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How to use

  1. Prior to usage, install git and fetch dotty. (You might need to do basic git setup first.)
  2. Run dotty/ -r setup_common.json, plus the additional config for whatever machine you're on (setup/osx.json, ...)
  3. Run git submodule update --init --recursive --remote.

To do

  • Get a better sync manager than dotty.
  • Figure out a consistent way to update submodules and actually move HEAD to newest version on every pull. git submodule sync, git submodule foreach git pull --rebase as a post-receive or post-update hook? Alternatively, git submodule update --remote?
  • Figure out a way to not update HEAD position for oh-my-zsh and dotvim on every change that happens. (Take them out of the repo?)
  • Make every added submodule automatically track the master branch (git submodule add -b master <url>)