$ tsc
node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Any/_api.ts:1:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

1 export {Cast} from './Cast'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Any/_api.ts:2:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

2 export {Implements} from './Implements'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Any/_api.ts:3:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

3 export {Compute} from './Compute'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Any/_api.ts:4:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

4 export {Equals} from './Equals'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Any/_api.ts:5:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

5 export {Extends} from './Extends'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Any/_api.ts:6:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

6 export {Is} from './Is'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Any/_api.ts:7:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

7 export {Kind} from './Kind'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Any/_api.ts:8:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

8 export {Try} from './Try'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Any/_api.ts:9:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

9 export {Type} from './Type'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Any/_api.ts:10:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

10 export {x} from './x'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Boolean/_api.ts:1:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

1 export {And} from './And'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Boolean/_api.ts:2:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

2 export {True, False, Boolean} from './Boolean'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Boolean/_api.ts:2:15 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

2 export {True, False, Boolean} from './Boolean'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Boolean/_api.ts:2:22 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

2 export {True, False, Boolean} from './Boolean'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Boolean/_api.ts:3:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

3 export {BooleanOf} from './BooleanOf'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Boolean/_api.ts:4:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

4 export {Format} from './Format'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Boolean/_api.ts:5:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

5 export {Not} from './Not'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Boolean/_api.ts:6:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

6 export {Or} from './Or'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Boolean/_api.ts:7:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

7 export {Xor} from './Xor'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Class/_api.ts:1:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

1 export {InstanceOf} from './InstanceOf'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Class/_api.ts:2:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

2 export {Parameters} from './Parameters'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Class/_api.ts:3:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

3 export {PromiseOf} from './PromiseOf'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Function/_api.ts:1:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

1 export {Composer, Compose} from './Compose'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Function/_api.ts:1:19 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

1 export {Composer, Compose} from './Compose'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Function/_api.ts:2:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

2 export {Curry} from './Curry'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Function/_api.ts:3:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

3 export {Function} from './Function'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Function/_api.ts:4:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

4 export {Length} from './Length'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Function/_api.ts:5:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

5 export {NoInfer} from './NoInfer'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Function/_api.ts:6:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

6 export {Parameters} from './Parameters'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Function/_api.ts:7:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

7 export {Piper, Pipe} from './Pipe'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Function/_api.ts:7:16 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

7 export {Piper, Pipe} from './Pipe'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Function/_api.ts:8:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

8 export {Return} from './Return'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Iteration/_api.ts:1:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

1 export {Format} from './Format'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Iteration/_api.ts:2:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

2 export {Iteration} from './Iteration'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Iteration/_api.ts:3:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

3 export {IterationOf} from './IterationOf'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Iteration/_api.ts:4:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

4 export {Key} from './Key'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Iteration/_api.ts:5:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

5 export {Next} from './Next'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Iteration/_api.ts:6:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

6 export {Pos} from './Pos'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Iteration/_api.ts:7:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

7 export {Prev} from './Prev'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Number/_api.ts:1:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

1 export {Absolute} from './Absolute'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Number/_api.ts:2:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

2 export {Format} from './Format'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Number/_api.ts:3:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

3 export {Greater} from './Greater'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Number/_api.ts:4:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

4 export {GreaterEq} from './GreaterEq'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Number/_api.ts:5:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

5 export {IsNegative} from './IsNegative'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Number/_api.ts:6:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

6 export {IsPositive} from './IsPositive'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Number/_api.ts:7:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

7 export {IsZero} from './IsZero'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Number/_api.ts:8:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

8 export {Lower} from './Lower'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Number/_api.ts:9:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

9 export {LowerEq} from './LowerEq'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Number/_api.ts:10:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

10 export {Max} from './Max'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Number/_api.ts:11:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

11 export {Min} from './Min'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Number/_api.ts:12:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

12 export {Minus} from './Minus'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Number/_api.ts:13:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

13 export {Negate} from './Negate'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Number/_api.ts:14:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

14 export {NumberOf} from './NumberOf'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Number/_api.ts:15:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

15 export {Plus} from './Plus'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Number/_api.ts:16:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

16 export {Range} from './Range'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:1:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

1 export {Assign} from './Assign'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:2:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

2 export {AssignUp} from './AssignUp'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:3:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

3 export {At} from './At'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:4:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

4 export {Compulsory} from './Compulsory'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:5:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

5 export {CompulsoryKeys} from './CompulsoryKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:6:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

6 export {Diff} from './Diff'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:7:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

7 export {Either} from './Either'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:8:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

8 export {Ensure} from './Ensure'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:9:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

9 export {Exclude} from './Exclude'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:10:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

10 export {ExcludeKeys} from './ExcludeKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:11:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

11 export {Filter} from './Filter'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:12:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

12 export {FilterKeys} from './FilterKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:13:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

13 export {Has} from './Has'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:14:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

14 export {HasPath} from './HasPath'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:15:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

15 export {Includes} from './Includes'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:16:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

16 export {Intersect} from './Intersect'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:17:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

17 export {IntersectKeys} from './IntersectKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:18:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

18 export {Invert} from './Invert'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:19:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

19 export {Keys} from './Keys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:20:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

20 export {Merge} from './Merge'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:21:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

21 export {MergeUp} from './MergeUp'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:22:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

22 export {Modify} from './Modify'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:23:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

23 export {NonNullable} from './NonNullable'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:24:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

24 export {NonNullableKeys} from './NonNullableKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:25:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

25 export {Nullable} from './Nullable'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:26:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

26 export {NullableKeys} from './NullableKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:27:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

27 export {Omit} from './Omit'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:28:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

28 export {Optional} from './Optional'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:29:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

29 export {OptionalKeys} from './OptionalKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:30:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

30 export {Overwrite} from './Overwrite'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:31:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

31 export {Path} from './Path'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:32:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

32 export {Paths} from './Paths'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:33:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

33 export {PathValid} from './PathValid'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:34:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

34 export {Pick} from './Pick'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:35:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

35 export {Readonly} from './Readonly'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:36:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

36 export {ReadonlyKeys} from './ReadonlyKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:37:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

37 export {Record} from './Record'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:38:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

38 export {Replace} from './Replace'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:39:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

39 export {Required} from './Required'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:40:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

40 export {RequiredKeys} from './RequiredKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:41:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

41 export {Select} from './Select'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:42:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

42 export {SelectKeys} from './SelectKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:43:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

43 export {TupleOf} from './TupleOf'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:44:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

44 export {Unionize} from './Unionize'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:45:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

45 export {UnionOf} from './UnionOf'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:46:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

46 export {Update} from './Update'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:47:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

47 export {Writable} from './Writable'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/_api.ts:48:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

48 export {WritableKeys} from './WritableKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/P/_api.ts:1:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

1 export {Merge} from './Merge'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/P/_api.ts:2:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

2 export {Omit} from './Omit'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/P/_api.ts:3:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

3 export {Pick} from './Pick'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/P/_api.ts:4:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

4 export {Readonly} from './Readonly'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Object/P/_api.ts:5:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

5 export {Update} from './Update'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/String/_api.ts:1:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

1 export {Format} from './Format'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:1:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

1 export {Append} from './Append'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:2:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

2 export {Assign} from './Assign'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:3:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

3 export {AssignUp} from './AssignUp'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:4:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

4 export {At} from './At'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:5:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

5 export {Compulsory} from './Compulsory'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:6:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

6 export {CompulsoryKeys} from './CompulsoryKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:7:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

7 export {Concat} from './Concat'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:8:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

8 export {Diff} from './Diff'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:9:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

9 export {Drop} from './Drop'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:10:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

10 export {Either} from './Either'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:11:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

11 export {Ensure} from './Ensure'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:12:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

12 export {Exclude} from './Exclude'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:13:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

13 export {ExcludeKeys} from './ExcludeKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:14:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

14 export {Extract} from './Extract'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:15:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

15 export {Filter} from './Filter'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:16:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

16 export {FilterKeys} from './FilterKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:17:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

17 export {Flatten} from './Flatten'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:18:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

18 export {Group} from './Group'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:19:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

19 export {Has} from './Has'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:20:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

20 export {HasPath} from './HasPath'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:21:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

21 export {Head} from './Head'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:22:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

22 export {Includes} from './Includes'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:23:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

23 export {Intersect} from './Intersect'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:24:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

24 export {IntersectKeys} from './IntersectKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:25:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

25 export {Keys} from './Keys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:26:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

26 export {KeySet} from './KeySet'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:27:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

27 export {Last} from './Last'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:28:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

28 export {LastIndex} from './LastIndex'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:29:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

29 export {Length} from './Length'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:30:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

30 export {Longest} from './Longest'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:31:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

31 export {Merge} from './Merge'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:32:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

32 export {Modify} from './Modify'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:33:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

33 export {NonNullable} from './NonNullable'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:34:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

34 export {NonNullableKeys} from './NonNullableKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:35:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

35 export {Nullable} from './Nullable'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:36:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

36 export {NullableKeys} from './NullableKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:37:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

37 export {ObjectOf} from './ObjectOf'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:38:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

38 export {Omit} from './Omit'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:39:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

39 export {Optional} from './Optional'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:40:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

40 export {OptionalKeys} from './OptionalKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:41:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

41 export {Overwrite} from './Overwrite'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:42:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

42 export {Path} from './Path'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:43:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

43 export {Paths} from './Paths'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:44:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

44 export {PathValid} from './PathValid'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:45:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

45 export {Pick} from './Pick'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:46:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

46 export {Pop} from './Pop'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:47:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

47 export {Prepend} from './Prepend'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:48:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

48 export {Readonly} from './Readonly'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:49:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

49 export {ReadonlyKeys} from './ReadonlyKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:50:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

50 export {Remove} from './Remove'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:51:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

51 export {Repeat} from './Repeat'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:52:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

52 export {Replace} from './Replace'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:53:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

53 export {Required} from './Required'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:54:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

54 export {RequiredKeys} from './RequiredKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:55:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

55 export {Reverse} from './Reverse'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:56:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

56 export {Select} from './Select'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:57:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

57 export {SelectKeys} from './SelectKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:58:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

58 export {Tail} from './Tail'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:59:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

59 export {Take} from './Take'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:60:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

60 export {Tuple} from './Tuple'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:61:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

61 export {Unionize} from './Unionize'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:62:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

62 export {UnionOf} from './UnionOf'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:63:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

63 export {UnNest} from './UnNest'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:64:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

64 export {Update} from './Update'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:65:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

65 export {Writable} from './Writable'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:66:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

66 export {WritableKeys} from './WritableKeys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:67:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

67 export {Zip} from './Zip'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Tuple/_api.ts:68:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

68 export {ZipObj} from './ZipObj'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Union/_api.ts:1:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

1 export {Diff} from './Diff'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Union/_api.ts:2:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

2 export {Exclude} from './Exclude'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Union/_api.ts:3:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

3 export {Filter} from './Filter'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Union/_api.ts:4:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

4 export {Has} from './Has'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Union/_api.ts:5:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

5 export {Intersect} from './Intersect'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Union/_api.ts:6:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

6 export {IntersectOf} from './IntersectOf'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Union/_api.ts:7:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

7 export {Keys} from './Keys'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Union/_api.ts:8:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

8 export {Last} from './Last'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Union/_api.ts:9:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

9 export {Merge} from './Merge'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Union/_api.ts:10:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

10 export {NonNullable} from './NonNullable'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Union/_api.ts:11:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

11 export {Nullable} from './Nullable'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Union/_api.ts:12:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

12 export {Pop} from './Pop'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Union/_api.ts:13:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

13 export {Replace} from './Replace'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Union/_api.ts:14:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

14 export {Select} from './Select'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Union/_api.ts:15:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

15 export {Strict} from './Strict'

node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Union/_api.ts:16:9 - error TS1205: Cannot re-export a type when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided.

16 export {TupleOf} from './TupleOf'

Found 193 errors.

error Command failed with exit code 2.

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Can you change the first line of /node_modules/rambda/_ts-toolbelt/src/Any/_api.ts file
to export * from './Cast' and see if the numbers of errors is reduced with 1.

I found the suggestion from this comment - microsoft/TypeScript#28481 (comment)

Sorry to bother you again, but you are the context holder :)

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G07cha commented Oct 23, 2019

No problem at all, were you able to reproduce it?

I've replaced contents of /node_modules/rambda/ts-toolbelt/src/Any/_api.ts file with export * from './Cast' and the number of errors went from 193 to 183 and I don't see errors related to Any in error log anymore, so it appears to work!

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No I am not able to reproduce it, but that is optional as I have from you error log and information that the solution works. Thank you very much for your efforts.

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G07cha commented Oct 23, 2019

Thank you for taking your time to investigate and fix it! ❤️

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Try with new version 3.2.2 and it should work. If you can confirm it so I can close the issue.

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G07cha commented Oct 24, 2019

Seems to work with latest commit from master, it doesn't seems like any new version is published to NPM though but I can confirm that issue is resolved in a056d5b

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Try with 3.2.3 as I just published it. But it is nice to hear that it finally works for you.

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G07cha commented Oct 24, 2019

Screenshot 2019-10-24 at 14 54 38


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Sorry for not double checking that the version is published. I have new OS installation and I forgot to npm adduser. Now it should work with 3.2.5

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G07cha commented Oct 24, 2019

Works in 3.2.5! 🎉
Thanks again!

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