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File metadata and controls

402 lines (272 loc) · 10.2 KB


Login and credential file

To login with your account, simply call u115.API.login with username and password as argument.

>>> from u115 import API
>>> api = API()
>>> api.login('', 'password')

You can also put username and password in the file ~/.115 as credentials with the following format:

username =
password = defaultpassword

username =
password = anotherpassword

Then, you can login without providing username and password, only specifying the section name (defaults to default).

>>> api.login(section='another')

To check whether API has logged:

>>> api.has_logged_in


You can enable cookies to make a persistent session by providing persistent (True) and cookies_filename arguments.

>>> from u115 import API
>>> api = API(persistent=True, cookies_filename='cookies.txt')
>>> api.has_logged_in
>>> api.login(section='default')
>>> api.has_logged_in
>>> api.save_cookies()
>>> exit()
# Invoke Python interpreter again
>>> from u115 import API
>>> api = API(persistent=True, cookies_filename='cookies.txt')
>>> api.has_logged_in  # Already logged in using cookies

You can also save cookies or load cookies explicitly.

>>> from u115 import API
>>> api = API()
>>> api.login()
# Do something ...
>>> api.save_cookies()
>>> exit()
# Now invoke Python interpreter again
>>> from u115 import API
>>> api = API()
>>> api.load_cookies()
>>> api.has_logged_in

Getting tasks

You can retrieve tasks using u115.API.get_tasks. This function takes an optional argument, count, which defaults to 30. You can specify a smaller or larger integer value:

>>> tasks = api.get_tasks(60)
>>> tasks
[<Task: TVアニメローゼンメイデンオリジナルサウンドトラック (320K+BK)>, <Task: Sword Art Online II - 10.mkv>, <Task: -Saki- 阿知賀編 episode of side-A>]

To get count of total number of existing tasks and quota for this month:

>>> api.task_count
>>> api.task_quota

To get the information of a specific task:

>>> task = tasks[1]
>>> task.add_time
datetime.datetime(2014, 9, 6, 23, 48, 58)
>>> task.status_human

Normally, if it is a BitTorrent task and has been transferred, it has an associated directory which contains "lixian" (offline) files:

>>> task.is_directory
>>> task.is_transferred
<Directory: Sword Art Online II - 10.mkv>
>>> task.list() # or
[<File: Sword Art Online II - 10.mkv>]

Creating BitTorrent tasks

You can upload a torrent and create a task on the fly:

>>> api.add_task_bt('~/downloads/Black_Bullet_OP.torrent')
>>> api.get_tasks()
[<Task: Black Bullet OP>, <Task: TVアニメローゼンメイデンオリジナルサウンドトラック (320K+BK)>, ...]

Or you can edit the torrent and select files before submitting:

>>> u = api.add_task_bt('~/downloads/Black_Bullet_OP.torrent', select=True)
>>> files = u.files
[<TorrentFile: [*] black bullet.mp4>, <TorrentFile: [*] black bullet [commentary].mp4>, ...]
>>> files[0].unselect()
>>> files
[<TorrentFile: [ ] black bullet.mp4>, <TorrentFile: [*] black bullet [commentary].mp4>, ...]
>>> u.submit()

Creating URL tasks

You can create URL (link) tasks. HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, Magnet, and eD2k links are supported.

>>> api.add_task_url('')
>>> api.add_task_url('magnet:?xt.1=urn:sha1:YNCKHT.2=urn:sha1:TXGCZQT')

System directories

The account has its offline space that stores files transferred from tasks or uploaded by users. The root directory has access to all available files.

>>> api.root_directory
<Directory: 文件>
>>> api.root_directory.list()
[<Directory: 我的接收>]
>>> api.receiver_directory
<Directory: 我的接收>

After your tasks are transferred, the files go to the downloads directory (u115.API.downloads_directory). Its parent directory is the receiver directory (u115.API.receiver_directory)

>>> api.downloads_directory
<Directory: 离线下载>

If you have created BitTorrent tasks by uploading torrents, you will have a torrents directory (u115.API.torrents_directory), which holds uploaded torrent files.

>>> api.torrents_directory
<Directory: 种子文件>

Directory and files

You can list contents of a directory using list() method of a Directory <u115.Directory>.

>>> entries = api.downloads_directory.list()
>>> d = entries[0]
>>> d_entries = d.list()
>>> d_entries
[<Directory: BK>, <Directory: MP3>, <File: Cover.jpg>
>>> dd_entries = d_entries[0].list()
>>> dd_entries.list()
[<File: IMG_0003.jpg>, <File: IMG_0004.jpg>, <File: IMG_0005.jpg>, <File: IMG_0006.jpg>]

To get number of entries in a directory:

>>> d.count

The default behavior is to list 30 entries. You can list specified number of entries, either with or without count. The following two are equivalent:

>>> d.list(100)
>>> d.list(count=100)

List all files by passing count of itself:

>>> d.list(d.count)

There are other arguments that can be passed to list(), e.g. order (order of entries, which can be user_ptime (default), file_size and file_name), asc (whether in ascending order), show_dir (whether to show directories). For full list of arguments, see u115.Directory.list.

# List 100 smallest files
>>> d.list(count=100, order='file_size', asc=True)
# Do not include directories
>>> d.list(show_dir=False)

A directory has a parent directory, which can be accessed via parent attribute:

>>> d.parent
<Directory: 离线下载>
>>> d.parent.parent
<Directory: 我的接收>
# root directory has no parent
>>> d.root_directory.parent
# None

Delete the file or directory:

>>> f = d.list()[0]
>>> f.delete()
>>> f.is_deleted

Search directories and files

You can search directories and files by passing the keyword to

[<Directory: [WOLF][Mangaka-san][01-12+OVA01-06][GB][720P][END]>, <File: [WOLF][Mangaka-san][01][GB][720P].mp4>, ...]

By default, the search result limits to 30 items. To get more result, pass count to the methods:

>>>'.mp4', count=100)

Download files

For offline files, you can retrieve download links:

>>> f = dd_entries.list()[0]
>>> f
>>> f.url
         1%   14.3 MiB     437.3 KiB/s         0:53:45 ETA

There are also extra options for download() <>. The default behavior is downloading the file to the current working directory, resuming download progress if the file already exists (with the same path), and automatically retrying upon closed transfer until the file's download is finished.

# Download to path ~/Downloads
# Do not show progres
# Override existing file without resuming downloads

Upload files

You can upload files to any offline directory (defaults to downloads_directory):

>>> p = api.downloads_directory.parent
>>> p
<Directory: 我的接收>
>>> u = api.upload('/path/to/photo.jpg', directory=p)
>>> u
<File: photo.jpg>

The file you upload can be a torrent file, which you can open later and create a task from it:

>>> u = api.upload('/path/to/movie.torrent')
>>> u.is_torrent
>>> t = u.open_torrent()
>>> t.submit()

Moving files and directories

You can move files and directories within your offline space:

>>> files = api.downloads_directory.list()
>>> files
[<File: photo.jpg>, <Directory: album>]
>>> photo, album = files[0], files[1]
>>> photo
<File: photo.jpg>
>>> album
<Directory: album>
>>> photo.move(album)
<Directory: album>
>>> album.list()
[<File: photo.jpg>]

Creating directories

You can create directories within your offline space:

>>> api.downloads_directory.list()
[<File: photo.jpg>]
>>> api.downloads_directory.mkdir('New Dir')
>>> api.downloads_directory.list()
[<Directory: New Dir>, <File: photo.jpg>]

Renaming files and diretories

You can rename files and directories:

>>> f1
<File: photo.jpg>
>>> f1.edit('good.jpg')
>>> f1
<File: good.jpg>

Account and storage info

You can get user info:

>>> api.user_id
>>> api.username
>>> api.get_user_info()
{u'state': True, u'data': ...}

You can have an overview of your storage information:

>>> api.get_storage_info(human=True)
{u'total': '152.3 GiB', u'used': '3.6 GiB'}