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WebXCrawler is a fast static crawler to crawl a website and get all the links.

Installation Through PIP

To install dependencies, use the following command:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Installation Through Poetry

This package is built with Poetry. To set up the virtual environment and install dependencies, follow these steps (trying using with sudo, if you get any error):

poetry install

Installation with Docker

This tool can also be used with Docker. To set up the Docker environment, follow these steps (trying using with sudo, if you get any error):

docker build -t webxcrawler:latest .

Using the WebXCrawler

To run the WebXCrawler on a website, use the '-u' flag and provide the URL as an argument:

python3 webxcrawler -u URL

For an overview of all commands use the following command:

python3 webxcrawler -h

The output shown below are the latest supported commands.

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                                           Coded with Love by Shivam Saraswat (@cybersapien)

usage: python3 webxcrawler [-h] -u URL [-d int] [-t int] [-o file_path] [-V]

WebXCrawler is a fast static crawler to crawl a website and get all the links.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URL, --url URL     URL to crawl
  -d int, --depth int   maximum depth to crawl (default 2)
  -t int, --threads int
                        number of threads to use (default 2)
  -o file_path, --output file_path
                        file to write output to
  -V, --version         show webxcrawler version number and exit

Example: python3 webxcrawler -u -d 2 -t 10 -o /tmp/tofile

Using the Docker Container

A typical run through Docker would look as follows:

docker run -it --rm webxcrawler -u URL

NOTE: Do check out Golang Version of WebXCrawler.


WebXCrawler is a fast static crawler to crawl a website and get all the links.





