- 3.0.1 (2018-08-14)
- New endpoints for Explorer and Monitoring.
- Create ExplorerDomains->visibility endpoint - copy of ExplorerVisiblity->getData for backwards compability.
- 3.0.0 (2018-06-19)
- Update files, tags, and descriptions to version 3.0.0.
- 0.0.7 (2018-06-19)
- Add Technology API beta with documentation.
- Add Keywords API beta with documentation.
- 0.0.6 (2018-05-14)
- Add examples for explorer.
- Add audits documentation.
- 0.0.6 (2018-04-10)
- Disable endpoints explorer-urls and tools as they will be refactored.
- Make simple filters and sorting available in explorer.
- Create basic explorer documentation.
- 0.0.5 (2018-01-05)
- Simplify filter usage. Remove SemstormFilters class, all filters are send as simple parameters.
- Add more examples.
- Extend documentation.
- 0.0.4 (2017-12-18)
- Add retrieving detailed data for Keywords in 'monitoring-keyword/get-details' endpoint.
- Add Campaign access management in 'monitoring-campaign/get-access', and 'monitoring-campaign/set-access' endpoints.
- Change returning structure to assoc array everywhere.
- 0.0.3 (2017-12-05)
- Add bulk operations for status changes for Monitoring entites (Campaign, Group, Keyword).
- Groups now can have only one engine-country pair, and one location, for higher clearness.
- Remove 'tags' functionallity from Monitoring.
- Change ExplorerFilters class to SemstormFilters.
- Complete examples for Monitoring functions.
- 0.0.2 (2017-07-17)
- Composer autoload fix.
- Upgrade examples.
- Rename functions 'all' and 'list' to 'getList' and 'getData'.
- 0.0.1 (2017-06-27)
- Create files for repository.