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Pathfinding Algorithms Visualizer on a Map

A web app to visualize several Single-Source Shortest Path (SSSP) algorithms.

Tech stacks

  • React (Typescript) using Vite
  • Javascript for algorithms
  • Sass for styling

Local development


Install a node package manager. pnpm is recommended.

  • install homebrew (ref) if you are on mac
  • install pnpm (ref) using brew install pnpm

Run locally

pnpm install then pnpm run dev

How to contribute

  1. Clone this repo (only main branch)

    If local main branch is behind remote main branch. Do git pull

  2. Create a local branch for your work. Use the following cli to create a new branch and checkout into it

    git checkout -b <branch_name>
  3. Make your update locally. Commit local changes. git add . and then git commit -m "your_message"

  4. Create a remote branch, push local changes to remote branch.

    git push --set-upstream origin <branch_name>
    git push
  5. Open this repo and create a Pull Request