Objective-C client for the Mendeley API.
MendeleySDK is a Mendeley API client for iOS and OS X, built on top of AFNetworking and AFOAuth2Client.
CocoaPods is the recommended way to add MendeleySDK to your project.
Here’s an example podfile that installs MendeleySDK and its dependency, AFOAuth2Client.
platform :ios, '5.0'
pod 'MendeleySDK', '~> 2.1'
Configure your API client by calling clientWithClientID:secret:redirectURI:
with your application client ID, client secret, and redirect URI (in your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
, for instance):
MDLMendeleyAPIClient *APIClient = [MDLMendeleyAPIClient clientWithClientID:@"###my_client_ID###"
If you don’t have a consumer key and secret, go to the Mendeley Developers Portal and register your application first.
Once the API client is configured, you need to present a web browser with a authenticationWebURL
request. This page will make sure that your application is properly recognized, and prompt the user for his credentials. You can either use an in-app UIWebView
, or open Safari and catch the response with a custom URL scheme.
After being logged in, you’ll get an authorization code. You can then validate this code in order to obtain the access and refresh tokens with validateOAuthCode:success:failure:
As of today, MendeleySDK doesn’t support the client credentials flow for public resources.
Okay, you should be ready to go now! You can also take a look at the demo apps and see how things work.
MDLDocument *document = [[MDLDocument alloc] init];
document.title = @"My Title";
[document createWithClient:self.APIClient success:^(MDLObject *document) {
/* ... */
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
/* ... */
MDLDocument *document;
[document uploadFileWithClient:self.APIClient
success:^(MDLFile *newFile) {
/* ... */
failure:^(NSError *error) {
/* ... */
MendeleySDK requires Xcode 7.0 with either the iOS 5.0 or OS X 10.7 SDK, as well as AFOAuth2Client.
MendeleySDK is developed by shazino.
MendeleySDK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.