diff --git a/assets/syntaxes/FSharp b/assets/syntaxes/FSharp index da846f4227..c18616d6bd 160000 --- a/assets/syntaxes/FSharp +++ b/assets/syntaxes/FSharp @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit da846f42279d4b3293d0f08fd7b7f5d3c933ac13 +Subproject commit c18616d6bd55b188672276da837837070170d967 diff --git a/assets/syntaxes/FSharp.sublime-syntax b/assets/syntaxes/FSharp.sublime-syntax index 5428f1560a..d7fb525713 100644 --- a/assets/syntaxes/FSharp.sublime-syntax +++ b/assets/syntaxes/FSharp.sublime-syntax @@ -9,63 +9,230 @@ file_extensions: scope: source.fsharp contexts: main: + - include: compiler_directives - include: comments - include: constants - - include: structure - - include: attributes - include: strings + - include: chars + - include: double_tick - include: definition - - include: method_calls + - include: abstract_definition + - include: attributes - include: modules - include: anonymous_functions + - include: du_declaration + - include: record_declaration + - include: records + - include: strp_inlined - include: keywords + - include: cexprs + - include: text + abstract_definition: + - match: '\b(abstract)\s+(member)?(\s+\[\<.*\>\])?\s*([_[:alpha:]0-9,\._`\s]+)(:)' + captures: + 1: keyword.fsharp + 2: keyword.fsharp + 3: support.function.attribute.fsharp + 5: keyword.fsharp + push: + - meta_scope: abstract.definition.fsharp + - match: \s*(with)\b|=|$ + captures: + 1: keyword.fsharp + pop: true + - include: comments + - include: common_declaration + - match: '(\?{0,1})([[:alpha:]0-9''`^._ ]+)\s*(:)(\s*([[:alpha:]0-9''`^._ ]+)){0,1}' + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 2: variable.parameter.fsharp + 3: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 4: entity.name.type.fsharp + - match: '(?!with|get|set\b)\b([\w0-9''`^._]+)' + captures: + 1: entity.name.type.fsharp + - include: keywords anonymous_functions: - match: \b(fun)\b captures: - 1: keyword.other.function-definition.fsharp + 1: keyword.fsharp push: - - meta_scope: meta.function.anonymous + - meta_scope: function.anonymous - match: (->) captures: - 1: keyword.other.fsharp + 1: keyword.fsharp pop: true + - include: comments + - match: (\() + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + push: + - match: \s*(?=(->)) + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + pop: true + - include: member_declaration - include: variables attributes: - match: '\[\<' push: - meta_scope: support.function.attribute.fsharp - - match: '\>\]' + - match: '\>\]|\]' pop: true - include: main - characters: - - match: (') + cexprs: + - match: '\b(async|seq|promise|task|maybe|asyncMaybe|controller|scope|application|pipeline)\s*\{' + scope: cexpr.fsharp captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.string.begin.fsharp - push: - - meta_scope: string.quoted.single.fsharp - - match: (') - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.string.end.fsharp - pop: true - - match: '\\$[ \t]*' - scope: punctuation.separator.string.ignore-eol.fsharp - - match: '\\([\\""ntbr]|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{8})' - scope: constant.character.string.escape.fsharp - - match: '\\(?![\\''ntbr]|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{8}).' - scope: invalid.illeagal.character.string.fsharp + 0: keyword.fsharp + chars: + - match: ('\\?.') + scope: char.fsharp + captures: + 1: string.quoted.single.fsharp comments: - - match: \(\*\*?(\*)\) - scope: comment.block.fsharp + - match: (\(\*(?!\))) captures: - 1: comment.block.empty.fsharp - - match: '\(\*[^\)]' + 1: comment.block.fsharp push: - meta_scope: comment.block.fsharp - - match: \*\) + - match: (\*\)) + captures: + 1: comment.block.fsharp pop: true - - include: comments - match: //.*$ scope: comment.line.double-slash.fsharp + common_binding_definition: + - include: comments + - include: attributes + - match: (:)\s*(\()\s*(static member|member) + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 2: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 3: keyword.fsharp + push: + - match: (\))\s*((?=,)|(?=\=)) + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + pop: true + - match: '(\^[[:alpha:]0-9''._]+)' + captures: + 1: entity.name.type.fsharp + - include: variables + - include: keywords + - match: (:)\s*(\() + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 2: keyword.symbol.fsharp + push: + - match: '(\)\s*(([?[:alpha:]0-9''`^._ ]*)))' + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 2: entity.name.type.fsharp + pop: true + - include: tuple_signature + - match: '(:)\s*(\^[[:alpha:]0-9''._]+)\s*(when)' + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 2: entity.name.type.fsharp + 3: keyword.fsharp + push: + - match: (?=:) + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + pop: true + - match: \b(and|when|or)\b + scope: keyword.fsharp + - match: "([[:alpha:]0-9'^._]+)" + comment: Because we first capture the keywords, we can capture what looks like a word and assume it's an entity definition + captures: + 1: entity.name.type.fsharp + - match: (\(|\)) + scope: keyword.symbol.fsharp + - match: '(:)\s*([?[:alpha:]0-9''`^._ ]+)' + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 2: entity.name.type.fsharp + - match: '(->)\s*(\()?\s*([?[:alpha:]0-9''`^._ ]+)*' + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 2: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 3: entity.name.type.fsharp + - match: (\*)\s*(\() + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 2: keyword.symbol.fsharp + push: + - match: '(\)\s*(([?[:alpha:]0-9''`^._ ]+))+)' + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 2: entity.name.type.fsharp + pop: true + - include: tuple_signature + - match: '(\*)(\s*([?[:alpha:]0-9''`^._ ]+))*' + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 2: entity.name.type.fsharp + - match: '(<(?![[:space:]]*\)))' + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + push: + - match: ((?) + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + pop: true + - include: generic_declaration + - match: "({)" + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + push: + - match: "(})" + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + pop: true + - include: record_signature + - include: definition + - include: variables + - include: keywords + common_declaration: + - match: '\s*(->)\s*([[:alpha:]0-9''`^._ ]+)(<)' + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 2: entity.name.type.fsharp + 3: keyword.symbol.fsharp + push: + - match: (>) + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + pop: true + - match: "([[:alpha:]0-9'`^._ ]+)" + captures: + 1: entity.name.type.fsharp + - include: keywords + - match: '\s*(->)\s*(?!with|get|set\b)\b([\w0-9''`^._]+)' + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 2: entity.name.type.fsharp + - match: '(\?{0,1})([[:alpha:]0-9''`^._ ]+)\s*(:)(\s*([?[:alpha:]0-9''`^._ ]+)(<))' + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 2: variable.parameter.fsharp + 3: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 4: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 5: entity.name.type.fsharp + push: + - match: (>) + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + pop: true + - match: "([[:alpha:]0-9'`^._ ]+)" + captures: + 1: entity.name.type.fsharp + - include: keywords + compiler_directives: + - match: \s?(#if|#elif|#else|#elseif|#endif|#light|#nowarn) + scope: compiler_directive.fsharp + captures: constants: - match: \(\) scope: constant.language.unit.fsharp @@ -73,123 +240,349 @@ contexts: scope: constant.numeric.floating-point.fsharp - match: '\b(-?((0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*)|(0(o|O)[0-7][0-7_]*)|(0(b|B)[01][01_]*)|([0-9][0-9_]*)))' scope: constant.numeric.integer.nativeint.fsharp + - match: \b(true|false|null|unit)\b + scope: constant.others.fsharp definition: - - match: '\b(val|val|let|and|member|override|use)\s?(rec|inline|mutable)?(\s+\(?([a-zA-Z.\|_][a-zA-Z0-9.|_]*)\)?\w*)\b' + - match: '\b(let mutable|static let mutable|let inline|let|member val|static member inline|static member|default|member|override|let!)(\s+rec|mutable)?(\s+\[\<.*\>\])?\s*(private|internal|public)?\s+(\[[^-=]*\]|[_[:alpha:]]([_[:alpha:]0-9,\._]+)*|``[_[:alpha:]]([_[:alpha:]0-9,\._`\s]+|(?<=,)\s)*)?' + captures: + 1: keyword.fsharp + 2: keyword.fsharp + 3: support.function.attribute.fsharp + 4: keyword.fsharp + 5: variable.fsharp + push: + - meta_scope: binding.fsharp + - match: \s*(with\b|=|\n+=|(?<=\=)) + captures: + 1: keyword.fsharp + pop: true + - include: common_binding_definition + - match: '\b(static val mutable|val mutable|val)(\s+rec|mutable)?(\s+\[\<.*\>\])?\s*(private|internal|public)?\s+(\[[^-=]*\]|[_[:alpha:]]([_[:alpha:]0-9,\._]+)*|``[_[:alpha:]]([_[:alpha:]0-9,\._`\s]+|(?<=,)\s)*)?' + captures: + 1: keyword.fsharp + 2: keyword.fsharp + 3: support.function.attribute.fsharp + 4: keyword.fsharp + 5: variable.fsharp + push: + - meta_scope: binding.fsharp + - match: \n$ + pop: true + - include: common_binding_definition + double_tick: + - match: (``)(.*)(``) + scope: variable.other.binding.fsharp + captures: + 1: string.quoted.single.fsharp + 2: variable.other.binding.fsharp + 3: string.quoted.single.fsharp + du_declaration: + - match: \b(of)\b + captures: + 1: keyword.fsharp + push: + - meta_scope: du_declaration.fsharp + - match: $|(\|) + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + pop: true + - include: comments + - match: '([[:alpha:]0-9''`<>^._]+|``[[:alpha:]0-9'' <>^._]+``)\s*(:)\s*([[:alpha:]0-9''`<>^._]+|``[[:alpha:]0-9'' <>^._]+``)' + captures: + 1: variable.parameter.fsharp + 2: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 3: entity.name.type.fsharp + - match: "([[:alpha:]0-9'`^._]+)|``([[:alpha:]0-9'^._ ]+)``" + captures: + 1: entity.name.type.fsharp + - include: keywords + generic_declaration: + - match: (:)\s*(\()\s*(static member|member) captures: - 1: keyword.other.binding.fsharp - 2: keyword.other.function-recursive.fsharp - 3: variable.other.binding.fsharp + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 2: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 3: keyword.fsharp push: - - meta_scope: meta.binding.fsharp - - match: "=|$" + - match: (\)) captures: - 1: punctuation.separator.function.type-constraint.fsharp + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp pop: true + - match: (\() + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + push: + - match: (\)) + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + pop: true + - include: member_declaration + - match: '((''|\^)[[:alpha:]0-9''._]+)' + captures: + 1: entity.name.type.fsharp - include: variables - - match: \b(let)\s+((\(\))|(_))\s+= - scope: meta.expression.fsharp + - include: keywords + - match: \b(private|to|public|internal|function|yield!|yield|class|exception|match|delegate|of|new|in|as|if|then|else|elif|for|begin|end|inherit|do|let\!|return\!|return|interface|with|abstract|property|union|enum|member|try|finally|and|when|use|use\!|struct|while|mutable)(?!')\b + scope: keyword.fsharp + - match: ":" + scope: keyword.fsharp + - include: constants + - match: '((''|\^)[[:alpha:]0-9''._]+)' captures: - 1: keyword.other.binding.fsharp - 2: keyword.other.function-recursive.fsharp - 4: constant.language.unit.fsharp - 5: constant.language.ignored.fsharp - keywords: - - match: ^\s*#\s*(light|if|else|endif|r|I|load|time|help|quit)\b + 1: entity.name.type.fsharp + - match: (<) + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp push: - - meta_scope: meta.preprocessor.fsharp - - match: (\s|$) + - match: (>) + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp pop: true - - match: \b(new|in|as|if|then|else|elif|for|begin|end|match|with|type|inherit|true|false|null|do)\b - scope: keyword.other.fsharp - - match: '(\|>|\|?>|\->|\<\-|:>|:|\[|\]|\;|\||_)' - scope: entity.name - method_calls: - - match: '(?>>|\|>|\->|\<\-|:>|:\?>|:|\[|\]|\;|<>|=|@|\|\||&&|{|}|\||_|\.\.|\,|\+|\-|\*|\/|\^|\!|\>|\>\=|\>\>|\<|\<\=|\(|\)|\<\<)' + scope: keyword.symbol.fsharp + member_declaration: + - include: comments + - include: common_declaration + - match: (:)\s*(\()\s*(static member|member) + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 2: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 3: keyword.fsharp push: - - meta_scope: meta.method-call.fsharp - - match: '[A-Z]\w*(\.)' - scope: meta.method.fsharp + - match: (\))\s*((?=,)|(?=\=)) captures: - 1: punctuation.separator.method-call.fsharp - - match: (?=.) + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp pop: true + - match: (\() + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + push: + - match: (\)) + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + pop: true + - include: member_declaration + - match: '(\^[[:alpha:]0-9''._]+)' + captures: + 1: entity.name.type.fsharp + - include: variables + - include: keywords + - match: '(\^[[:alpha:]0-9''._]+)' + captures: + 1: entity.name.type.fsharp + - match: \b(and|when|or)\b + scope: keyword.fsharp + - match: (\(|\)) + scope: keyword.symbol.fsharp + - match: '(\?{0,1})([[:alpha:]0-9''`^._]+|``[[:alpha:]0-9''`^:,._ ]+``)\s*(:{0,1})(\s*([?[:alpha:]0-9''`<>._ ]+)){0,1}' + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 2: variable.parameter.fsharp + 3: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 4: entity.name.type.fsharp + - include: keywords modules: - - match: '\b(namespace|module)\s+([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9''_.]*)' + - match: '\b(namespace|module)\s*(public|internal|private)?\s+([[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]0-9''_. ]*)' + captures: + 1: keyword.fsharp + 2: keyword.fsharp + 3: entity.name.section.fsharp + push: + - meta_scope: entity.name.section.fsharp + - match: (\s?=|\s|$) + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + pop: true + - match: '(\.)([A-Z][[:alpha:]0-9''_]*)' + scope: entity.name.section.fsharp + captures: + 1: punctuation.separator.namespace-reference.fsharp + 2: entity.name.section.fsharp + - match: '\b(open)\s+([[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]0-9''_]*)(?=(\.[A-Z][[:alpha:]0-9_]*)*)' captures: - 1: keyword.other.fsharp + 1: keyword.fsharp 2: entity.name.section.fsharp push: - - meta_scope: meta.module.namespace.fsharp + - meta_scope: namespace.open.fsharp - match: (\s|$) pop: true - - match: '(\.)([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9''_]*)' - scope: support.other.module.fsharp + - match: '(\.)([[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]0-9''_]*)' + scope: entity.name.section.fsharp captures: - 1: punctuation.separator.module-reference.fsharp - 2: support.other.module.fsharp - - match: '\b(open)\s+([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9''_]*)(?=(\.[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)*)' + 1: punctuation.separator.namespace-reference.fsharp + 2: entity.name.section.fsharp + - match: '^\s*(module)\s+([A-Z][[:alpha:]0-9''_]*)\s*(=)\s*([A-Z][[:alpha:]0-9''_]*)' captures: - 1: keyword.other.fsharp - 2: support.other.module.fsharp + 1: keyword.fsharp + 2: entity.name.type.namespace.fsharp + 3: punctuation.separator.namespace-definition.fsharp + 4: entity.name.section.fsharp push: - - meta_scope: meta.module.open.fsharp + - meta_scope: namespace.alias.fsharp - match: (\s|$) pop: true - - match: '(\.)([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9''_]*)' - scope: support.other.module.fsharp + - match: '(\.)([A-Z][[:alpha:]0-9''_]*)' + scope: entity.name.section.fsharp captures: - 1: punctuation.separator.module-reference.fsharp - 2: support.other.module.fsharp - - match: '^\s*(module)\s+([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9''_]*)\s*(=)\s*([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9''_]*)' + 1: punctuation.separator.namespace-reference.fsharp + 2: entity.name.section.fsharp + record_declaration: + - match: '(\{)' captures: - 1: keyword.other.module-definition.fsharp - 2: entity.name.type.module.fsharp - 3: punctuation.separator.module-definition.fsharp - 4: support.other.module.fsharp + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp push: - - meta_scope: meta.module.alias.fsharp - - match: (\s|$) + - match: '(?<=\})' pop: true - - match: '(\.)([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9''_]*)' - scope: support.other.module.fsharp + - include: comments + - match: '(((mutable)\s[[:alpha:]]+)|[[:alpha:]0-9''`<>^._]*)\s*((?) + captures: + 1: keyword.fsharp + pop: true + - match: '((''|\^)``[[:alpha:]0-9`^:,._ ]+``|(''|\^)[[:alpha:]0-9`^:._]+)' + captures: + 1: entity.name.type.fsharp + - match: \b(interface|with|abstract|and|when|or|not|struct|equality|comparison|unmanaged|delegate|enum)\b + scope: keyword.fsharp + - match: (\() + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + push: + - match: (\)) + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + pop: true + - match: (static member|member|new) + captures: + 1: keyword.fsharp + - include: common_binding_definition + - match: '([\w0-9''`^._]+)' + captures: + 1: entity.name.type.fsharp + - include: keywords + - match: \s*(private|internal|public) + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 2: keyword.fsharp + - match: (\() + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + push: + - match: '\s*(?=(=)|[\n=]|(\(\))|(as))' + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + pop: true + - include: member_declaration + - include: keywords + string_formatter: + - match: (%0?-?(\d+)?((a|t)|(\.\d+)?(f|F|e|E|g|G|M)|(b|c|s|d|i|x|X|o|u)|(s|b|O)|(\+?A))) + scope: entity.name.type.format.specifier.fsharp + captures: + 1: keyword.format.specifier.fsharp strings: - - match: '(?=[^\\])(""")' + - match: '(?=[^\\])(@")' captures: 1: punctuation.definition.string.begin.fsharp push: - - meta_scope: string.quoted.double.fsharp - - match: (""") + - meta_scope: string.quoted.literal.fsharp + - match: (")(?!") captures: 1: punctuation.definition.string.end.fsharp pop: true - - match: '\\$[ \t]*' - scope: punctuation.separator.string.ignore-eol.fsharp - - match: '(?=[^\\])(@")' + - match: '"(")' + scope: constant.character.string.escape.fsharp + - match: '(?=[^\\])(""")' captures: 1: punctuation.definition.string.begin.fsharp push: - - meta_scope: string.quoted.double.fsharp - - match: (") + - meta_scope: string.quoted.triple.fsharp + - match: (""") captures: 1: punctuation.definition.string.end.fsharp pop: true - - match: '\\$[ \t]*' - scope: punctuation.separator.string.ignore-eol.fsharp + - include: string_formatter - match: '(?=[^\\])(")' captures: 1: punctuation.definition.string.begin.fsharp @@ -201,34 +594,79 @@ contexts: pop: true - match: '\\$[ \t]*' scope: punctuation.separator.string.ignore-eol.fsharp - - match: '\\([\\''ntbr]|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{8})' + - match: '\\([\\''''ntbr]|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{8})' scope: constant.character.string.escape.fsharp - - match: '\\(?![\\''ntbr]|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{8}).' + - match: '\\(?![\\''''ntbr]|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{8}).' scope: invalid.illeagal.character.string.fsharp - - match: '(?=[^\\])('')' + - include: string_formatter + strp_inlined: + - match: (\() captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.string.begin.fsharp + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp push: - - meta_scope: string.quoted.double.fsharp - - match: (') + - match: (\)) captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.string.end.fsharp + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp pop: true - - match: '\\$[ \t]*' - scope: punctuation.separator.string.ignore-eol.fsharp - - match: '\\([\\"ntbr]|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{8})' - scope: constant.character.string.escape.fsharp - - match: '\\(?![\\"ntbr]|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{8}).' - scope: invalid.illeagal.character.string.fsharp - structure: - - match: \( + - include: strp_inlined_body + strp_inlined_body: + - include: comments + - include: anonymous_functions + - match: '(\^[[:alpha:]0-9''._]+)' + captures: + 1: entity.name.type.fsharp + - match: \b(and|when|or)\b + scope: keyword.fsharp + - match: (\() + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp push: - - meta_scope: meta.paren-group.fsharp - - match: \) + - match: (\)) + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp pop: true - - include: main + - include: strp_inlined_body + - match: '(static member|member)\s*([[:alpha:]0-9''`<>^._]+|``[[:alpha:]0-9'' <>^._]+``)\s*(:)' + captures: + 1: keyword.fsharp + 2: variable.fsharp + 3: keyword.symbol.fsharp + - include: compiler_directives + - include: constants + - include: strings + - include: chars + - include: double_tick + - include: keywords + - include: text + - include: definition + - include: attributes + - include: keywords + - include: cexprs + - include: text + text: + - match: \\ + scope: text.fsharp + tuple_signature: + - match: "(([?[:alpha:]0-9'`^._ ]+))+" + captures: + 1: entity.name.type.fsharp + - match: (\() + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + push: + - match: (\)) + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + pop: true + - match: "(([?[:alpha:]0-9'`^._ ]+))+" + captures: + 1: entity.name.type.fsharp + - include: tuple_signature + - include: keywords variables: - match: \(\) - scope: variable.parameter.unit.fsharp - - match: '[a-zA-Z]\w*' - scope: variable.parameter.fsharp + scope: constant.language.unit.fsharp + - match: '(\?{0,1})(``[[:alpha:]0-9''`^:,._ ]+``|[[:alpha:]0-9''`<>^._ ]\w*)' + captures: + 1: keyword.symbol.fsharp + 2: variable.parameter.fsharp