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Updated changelog
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wakaleo committed Jul 19, 2018
1 parent 26cf362 commit 4ddbb58
Showing 1 changed file with 93 additions and 0 deletions.
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,5 +1,98 @@

# Serenity Core change log
## Unreleased
### [#1309]( Serenity Rest Assured Always Getting -1 when Measuring Response Time
* [26cf362d901f5ca]( Fixed #1309
### No issue
* [482985c5a660776]( Minor refactoring
* [0ee932d0a77c1bb]( Added an interaction class to upload files.
* [f25324de75cdf30]( fix: report Favicon
## v1.9.30
### No issue
* [034a42906cb46bb]( Added support for markdown formatting in actor descriptions
* [add76d98de591fe]( Added support for Facts, to setup and teardown test data.
* [bef67bd73adcde7]( Harmonised the Screenplay Cast API
## v1.9.29
### No issue
* [6a470595bada55d]( Added a Subject to the Remembered Question class so that the key will appear in the reports.
* [c099b3d76c78d5f]( Ensure that tasks are not executed for @Manual or @Pending tests.
* [bc1f74ee6ee39e9]( Added `it` as a recognised screenplay pronoun.
* [3e2a85f0d8bb0c4]( Ensure that the tests do not fail when copying the same report asset from different threads
* [36f4a20ca924d28]( feat: A Question to easily make assertions about remembered values

Sample usage:

Actor tracy = Actor.named("Tracy");
tracy.should(seeThat(Remembered.valueOf("age"), equalTo(30)));
* [3554fa44bc464be]( feat: Added the ability to create a cast of actors with no special abilities.
* [28613000b7a9263]( feat: You can now create arbitrary Casts of actors more easily with predefined abilities for each actor.

Imagine you have the following Ability class:

public class Fetch implements Ability {
private final String item;
private Fetch(String item) {
this.item = item;
public static Fetch some(String item) { return new Fetch(item)}

You can define a cast of actors who have this ability like this:
Cast globeTheatreCast = Cast.whereEveryoneCan(Fetch.some("Coffee")));

Or you can use a lambda expression for more flexibility:
Cast globeTheatreCast = Cast.whereEveryoneCan(actor -> actor.whoCan(Fetch.some("Coffee"))));
* [125dcbce74a7252]( Add double-checked locking for requirements

Also make sure that the returned list is not modified by anyone
## v1.9.28
### No issue
* [689978d6df03218]( Updated REST tests
* [012f9fa5201742a]( chore: fixed some unit tests
* [badc7517a9afdee]( Updated to Cucumber 3.0.2
* [21408f5c3f62f79]( fix: Ensure custom capabilities are always converted to boolean or numbers as appropriate
## v1.9.27
### No issue
* [dd14c54207555f0]( Improved handling of boolean and integer values in the serenity.conf file for Capabilities
* [1ebba53e33a6450]( feat: added support for Predicates in the seeThat screenplay expressions,

seeThat("names should match",, name -> name.equalsIgnoreCase("George"))
## v1.9.26
### No issue
* [26935c65aaacb9c]( chore: Update to Selenium 3.13.0
* [911d817d144e9b8]( feat: Added the Switch interaction class to handle switching between frames in Screenplay.

Sample usage:
* [578f060615e6ce6]( fix: added SERENITY_MAXIMUM_STEP_NESTING_DEPTH property to allow configuration of maximum step nesting
## v1.9.25
### Jira
* [ef485368c5e7358]( upgrade to byte-buddy-1.8.12
### No issue
* [409eb096a3b6680]( chore: Updated changelog
## v1.9.24
### No issue
* [37dc6287ded94dc]( chore: fixing unit tests
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