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Gauche Docker image

This directory contains files needed to build a Docker image contaning Gauche Scheme Engine, and Makiki http server.

The pre-built images are available at the public docker repo, See the list of published images at .

How to use this

Creating a Docker image of Gauche application

See samples/simple, which creates an image of simple web server. It's Dockerfile simply pulls from practicalscheme/gauche, adds the application directory, and run the script:

FROM practicalscheme/gauche:latest
ADD app /app
CMD [ "/usr/bin/gosh", "/app/serv.scm", "-p", "6789" ]

The appplication script serv.scm creates a webserver that responds to the root path and just returns a simple HTML:

(use makiki)
(use gauche.parseopt)

(define (main args)
  (let-args (cdr args) ([port "p=i"])
    (start-http-server :port port)))

(define-http-handler "/"
  (^[req app] (respond/ok req "<h1>It worked!</h1>")))

To build an image, go down to samples/simple directory and run the docker build command.

docker build -t sample-simple .

The server can be run as follows:

docker run --rm -p 6789:6789 smaple-simple

Access to http://localhost:6789/ and you'll get a response.

Running a Gauche REPL without installing Gauche

The docker image is set to run Gauche REPL by default, so you can run REPL without installing Gauche:

docker run --rm -ti practicalscheme/gauche

Note that, however, the REPL runs inside the Docker environment, so it cannot refer to your local file.

Note: By default, gosh runs with line-editing enabled. If you run it inside Emacs shell mode, it will interfere with Emacs editing, so you'd want to use -fno-read-edit option:

docker run --rm -ti practicalscheme/gauche /usr/bin/gosh -i -fno-read-edit

Running a local Gauche script without installing Gauche

To run Gauche script on your machine with gosh in the Docker, you need to make your script visible from the Docker.

The Docker image contains a script /usr/bin/gosh-script which chdir to /home/app and run gosh. Mounting the local script directory as /home/app in the Docker and run /usr/bin/gosh-script in the Docker allows gosh to read the script and other stuff under the directory.

See samples/local-script. It has a shell script that does the job. Go down to the directory and try this:

./ script.scm

It will show:

Loading mylib.b
Loading mylib.a
Running local script
This is input data

See script.scm to find out the local libraries and files are read by gosh.


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