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The Blogs about PL and Compiler


  1. awesome-compilers

    Curated list of awesome resources on Compilers, Interpreters and Runtimes

  2. Chris Lattner's Homepage

  3. Eli Bendersky's website

  4. Jay McCarthy's blog

  5. wupeng

  6. Vyacheslav Egorov

  7. LLVM Weekly

  8. OSDT Weekly

  9. OpenArcCompiler Weekly

  10. wuhui_gdnt的专栏

  11. 电影旅行敲代码

  12. 蓝色

  13. RednaxelaFX

  14. MaskRay

  15. 小乖他爹

  16. PLCT-Open-Reports


  17. PLCT-Weekly


  18. arkcompiler-materials


  19. compiler optimizations

    A collection of compiler optimizations with brief descriptions and examples of code transformations.

Compilers - lecture

  1. Lecture Slides for the Clang Libraries github pdf

Virtual Machine

  1. the Garbage Collection Page -Richard Jones

    the Garbage Collection page is a comprehensive resource for automatic dynamic memory management a.k.a garbage collection. As well as links to my book on garbage collection and my online, searchable memory management bibliography (over 1,900 entries), it includes links to other garbage collection resources such as software and conference proceedings.

  2. Understanding How Graal Works - a Java JIT Compiler Written in Java

Program Analysis

  1. Program Analysis Resources

  2. Yannis Smaragdakis dblp

Programming Languages

  1. Adrian Sampson

  2. A path to enlightenment in Programming Language Theory --Steven Shaw

  3. jserv: Build your own Programming Language

Blog 文章

  1. 对 Parser 的误解 --王垠

  2. Virtual Machine in Android: Everything you need to know

  3. I do not use a debugger --Daniel Lemire

  4. Debugging hell --Linus

  5. You should blog even if you have no readers --Nathan