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Frequency Domain

With the files in the folder SFS_monochromatic you can simulate a monochromatic sound field in a specified area for different techniques like and . The area can be a 3D cube, a 2D plane, a line or only one point. This depends on the specification of X,Y,Z. For example [-2 2],[-2 2],[-2 2] will be a 3D cube; [-2 2],0,[-2 2] the xz-plane; [-2 2],0,0 a line along the x-axis; 3,2,1 a single point. If you present a range like [-2 2] the Toolbox will create automatically a regular grid from this ranging from -2 to 2 with conf.resolution steps in between. Alternatively you could apply a custom grid <sec-custom-grid> by providing a matrix instead of the [min max] range for all active axes.

For all 2.5D functions the configuration conf.xref is important as it defines the point for which the amplitude is corrected in the sound field. The default entry is


conf.xref = [0 0 0];

Wave Field Synthesis

The following will simulate the field of a virtual plane wave with a frequency of 800 Hz going into the direction of (0 -1 0) synthesized with 3D .


conf = SFS_config; conf.dimension = '3D'; conf.secondary_sources.size = 3; conf.secondary_sources.number = 225; conf.secondary_sources.geometry = 'sphere'; % [P,x,y,z,x0,win] = sound_field_mono_wfs(X,Y,Z,xs,src,f,conf); sound_field_mono_wfs([-2 2],[-2 2],0,[0 -1 0],'pw',800,conf); %print_png('img/sound_field_wfs_3d_xy.png'); sound_field_mono_wfs([-2 2],0,[-2 2],[0 -1 0],'pw',800,conf); %print_png('img/sound_field_wfs_3d_xz.png'); sound_field_mono_wfs(0,[-2 2],[-2 2],[0 -1 0],'pw',800,conf); %print_png('img/sound_field_wfs_3d_yz.png');

Sound pressure of a mono-chromatic plane wave synthesized by 3D . The plane wave has a frequency of 800Hz and is travelling into the direction (0,-1,0). The plot shows the xy-plane.

Sound pressure of a mono-chromatic plane wave synthesized by 3D . The plane wave has a frequency of 800Hz and is travelling into the direction (0,-1,0). The plot shows the xy-plane.

The same as in the figure before, but now showing the xz-plane.

The same as in the figure before, but now showing the xz-plane.

The same as in the figure before, but now showing the yz-plane.

The same as in the figure before, but now showing the yz-plane.

You can see that the Toolbox is now projecting all the secondary source positions into the plane for plotting them. In addition the axis are automatically chosen and labeled.

It is also possible to simulate and plot the whole 3D cube, but in this case no secondary sources will be added to the plot.


conf = SFS_config; conf.dimension = '3D'; conf.secondary_sources.size = 3; conf.secondary_sources.number = 225; conf.secondary_sources.geometry = 'sphere'; conf.resolution = 100; sound_field_mono_wfs([-2 2],[-2 2],[-2 2],[0 -1 0],'pw',800,conf); %print_png('img/sound_field_wfs_3d_xyz.png');

Sound pressure of a mono-chromatic plane wave synthesized by 3D . The plane wave has a frequency of 800Hz and is travelling into the direction (0,-1,0). All three dimensions are shown.

Sound pressure of a mono-chromatic plane wave synthesized by 3D . The plane wave has a frequency of 800Hz and is travelling into the direction (0,-1,0). All three dimensions are shown.

In the next plot we use a two dimensional array, 2.5D and a virtual point source located at (0 2.5 0) m. The 3D example showed you, that the sound fields are automatically plotted if we specify now output arguments. If we specify one, we have to explicitly say if we want also plot the results, by conf.plot.useplot = true;.


conf = SFS_config; conf.dimension = '2.5D'; conf.plot.useplot = true; conf.plot.normalisation = 'center'; % [P,x,y,z,x0] = sound_field_mono_wfs(X,Y,Z,xs,src,f,conf); [P,x,y,z,x0] = sound_field_mono_wfs([-2 2],[-2 2],0,[0 2.5 0],'ps',800,conf); %print_png('img/sound_field_wfs_25d.png');

Sound pressure of a mono-chromatic point source synthesized by 2.5D . The point source has a frequency of 800Hz and is placed at (0 2.5 0)m. Only the active loudspeakers of the array are plotted.

Sound pressure of a mono-chromatic point source synthesized by 2.5D . The point source has a frequency of 800Hz and is placed at (0 2.5 0)m. Only the active loudspeakers of the array are plotted.

If you want to plot the whole loudspeaker array and not only the active secondary sources, you can do this by adding these commands. First we store all sources in an extra variable x0_all, then we get the active ones x0 and the corresponding indices of these active ones in x0_all. Afterwards we set all sources in x0_all to zero, which are inactive and only the active ones to the loudspeaker weights x0(:,7).


x0_all = secondary_source_positions(conf); [~,idx] = secondary_source_selection(x0_all,[0 2.5 0],'ps'); x0_all(:,7) = zeros(1,size(x0_all,1)); x0_all(idx,7) = x0(:,7); plot_sound_field(P,[-2 2],[-2 2],0,x0_all,conf); %print_png('img/sound_field_wfs_25d_with_all_sources.png');

Sound pressure of a mono-chromatic point source synthesized by 2.5D . The point source has a frequency of 800Hz and is placed at (0 2.5 0)m. All loudspeakers are plotted. Their color correspond to the loudspeaker weights, where white stands for zero.

Sound pressure of a mono-chromatic point source synthesized by 2.5D . The point source has a frequency of 800Hz and is placed at (0 2.5 0)m. All loudspeakers are plotted. Their color correspond to the loudspeaker weights, where white stands for zero.

Near-Field Compensated Higher Order Ambisonics

In the following we will simulate the field of a virtual plane wave with a frequency of 800 Hz traveling into the direction (0 -1 0), synthesized with 2.5D .


conf = SFS_config; conf.dimension = '2.5D'; % sound_field_mono_nfchoa(X,Y,Z,xs,src,f,conf); sound_field_mono_nfchoa([-2 2],[-2 2],0,[0 -1 0],'pw',800,conf); %print_png('img/sound_field_nfchoa_25d.png');

Sound pressure of a monochromatic plane wave synthesized by 2.5D . The plane wave has a frequency of 800 Hz and is traveling into the direction (0,-1,0).

Sound pressure of a monochromatic plane wave synthesized by 2.5D . The plane wave has a frequency of 800 Hz and is traveling into the direction (0,-1,0).

Local Wave Field Synthesis

In the aliasing frequency in a small region inside the listening area can be increased by limiting the used order. A similar outcome can be achieved in by applying so called local Wave Field Synthesis. In this case the original loudspeaker array is driven by to create a virtual loudspeaker array consisting of focused sources which can then be used to create the desired sound field in a small area. The settings are the same as for , but a new struct conf.localwfs has to be filled out, which for example provides the settings for the desired position and form of the local region with higher aliasing frequency, have a look into SFS_config.m for all possible settings.


X = [-1 1]; Y = [-1 1]; Z = 0; xs = [1 -1 0]; src = 'pw'; f = 7000; conf = SFS_config; conf.resolution = 1000; conf.dimension = '2D'; conf.secondary_sources.geometry = 'box'; conf.secondary_sources.number = 4*56; conf.secondary_sources.size = 2; conf.localwfs_vss.size = 0.4; = [0 0 0]; conf.localwfs_vss.geometry = 'circular'; conf.localwfs_vss.number = 56; sound_field_mono_localwfs_vss(X,Y,Z,xs,src,f,conf); axis([-1.1 1.1 -1.1 1.1]); %print_png('img/sound_field_localwfs_2d.png');

Sound pressure of a monochromatic plane wave synthesized by 2D local . The plane wave has a frequency of 7000 Hz and is traveling into the direction (1,-1,0). The local is created by using focused sources to create a virtual circular loudspeaker array in he center of the actual loudspeaker array.

Sound pressure of a monochromatic plane wave synthesized by 2D local . The plane wave has a frequency of 7000 Hz and is traveling into the direction (1,-1,0). The local is created by using focused sources to create a virtual circular loudspeaker array in he center of the actual loudspeaker array.


The Toolbox includes not only and , but also some generic sound field functions that are doing only the integration of the driving signals of the single secondary sources to the resulting sound field. With these function you can for example easily simulate a stereophonic setup. In this example we set the conf.plot.normalisation = 'center'; configuration manually as the amplitude of the sound field is too low for the default 'auto' setting to work.


conf = SFS_config; conf.plot.normalisation = 'center'; x0 = [-1 2 0 0 -1 0 1;1 2 0 0 -1 0 1]; % [P,x,y,z] = sound_field_mono(X,Y,Z,x0,src,D,f,conf) sound_field_mono([-2 2],[-1 3],0,x0,'ps',[1 1],800,conf) %print_png('img/sound_field_stereo.png');

Sound pressure of a monochromatic phantom source generated by stereophony. The phantom source has a frequency of 800 Hz and is placed at (0,2,0) by amplitude panning.

Sound pressure of a monochromatic phantom source generated by stereophony. The phantom source has a frequency of 800 Hz and is placed at (0,2,0) by amplitude panning.