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More than a mustache.


  • Clean syntax
  • Ability to dynamically cache templates
  • Cached rendered templates for faster renders


npm install beard


const data = {
  noun: 'beards',
  capitalize: str => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)

const beard = require('beard');
const engine = beard({
  templates: {
    '/example': '{{capitalize(noun)}} are itchy.'
const result = engine.render('/example', data);
console.log(result); // returns 'Beards are itchy.'

Constructor Arguments

opts (object) - An object literal with the following optional engine options:

  • templates (object) - An object literal containing your templates index.
  • root (string) - The absolute path to the root directory where all templates are stored. If you provide a root directory, beard will create your templates cache for you.
  • home (string) - Relative path to home directory (used via '~' in paths, E.g. '~/layout').
  • cache (boolean) - Set to false to disable caching of template files. Defaults to true.
  • asset (function) - Callback used for asset tag. Looks up asset paths. See asset example below.

Render Arguments

path (string) - A string to be parsed and populated by the view object.

locals (object) - An object of data and/or methods which will populate the template string.


const beard = require('beard');
const engine = beard({
  templates: {
    '/layout': 'header | {{view}} | footer',
    '/app/page/content': "{{extends '/layout'}}content {{include '~/component'}}",
    '/app/component': 'and component'
  root: '/',
  home: 'app/',
  cache: true
const result = engine.render('/app/page/content');
console.log(result); // returns 'header | content and component | footer'


Includes a template, can optionally pass locals.

{{include 'template'}}
{{include 'template', {arg: 'val', arg2: 'val2'}}}
{{include 'template', {
  arg1: 'val1',
  arg2: 'val2'


Extends template with a layout. Template will be accessible as "view" variable.



and rendering:

{{extends 'layout'}}view content


    view content


Assets are used to reference external files. You can control and modify the behavior of the tag via the assets callback option.

engine = beard({
  asset: path => '/assets/' + path

Used in a template:

<head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{asset 'styles.css'}}"></head>


<head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/assets/styles.css"></head>


The put tag outputs a local variable or a block, or an empty string if the value doesn't exist.

{{put foo}}

This will output the value of foo, if defined, or a blank string if not. Conversely, accessing it directly, such as {{foo}} would raise an error if it were undefined.


Make content available for rendering in any context (such as an extended layout or an included partial.)

{{block middle}}






You can also conditionally check if a block is set.

{{block cart}}
  everything you have put in your cart...

// another template
{{exists cart}}
  Your cart is empty.

Will returns:

everything you have put in your cart...

Using put is a simple way to output the block content if you are unsure if it has been set:

{{put header}}

This will output an empty string if the header has not been set.


{{if x === 1}}
  x is 1
{{else if x > 1}}
  x is greater than 1
  x is less than 1

for loop

Iterate over properties in object.

{{for key, value in object}}
  {{key}} = {{value}}

each loop

Iterate over array.

{{each item in array}}

Thanks to

  • keeto (Mark Obcena) for the first iteration of the parser/compiler
  • joeosburn (Joe Osburn) for the updated compiler, cached compiled functions, tests, and benchmarks

Released under MIT license.