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Add a hacked up version of fnotify that beeps as well as printing
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hilights to file

This allows you to specify who you want to light up in tmux/screen
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richo committed Oct 14, 2011
1 parent 157dfb6 commit 82e4bd1
Showing 1 changed file with 136 additions and 0 deletions.
136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions bnotify/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
# todo: grap topic changes

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);

use Irssi;
$VERSION = '0.0.1';
%IRSSI = (
authors => 'richo',
contact => '',
name => 'bnotify',
description => 'Write notifications based on who\'s talking to you, also handle some window management and tmux alerts',
url => '',
license => 'GNU General Public License',
changed => '$Date: 2011-06-21 21:51:30 +1000 (Tue, 21 Jun 2011) $'
# Originally based on 0.0.3 by Thorsten Leemhuis
# '',
# In parts based on 0.1.1 by Hugo Haas
# which is based on 0.3.3 by Jeroen Coekaerts, Koenraad Heijlen
# Other parts based on from Luke Macken

# Add settings for which networks to beep on

my @alert_nets = ();
sub bnotify_init {
Irssi::settings_add_str('bnotify', 'bnotify_alert_nets', '');
@alert_nets = split(/ /, Irssi::settings_get_str('bnotify_alert_nets'));

# Private message parsing
# Test to see if the privmsg went to a status window, and is from bitlbee in
# which case send it to it's own window

sub priv_msg {
my ($server,$msg,$nick,$address,$target) = @_;
# Does this expose issues if someone includes regexp chars in their server
# tag?
if (grep(/^$server->{tag}$/, @alert_nets)) {
filewrite($server->{tag}.":".$nick." private");
#Irssi::settings_set_str('autocreate_query_level', 'DCCMSGS MSGS');

# Private msg windowing

sub priv_msg_winhook {
my ($server,$msg,$nick,$address,$target) = @_;
if (grep($server->{tag}, @alert_nets)) {
Irssi::settings_set_str('autocreate_query_level', 'DCCMSGS MSGS');

# Printing hilight's

sub hilight {
my ($dest, $text, $stripped) = @_;
if ($dest->{level} & MSGLEVEL_HILIGHT) {
filewrite($dest->{server}->{tag}.":".$dest->{target}. " " .$stripped );

# Handle Arguments

sub cmd_add {
my $net = shift;
if (not grep($net, @alert_nets)) {
push @alert_nets, $net;
Irssi::active_win->print("Added $net to alert networks.");
} else {
Irssi::active_win->print("$net already configured to alert.");

sub cmd_del {
my $net = shift;
my @valid;
my $idx = 0;
while ($idx <= $#alert_nets) {
if (lc($alert_nets[$idx]) eq lc($net)) {
push @valid, $alert_nets[$idx];
if ($#alert_nets != $#valid) {
Irssi::active_win->print("Removed $net from alert networks.");
} else {
Irssi::active_win->print("$net didn't exist in alert networks.");
@alert_nets = @valid;

# The actual printing

sub filewrite {
my ($text) = @_;
open(FILE, '>' .Irssi::get_irssi_dir() . '/fnotify');
print FILE $text . "\n";
close (FILE);

# Irssi::signal_add_last / Irssi::command_bind

Irssi::signal_add_first("message private", "priv_msg_winhook");
Irssi::signal_add_last("message private", "priv_msg");
Irssi::signal_add_last("print text", "hilight");

Irssi::command_bind('bnotify add', \&cmd_add);
Irssi::command_bind('bnotify del', \&cmd_del);

#- end

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