# What is New in This Release 1.5.1 is mainly a bug fix release to address few regressions which were introduced in the 1.5 release. Here's the included fixes with the 1.5.1: - Fixed the issue in the yeoman generator that blocked you from creating different types of components in your package - Changed the visibility of some SPFX APIs to move them to Beta (and will now appear in the typings when you use the -plusbeta versions of the packages. The APIs added to the --plusbeta packages are: - `TimeZone` information off of the Site and User context objects - [[#1953](https://github.com/SharePoint/sp-dev-docs/issues/1953)] - `DigestCache` and `IDigestCache` is available - [[#2017](https://github.com/SharePoint/sp-dev-docs/issues/2027)] - The `AadHttpClient` constructor is available - [[#1964](https://github.com/SharePoint/sp-dev-docs/issues/1964)], [[#2001](https://github.com/SharePoint/sp-dev-docs/issues/2001)], [[#2093](https://github.com/SharePoint/sp-dev-docs/issues/2093)]