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Add prevailing_rule/2 and matches_explicit_rule?/2 and add tests for the
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andersju committed Jun 2, 2016
1 parent 887d7e0 commit 7520462
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Showing 3 changed files with 159 additions and 7 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,14 @@ iex(3)> PublicSuffix.public_suffix("")
iex(4)> PublicSuffix.public_suffix("")
iex(5)> PublicSuffix.prevailing_rule("")
iex(6)> PublicSuffix.prevailing_rule("mysite.example")
iex(7)> PublicSuffix.matches_explicit_rule?("")
iex(8)> PublicSuffix.matches_explicit_rule?("mysite.example")

The data file contains both official ICANN records
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77 changes: 70 additions & 7 deletions lib/public_suffix.ex
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ defmodule PublicSuffix do
iex> public_suffix("")
@spec public_suffix(String.t) :: nil | String.t
@spec public_suffix(String.t, options) :: nil | String.t
def public_suffix(domain, options \\ []) when is_binary(domain) do
parse_domain(domain, options, 0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,13 +54,73 @@ defmodule PublicSuffix do
iex> registrable_domain("")
@spec registrable_domain(String.t) :: nil | String.t
@spec registrable_domain(String.t, options) :: nil | String.t
def registrable_domain(domain, options \\ []) when is_binary(domain) do
# "The registered or registrable domain is the public suffix plus one additional label."
parse_domain(domain, options, 1)

@doc """
Parses the provided domain and returns the prevailing rule based on the rules. If no rules match, the prevailing rule is "*",
unless the provided domain has a leading dot, in which case the input is
invalid and the function returns `nil`.
## Examples
iex> prevailing_rule("")
iex> prevailing_rule("")
iex> prevailing_rule("")
iex> prevailing_rule("foobar.example")
You can use the `ignore_private` keyword to exclude private (non-ICANN) domains.
iex> prevailing_rule("", ignore_private: false)
iex> prevailing_rule("", ignore_private: true)
iex> prevailing_rule("")
@spec prevailing_rule(String.t, options) :: nil | String.t
def prevailing_rule(domain, options \\ [])
def prevailing_rule("." <> _domain, _), do: nil
def prevailing_rule(domain, options) when is_binary(domain) do
|> String.downcase
|> String.split(".")
|> find_prevailing_rule(options)
|> case do
{:exception, rule} -> "!" <> Enum.join(rule, ".")
{_, rule} -> Enum.join(rule, ".")

@doc """
Checks whether the provided domain matches an existing rule in the rules.
## Examples
iex> matches_explicit_rule?("")
iex> matches_explicit_rule?("com")
iex> matches_explicit_rule?("foobar.example")
You can use the `ignore_private` keyword to exclude private (non-ICANN) domains.
@spec matches_explicit_rule?(String.t | nil) :: boolean
def matches_explicit_rule?(nil), do: false
def matches_explicit_rule?(domain, options \\ []) when is_binary(domain) do
!(prevailing_rule(domain, options) in [nil, "*"])

# Inputs with a leading dot should be treated as a special case.
# see
defp parse_domain("." <> _domain, _, _), do: nil
Expand All @@ -82,6 +141,11 @@ defmodule PublicSuffix do
num_labels =
|> find_prevailing_rule(options)
|> case do
# "If the prevailing rule is a exception rule, modify it by removing the leftmost label."
{:exception, labels} -> tl(labels)
{_, labels} -> labels
|> length
|> +(extra_label_parts)

Expand All @@ -99,7 +163,7 @@ defmodule PublicSuffix do
find_prevailing_exception_rule(labels, allowed_rule_types) ||
find_prevailing_normal_rule(labels, allowed_rule_types) ||
# "If no rules match, the prevailing rule is "*"."
{:normal, ["*"]}

data_file = Path.expand("../data/public_suffix_list.dat", __DIR__)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,8 +192,7 @@ defmodule PublicSuffix do
defp find_prevailing_exception_rule([], _allowed_rule_types), do: nil
defp find_prevailing_exception_rule([_ | suffix] = domain_labels, allowed_rule_types) do
if @exception_rules[domain_labels] in allowed_rule_types do
# "If the prevailing rule is a exception rule, modify it by removing the leftmost label."
{:exception, domain_labels}
find_prevailing_exception_rule(suffix, allowed_rule_types)
Expand All @@ -140,9 +203,9 @@ defmodule PublicSuffix do
defp find_prevailing_normal_rule([], _allowed_rule_types), do: nil
defp find_prevailing_normal_rule([_ | suffix] = domain_labels, allowed_rule_types) do
cond do
@exact_match_rules[domain_labels] in allowed_rule_types -> domain_labels
@exact_match_rules[domain_labels] in allowed_rule_types -> {:normal, domain_labels}
# TODO: "Wildcards are not restricted to appear only in the leftmost position"
@wild_card_rules[["*" | suffix]] in allowed_rule_types -> domain_labels
@wild_card_rules[["*" | suffix]] in allowed_rule_types -> {:normal, ["*"] ++ suffix}
true -> find_prevailing_normal_rule(suffix, allowed_rule_types)
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81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions test/public_suffix_test.exs
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,87 @@ defmodule PublicSuffix.PublicSuffixTest do

test_cases_prevailing_private = [
{"exact match", "", "", "io"},
{"wildcard", "", "*", "com"},

for {rule_type, input, expected_with_private, expected_without_private} <- test_cases_prevailing_private do
@input input
@expected_with_private expected_with_private
@expected_without_private expected_without_private

test "`prevailing_rule` includes private domains by default (#{rule_type})" do
assert prevailing_rule(@input) == @expected_with_private

test "`prevailing_rule` includes private domains if passed `ignore_private: false` (#{rule_type})" do
assert prevailing_rule(@input, ignore_private: false) == @expected_with_private

test "`prevailing_rule` excludes private domains if passed `ignore_private: true` (#{rule_type})" do
assert prevailing_rule(@input, ignore_private: true) == @expected_without_private

test_cases_prevailing = [
{"leading dot", ".com", nil},
{"unlisted TLD", "example", "*"},
{"unlisted TLD", "example.example", "*"},
{"TLD with only 1 rule", "biz", "biz"},
{"TLD with only 1 rule", "", "biz"},
{"TLD with some 2-level rules", "", ""},
{"TLD with some 2-level rules", "", ""},
{"TLD with only 1 (wildcard) rule", "mm", "*"},
{"TLD with only 1 (wildcard) rule", "", "*.mm"},
{"TLD with only 1 (wildcard) rule", "", "*.mm"},
{"more complex TLD", "", ""},
{"more complex TLD", "", ""},
{"more complex TLD", "", ""},
{"more complex TLD", "", ""},
{"more complex TLD", "", ""},
{"more complex TLD", "", "*"},
{"more complex TLD", "", "*"},
{"more complex TLD", "", "!"},
{"more complex TLD", "", "!"},
{"TLD with a wildcard rule and exceptions", "ck", "*"},
{"TLD with a wildcard rule and exceptions", "", "*.ck"},
{"TLD with a wildcard rule and exceptions", "", "*.ck"},
{"TLD with a wildcard rule and exceptions", "", "!"},
{"TLD with a wildcard rule and exceptions", "", "!"},

for {rule_type, input, expected_output} <- test_cases_prevailing do
@input input
@expected_output expected_output

test "`prevailing_rule` returns `#{to_string(expected_output)}` if passed `#{input}` (#{rule_type})" do
assert prevailing_rule(@input) == @expected_output

test_cases_matches_explicit = [
{"listed TLD only", "com", true},
{"TLD with only 1 (wildcard) rule", "mm", false},
{"TLD with only 1 (wildcard) rule", "", true},
{"TLD with a wildcard rule and exceptions", "ck", false},
{"TLD with a wildcard rule and exceptions", "", true},
{"TLD with a wildcard rule and exceptions", "", true},
{"domain with leading dot", ".com", false},
{"unlisted TLD", "example", false},
{"empty string", "", false},
{"nil", nil, false},

for {rule_type, input, expected_output} <- test_cases_matches_explicit do
@input input
@expected_output expected_output

test "`matches_explicit_rule?` returns `#{to_string(expected_output)}` if passed `#{input}` (#{rule_type})" do
assert matches_explicit_rule?(@input) == @expected_output

test "unicode domains are correctly NFKC normalized when punycoding them" do
# Both of these strings are different unicode forms of "á".
# The example came from:
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