An HTML parser for Codename One
Install through Codename One settings.
If you haven’t activated any cn1libs before in your Codename One projects, see this tutorial which explains the process.
HTMLParser parser = new HTMLParser();
// Parse HTML string into an Element
// Note: parse() is async, but calling get() will block until the result is available.
Element root = parser.parse(htmlString).get();
// Async version:
// parser.parse(htmlString).ready(root->{...});
// Now just showing some typical stuff you might do with the results
// using existing CN1 tools since the resulting Element is
// the same as returned by XMLParser
Result r = Result.fromContent(root);
// Update images
List<Element> images = r.getAsArray("//img");
int index = 0;
List<String> toLoad = new ArrayList<>();
if (images != null) {
for (Element img : images) {
String src = img.getAttribute("src");
if (src.startsWith("http://*/") || (!src.startsWith("http://") && !src.startsWith("data:") && !src.startsWith("https"))) {
img.setAttribute("id", "nt-image-"+index);
img.setAttribute("src", "");
// Print out document as well-formed XML.
XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(true);
String pageContent = writer.toXML(root);
This library uses an off-screen BrowserComponent to parse the HTML, then serialize it to XML. It then passes the XML to the Codename One XMLParser to parse.
Created by Steve Hannah