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toadkicker edited this page Sep 20, 2014 · 1 revision

You can create modals easily using the following example. The header, body, and footer all accept content_tag or plain html. The href of the button to launch the modal must match the id of the modal dialog. It also accepts a block for the header, body, and footer. If you are getting a complaint about the modal_helper unable to merge a hash it is due to this.

<%= content_tag :a, "Modal", :href => "#modal", :class => 'btn', :data => {:toggle => 'modal'} %>

<%= modal_dialog :id => "modal",
         :header => { :show_close => true, :dismiss => 'modal', :title => 'Modal header' },
         :body   => { :content => 'This is the body' },
         :footer => { :content => content_tag(:button, 'Save', :class => 'btn') } %>