Set serial port to 115200bps Attempting to switch to AT command mode. Set serial port to 230400bps Attempting to switch to AT command mode. Yes, we are in command mode. Yes, we are in command mode at 230400bps. Detected radio speed and mode. Switching to online mode. Attempting to switch to AT command mode. Yes, we are in command mode. Version 20160621.1359.1 Trying to detect speed and mode... We don't seem to be in AT command mode. Got OK reply to AT, so assuming that we are in command mode. Checking if radio supports !F for fast ID of firmware !F reply is 'HASH=82:91:400:FC00:4F71C08D,3D,95E,F98D,EBE7,DE6B,24B0,262B,2406,E9C1,F897,2D92,376A,E898,ECB3,F205,26DB,B649,2A14,3EAF,687F,6EE3,EEBE,9E0,4FF,714,4F9,70A,4FB,6EC,50D,4B63,4680,4007,4780,6D1,3D41,0,F508,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,FC00,F0AF,FC00,FFFF ' Found 69 fields @ 230400bps. Successfully parsed HASH response. Board id = $82, freq = $91 : Will load firmware from '/serval/rfd900-82-91.ihx' Using 24-bit addressing with this board. Read 1201 IHEX records from firmware file HASH=a7d5b5d2+00987b3a Flash ROM matched via checksum: nothing to do. Changing modem to 230400bps (original speed was 230400) Got OK reply to AT, so assuming that we are in command mode. ATS1=230 reply is 'ATS1=230 OK ' AT&W reply is 'AT&W OK ' ATZ reply is 'ATÚÎìÝÎìÝÎìÝ' Changed modem to 230400bps (original speed was 230400)