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Merchant PISP Self-Hosted Payment Page Setup
Self Hosted Payment Page Setup Javascript Add Open Banking Payment Page
Adding Open Banking (Self-Hosted mode) as a payment option to your Payment Page requires configuration as outlined below. In Self-Hosted mode you must develop your own user interface.

{% include note.html content="This section is for Merchant users who want to use the SELF_HOSTED mode - see Implementation Options for more on this." %}


A detailed overview of the various steps involved in the Self-Hosted flow is provided in the image below.

{% include tip.html content="Click Extend from the top menu to enlarge or click the image itself to open it in a new browser tab/window" %}

{% include image.html file="ob_selfhosted_flow-merchant.png" url="images/ob_selfhosted_flow-merchant.png" target = "_new" alt="Self-Hosted Flow" caption="SELF_HOSTED Merchant Flow" %}

To add Open Banking to your payment page you will need to carry out the following steps:

  1. (Optionally) Use your API key to retrieve a merchant access token. (For more on this see retrieving tokens).
  2. Call GET /banks to retrieve a list of all supported banks (see Retrieve Banks) to populate your Bank Selection screen. Where banks have specific branches (bank families), you will also need to call the View Bank Families endpoint. (See the section on Bank Families below for more information on this).
  3. Once the payer has selected a bank, call the /payments endpoint, (see Create Payment). Set the integrationType to SELF_HOSTED, specify the bankId provided by the payer and set the merchantPostAuthUrl (this can be the partner or merchant URL). This will return the aspspAuthUrl, to which you can redirect your PSU.
  4. Your payer interacts with the selected ASPSP to authorise the payment.
  5. The Nuapay TPP posts the payment ID to the partner/merchant URL (merchantPostAuthUrl). See posting details below.
  6. Use Retrieve Payment to determine the final payment status, if required (an optional step) or, alternatively, use Webhooks.

Merchant Post-Auth URL Handling

{% include self_hosted_shared.html %}

{% include links.html %}