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Angular-Project generator

Yeoman generator for scaffold out a front-end project with Angular and TypeScript


Build Status CircleCI Dependencies Status Coverage Status License


You need to have latest version of Node.js installed on your machine before running the followings:

npm install -g yo generator-angular-project

Make a new directory, and cd into it:

mkdir my-new-project && cd $_

Run yo angular-project, optionally passing an app name:

yo angular-project [app-name]

That'll generate a project including:


When submitting an issue, please make sure that Yeoman is up-to-date, and also provide the command or commands that cause the issue.

When submitting a PR, make sure that the commit messages match the AngularJS conventions.

When submitting a bugfix, write a test that exposes the bug and fails before applying your fix. Submit the test alongside the fix.

When submitting a new feature, add tests that cover the feature.


The MIT License