Could not open file for writing prefs Created OpenGL context with version 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 13.0.3 and GLSL 3.30 Maximum viewport dimensions, 32768.000000x32768.000000 Vendor string: "Intel Open Source Technology Center" SHADER SOURCE: #define HAS_MULTISAMPLE 1 // MiltonState elements uniform vec3 u_background_color; // Per-stroke uniforms uniform vec4 u_brush_color; // CanvasView elements: uniform ivec2 u_pan_vector; uniform ivec2 u_screen_center; uniform vec2 u_screen_size; uniform int u_scale; uniform int u_radius; vec3 as_vec3(ivec3 v) { return vec3(v); } vec4 as_vec4(ivec3 v) { return vec4(vec3(v), 1); } vec4 as_vec4(vec3 v) { return vec4(v, 1); } ivec2 as_ivec2(int v) { return ivec2(v); } ivec2 as_ivec2(vec2 v) { return ivec2(v); } ivec3 as_ivec3(vec3 v) { return ivec3(v); } vec2 as_vec2(ivec2 v) { return vec2(v); } #define VEC2 vec2 #define VEC3 vec3 #define VEC4 vec4 vec2 canvas_to_raster_gl(vec2 cp) { vec2 rp = ( ((u_pan_vector + cp) / u_scale) + u_screen_center ) / u_screen_size; // rp in [0, W]x[0, H] //rp /= u_screen_size; /* // rp in [0, 1]x[0, 1] */ rp *= 2.0; rp -= 1.0; /* // rp in [-1, 1]x[-1, 1] */ rp.y *= -1.0; return vec2(rp); } vec2 raster_to_canvas_gl(vec2 raster_point) { vec2 canvas_point = ((raster_point - u_screen_center) * u_scale) - VEC2(u_pan_vector); return canvas_point; } bool brush_is_eraser() { bool is_eraser = false; if (u_brush_color == vec4(23,34,45,56)) // defined in k_eraser_color { is_eraser = true; } return is_eraser; } vec4 blend(vec4 dst, vec4 src) { vec4 result = src + dst*(1.0f-src.a); return result; } // Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Sergio Gonzalez. All rights reserved. // License: in vec3 v_pointa; in vec3 v_pointb; #if HAS_MULTISAMPLE #extension GL_ARB_sample_shading : enable #extension GL_ARB_texture_multisample : enable uniform sampler2DMS u_canvas; #else uniform sampler2D u_canvas; #endif out vec4 out_color; // x,y - closest point // z - t in [0,1] interpolation value vec3 closest_point_in_segment_gl(vec2 a, vec2 b, vec2 ab, float ab_magnitude_squared, vec2 point) { vec3 result; float mag_ab = sqrt(ab_magnitude_squared); float d_x = ab.x / mag_ab; float d_y = ab.y / mag_ab; float ax_x = float(point.x - a.x); float ax_y = float(point.y - a.y); float disc = d_x * ax_x + d_y * ax_y; #if 0 if (disc < 0.0) { disc = 0.0; } else if (disc > mag_ab) { disc = mag_ab; } #else float ltz = float(disc < 0.0); disc = ltz*0.0 + (1-ltz)*disc; float gt = float(disc > mag_ab); disc = gt*mag_ab + (1-gt)*disc; #endif result = VEC3(a.x + disc * d_x, a.y + disc * d_y, disc / mag_ab); return result; } int sample_stroke(vec2 point, vec3 a, vec3 b) { int value = 0; #if 1 float dist_a = distance(point, a.xy); float dist_b = distance(point, b.xy); float radius_a = float(a.z*u_radius); float radius_b = float(b.z*u_radius); if (dist_a < radius_a || dist_b < radius_b) { value = 1; } else #endif { vec2 ab = b.xy - a.xy; float ab_magnitude_squared = ab.x*ab.x + ab.y*ab.y; if (ab_magnitude_squared > 0) { vec3 stroke_point = closest_point_in_segment_gl(a.xy, b.xy, ab, ab_magnitude_squared, point); float d = distance(stroke_point.xy, point); float t = stroke_point.z; float pressure_a = a.z; float pressure_b = b.z; float pressure = (1-t)*pressure_a + t*pressure_b; float radius = pressure * u_radius; bool inside = d < radius; if (inside) { value = 1; } } } return value; } void main() { vec2 offset = vec2(0.0); #if defined(HAS_SAMPLE_SHADING) #if !defined(VENDOR_NVIDIA) offset = gl_SamplePosition - vec2(0.5); #endif #endif vec2 screen_point = vec2(gl_FragCoord.x, u_screen_size.y - gl_FragCoord.y) + offset; #if HAS_MULTISAMPLE // vec4 color = texelFetch(u_canvas, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy), gl_SampleID); vec4 color = texelFetch(u_canvas, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy), gl_SampleID); #else // vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy / u_screen_size; // vec4 color = texture(u_canvas, coord); vec4 color = texelFetch(u_canvas, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy), 0); // vec4 color = texelFetch(u_canvas, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy), 0); #endif vec3 a = v_pointa; vec3 b = v_pointb; int sample = 0; // float subpixel_width = 0.25; // float subpixel_height = 0.25; sample = sample_stroke(raster_to_canvas_gl(screen_point), a, b); // sample = sample_stroke(raster_to_canvas_gl(screen_point + vec2(subpixel_width, subpixel_height)), a, b); // sample += sample_stroke(raster_to_canvas_gl(screen_point + vec2(subpixel_width, -subpixel_height)), a, b); // sample += sample_stroke(raster_to_canvas_gl(screen_point + vec2(-subpixel_width, -subpixel_height)), a, b); // sample += sample_stroke(raster_to_canvas_gl(screen_point + vec2(-subpixel_width, subpixel_height)), a, b); if (sample > 0) { // TODO: is there a way to do front-to-back rendering with a working eraser? out_color = brush_is_eraser() ? color : u_brush_color; // out_color.a = out_color.a * (sample/4.0); } else { discard; } } //End Shader compilation info. ---- Info log: 0:102(1): error: #extension directive is not allowed in the middle of a shader [1] 13380 segmentation fault (core dumped) ./milton