Shaizei Light is a light Visual Studio Code Theme, heavily inspired by minimalism, sleekness and rosy-brown color.
This is how the design looks like:
You can install Shaizei Light by simply searching "Shaizei Light" in Extensions tab in Visual Studio Code or by going through this official Marketplace link.
Click here to go to the Changelog.
If you find any inconsistency in any language, raise an Issue and I'll fix it, please provide a sample for the language so I can compare.
If you are using VSCode 1.12+ versions you can customize the colors to your liking, overriding the ones provided by this theme. More info here.
Shaizei Light does not use a custom font, for that reason I don't supply a custom font either. But you can easily customize your settings to use it.
If you download and install the font in your system, you can add this option to have a custom font:
"editor.fontFamily": "YOUR FONT, Menlo, Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace"
Shaizei Light is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2017 Shahzaib Khalid