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API Gateway

Main purpose of this project is to create an API Gateway that works as authorization server and can be used for users and their permissions management for any web generic service.

Service able to issue authorization JWT tokens containing user information and signed by a ECDSA keypair provided from a configured keystore or generated dynamically. Any services can verify issued tokens using public keys.

Authorization header

If a request is performed by an authorized user the API Gateway automatically adds a X-Auth header with an user information in a JWT token. The JSON format of user data has the following format:

  "id": 2134443645645546,
  "email" : "",
  "phone": "+440989452367",
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Jonson",
  "flags" : [ "ANY_STRING", "ADMIN", "BLOCKED" ],
  "permissions": ["users:edit", "world:conquer", "settings:break"]

Among them only uuid field is mandatory, all other fields should be considered as optional. There is also a shorter form of user data JSON that can be optionally enabled on the API Gateway:

  "id": 2134443645645546,
  "em" : "",
  "ph": "+440989452367",
  "fn": "John",
  "ln": "Jonson",
  "rol": [ "ADMIN", "TEST"],
  "flg" : [ "ANY_STRING", "ADMIN", "BLOCKED" ],
  "prm": ["users:edit", "world:conquer", "settings:break"]

Swagger and proxying

api-gateway also able to dynamically add any internal services into a common Swagger documentation exposed at (https://service_url/docs/api.html) and optionally proxy requests to it. For that service must expose an URL with a swagger JSON (or it can be stored externally) and the API Gateway will add them into the common swagger and will proxy any requests to it doing routing based on the Swagger API.

Services discovery

Dynamic services discovery is intended to be used in a Docker Swarm environment and allows to automatically discover available docker swarm services. For dynamic services discovery API Gateway uses a ETCD in combination with Docker ETCD registrator. Both of them can be installed as docker services. By default API Gateway will search etcd on the following endpoint http://etcd:2379, so docker service for etcd should be called etcd, but this can be configured using env variable ETCD_URL.

All additional service configuration for API Gateway can be done by service labels or env variables:

  • Secret: secret key to be used to sign the JWT token with user can be specified using secret label or SECRET/PLAY_SECRET env variables. If not specified API gateway will use own secret.
  • Base path: If base path is different from a root, one can use a label base_path=/newroot/ to specify it.
  • Prefix: If URLs have to be additionally prefixed on a API Gateway use a prefix=/subservice label.
  • Swagger URL: Can be specified using a swagger label, otherwise API gateway will expect swagger at a relative URL /docs/api.json.
  • Skip service: To skip a service from discovery add a skippable = true label.

Docker ETCD registrator is used automatically to automatically add/remove services into ETCD so they can be fetched by API Gateway. It adds all service labels and environment variables into service description on ETCD. It has to be run on the Docker swarm manager node and mainly it is used to decompose API Gateway from Docker. Example key in the etcd:

  "node": {
    "key": "/services",
    "dir": true,
    "nodes": [
      {"key":"/services/registrator","value":"{\"name\": \"registrator\", \"Env\": [\"ETCD_HOST=etcd\", \"ETCD_PORT=2379\"]}","modifiedIndex":4,"createdIndex":4},
      {"key":"/services/etcd","value":"{\"address\": \"etcd:2380\", \"name\": \"etcd\"}","modifiedIndex":5,"createdIndex":5},
      {"key":"/services/bouncer","value":"{\"address\": \"bouncer:9000\", \"name\": \"bouncer\", \"Env\": [\"JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx1g\"]}","modifiedIndex":9,"createdIndex":9},
      {"key":"/services/reports","value":"{\"address\": \"reports:9000\", \"name\": \"reports\"}","modifiedIndex":10,"createdIndex":10}
    "modifiedIndex": 4,
    "createdIndex": 4

Manual service configuration

Services can be also added manually into the application config using services key:

services = [
    name = "reports"
    secret = "qwertyuiopqwertyuiopqwertyuiop"
    address = ""
    swagger = "" #optional
    prefix = "/reports" #optional


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