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json2df is a library batch processing a lists of json data (multiple instances of same structured json data) into Pandas DataFrame


$ pip install json2df

usage example

e.g. when you scrape some users info data from a website, usually some fields contains json data format

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('')

(100, 5)

mock_id location primary_currency status timezone
0 0 {u'administrative_area': None, u'city': u'Sing... {u'code': u'USD', u'name': u'US Dollar', u'cou... {u'payment_verified': False, u'identity_verifi... {u'country': u'SG', u'offset': 8, u'id': 210, ...
1 1 {u'administrative_area': None, u'city': u'Bris... {u'code': u'USD', u'name': u'US Dollar', u'cou... {u'payment_verified': False, u'identity_verifi... {u'country': u'UK', u'offset': 1, u'id': 262, ...
2 2 {u'administrative_area': None, u'city': u'Ambo... {u'code': u'USD', u'name': u'US Dollar', u'cou... {u'payment_verified': False, u'identity_verifi... {u'country': u'MG', u'offset': 3, u'id': 295, ...

e.g. we want to extract and expend all columns from json/dict format to key-value DataFrame ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

use json2df to convert all columns into a DataFrame, the example exlude col "mock_id" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

from json2df import df2df
df_new = df2df(df, split_sign='||', exclude_cols=['mock_id'])

(100, 39)

.dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; } .dataframe tbody tr th { vertical-align: top; } .dataframe thead th { text-align: right; }
location||country||highres_flag_url location||country||code location||country||name location||country||seo_url location||country||flag_url_cdn location||country||highres_flag_url_cdn location||country||phone_code location||country||language_code location||country||demonym location||country||language_id ... status||identity_verified status||email_verified status||deposit_made status||phone_verified status||facebook_connected status||profile_complete timezone||country timezone||offset timezone||id timezone||timezone
0 /img/flags/highres_png/singapore.png sg Singapore None // // None None None None ... False True False False False False SG 8.0 210 Asia/Singapore
1 /img/flags/highres_png/united-kingdom.png gb United Kingdom None // // None None None None ... False True True False False True UK 1.0 262 Europe/London
2 /img/flags/highres_png/madagascar.png mg Madagascar None // // None None None None ... False True False False False True MG 3.0 295 Indian/Antananarivo

3 rows × 39 columns

.dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; } .dataframe tbody tr th { vertical-align: top; } .dataframe thead th { text-align: right; }
0 1 2
location||country||highres_flag_url /img/flags/highres_png/singapore.png /img/flags/highres_png/united-kingdom.png /img/flags/highres_png/madagascar.png
location||country||code sg gb mg
location||country||name Singapore United Kingdom Madagascar
location||country||seo_url None None None
location||country||flag_url_cdn // // //
location||country||highres_flag_url_cdn // // //
location||country||phone_code None None None
location||country||language_code None None None
location||country||demonym None None None
location||country||language_id None None None
location||country||person None None None
location||country||iso3 None None None
location||country||sanction None None None
location||country||flag_url /img/flags/png/sg.png /img/flags/png/gb.png /img/flags/png/mg.png
location||country||flag_class singapore united-kingdom madagascar
location||country||region_id None None None
location||administrative_area None None None
location||city Singapore Bristol Ambohidratrimo
location||vicinity None None None
location||longitude None None None
location||full_address None None None
location||latitude None None None
primary_currency||code USD USD USD
primary_currency||name US Dollar US Dollar US Dollar
primary_currency||country US US US
primary_currency||sign $ $ $
primary_currency||exchange_rate 1.0 1.0 1.0
primary_currency||id 1 1 1
status||payment_verified False False False
status||identity_verified False False False
status||email_verified True True True
status||deposit_made False True False
status||phone_verified False False False
status||facebook_connected False False False
status||profile_complete False True True
timezone||country SG UK MG
timezone||offset 8.0 1.0 3.0
timezone||id 210 262 295
timezone||timezone Asia/Singapore Europe/London Indian/Antananarivo


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