This project is website clone with Java Swing GUI project provided by
- Java Swing GUI
- Database : PostgreSQL
If you want to clone this project.
- Clone this repo.
git clone
- After cloning the project, you can open the project in an IDE like Eclipse or IntelliJIDEA of your choice.
- Also, you need a database to run the queries.
- Inside the project open this path and Run the project;
src > View >
- The project starts with the Login screen.
- Anyone can log in who has a username and password to their own screen with their own user type.
- Students can register on their own.
- Admins just can register Operators.
- Operators just can register Educators.
- Operators are responsible for all the educators and students.
- Educators can add courses, content, and quiz for assigned to their path.
- Students can join paths and take whatever course.
- Students can access their own course contents.
- Students can write comments on content.
- Students can solve the quiz on the content.
- UI design needs some improvement for all user_type.
- For "user_type: operator" needs some improvements to resolve some bugs.
- When the project runs, it needs to create all database processes.