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FeatureBlockLogisticRegression example
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cesarfm committed May 3, 2013
1 parent cec2f66 commit b372a7f
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197 changes: 197 additions & 0 deletions examples/undocumented/python_modular/graphical/
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import rand, randn, permutation, multivariate_normal

from shogun.Classifier import BinaryLabels, RealFeatures, IndexBlock, IndexBlockGroup, FeatureBlockLogisticRegression

def generate_synthetic_logistic_data(n, p, L, blk_nnz, gcov, nstd):
# Generates synthetic data for the logistic regression, using the example
# from [Friedman10]
# n : # of observations
# p : # of predictors
# L : # of blocks
# blk_nnz : # of non-zero coefs. in each block
# gcov : correlation within groups
# nstd : standard deviation of the added noise

# size of each block (assumed to be an integer)
pl = p / L

# generating the coefficients (betas)
coefs = np.zeros((p, 1))
for (i, nnz) in enumerate(blk_nnz):
blkcoefs = np.zeros((pl, 1))
blkcoefs[0:nnz] = np.sign(rand(nnz, 1) - 0.5)
coefs[pl * i:pl * (i + 1)] = permutation(blkcoefs)

# generating the predictors
mu = np.zeros(p)
gsigma = gcov * np.ones((pl, pl))
np.fill_diagonal(gsigma, 1.0)
Sigma = np.kron(np.eye(L), gsigma)
# the predictors come from a standard Gaussian multivariate distribution
X = multivariate_normal(mu, Sigma, n)

# linear function of the explanatory variables in X, plus noise
t =, coefs) + randn(n, 1) * nstd
# applying the logit
Pr = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-t))
# The response variable y[i] is a Bernoulli random variable taking
# value 1 with probability Pr[i]
y = rand(n, 1) <= Pr

# we want each _column_ in X to represent a feature vector
# y and coefs should be also 1D arrays
return X.T, y.flatten(), coefs.flatten()

def misclassified_groups(est_coefs, true_coefs, L):
# Compute the number of groups that are misclassified, i.e. the ones with
# at least one non-zero coefficient whose estimated coefficients are all
# set to zero, or viceversa, as explained in [Friedman10]
# est_coefs : coefficients estimated by the FBLR
# true_coefs : the original coefficients of our synthetic example
# L : number of blocks

p = est_coefs.shape[0] # number of predictors
pl = p / L

est_nz = est_coefs != 0
true_nz = true_coefs != 0
est_blk_nzcount = np.array([sum(est_nz[pl * i:pl * (i + 1)]) for i in xrange(L)])
true_blk_nzcount = np.array([sum(true_nz[pl * i:pl * (i + 1)]) for i in xrange(L)])
return np.sum(np.logical_xor(est_blk_nzcount == 0, true_blk_nzcount == 0))

def misclassified_features(est_coefs, true_coefs):
# Compute the number of individual coefficients that are misclassified,
# i.e. estimated to be zero when the true coefficient is nonzero or
# vice-versa, as explained in [Friedman10]
# est_coefs : coefficients estimated by the FBLR
# true_coefs : the original coefficients of our synthetic example
return np.sum(np.logical_xor(est_coefs == 0, true_coefs == 0))

def compute_misclassifications(cls, true_coefs, L, rel_z):
# Try the given classifier with different values of relative regularization
# parameters, store the coefficients and compute the number of groups
# and features misclassified.
# - cls : the classifier to try
# - true_coefs : the original coefficients of our synthetic example
# - L : number of blocks
# - rel_z : regularization values to try, they will be in [0,1]
# - est_coefs : array with the estimated coefficients, each row for a
# different value of regularization
# - misc_groups, misc_feats : see above
num_z = rel_z.shape[0]
est_coefs = np.zeros((num_z, true_coefs.shape[0]))
misc_groups = np.zeros(num_z)
misc_feats = np.zeros(num_z)
for (i, z) in enumerate(rel_z):
est_coefs[i, :] = cls.get_w()
misc_groups[i] = misclassified_groups(est_coefs[i, :], true_coefs, L)
misc_feats[i] = misclassified_features(est_coefs[i, :], true_coefs)
return est_coefs, misc_groups, misc_feats

if __name__ == '__main__':
print('FeatureBlockLogisticRegression example')

np.random.seed(956) # reproducible results

# default parameters from [Friedman10]
n = 200
p = 100
L = 10
blk_nnz = [10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1]
gcov = 0.2
nstd = 0.4

# range of (relative) regularization values to try
min_z = 0
max_z = 1
num_z = 21

# get the data
X, y, true_coefs = generate_synthetic_logistic_data(n, p, L, blk_nnz, gcov, nstd)

# here each column represents a feature vector
features = RealFeatures(X)
# we have to convert the labels to +1/-1
labels = BinaryLabels(np.sign(y.astype(int) - 0.5))

# build the feature blocks and add them to the block group
pl = p / L
block_group = IndexBlockGroup()
for i in xrange(L):
block_group.add_block(IndexBlock(pl * i, pl * (i + 1)))

cls_gl = FeatureBlockLogisticRegression(0.0, features, labels, block_group)
# with set_regularization(1), the parameter z will indicate the fraction of
# the maximum regularization to use, and so z is in [0,1]
# (reference: SLEP manual)
cls_gl.set_q(2.0) # it is the default anyway...

# CLASSIFIER 2: LASSO (illustrating group lasso with all group sizes = 1)
block_group_ones = IndexBlockGroup()
for i in xrange(p):
block_group_ones.add_block(IndexBlock(i, i + 1))

cls_l = FeatureBlockLogisticRegression(0.0, features, labels, block_group_ones)

# trying with different values of (relative) regularization parameters
rel_z = np.linspace(min_z, max_z, num_z)
coefs_gl, miscgp_gl, miscft_gl = compute_misclassifications(cls_gl, true_coefs, L, rel_z)
coefs_l, miscgp_l, miscft_l = compute_misclassifications(cls_l, true_coefs, L, rel_z)

# Find the best regularization for each classifier
# for the group lasso: the one that gives the fewest groups misclassified
best_z_gl = np.argmin(miscgp_gl)
# for the lasso: the one that gives the fewest features misclassified
best_z_l = np.argmin(miscft_l)

# plot the true coefs. and the signs of the estimated coefs.
fig = plt.figure()
for (coefs, best_z, name, pos) in zip([coefs_gl, coefs_l], [best_z_gl, best_z_l], ['Group lasso', 'Lasso'], [0, 1]):
ax = plt.subplot2grid((4, 2), (pos, 0), colspan=2)
plt.plot(xrange(p), np.sign(coefs[best_z, :]), 'o', markeredgecolor='none', markerfacecolor='g')
plt.plot(xrange(p), true_coefs, '^', markersize=7, markeredgecolor='r', markerfacecolor='none', markeredgewidth=1)
plt.xticks(xrange(0, p + pl, pl))
plt.yticks([-1, 0, 1])
plt.xlim((-1, p + 1))
plt.ylim((-2, 2))
# plt.legend(('estimated', 'true'), loc='best')
plt.xlabel('Predictor [triangles=true coefs], best reg. value = %.2f' % rel_z[best_z])

ax = plt.subplot2grid((4, 2), (2, 0), rowspan=2)
plt.plot(rel_z, miscgp_gl, 'ro-', rel_z, miscgp_l, 'bo-')
plt.legend(('Group lasso', 'Lasso'), loc='best')
plt.title('Groups misclassified')
plt.xlabel('Relative regularization parameter')
plt.ylabel('# of groups misclassified')

ax = plt.subplot2grid((4, 2), (2, 1), rowspan=2)
plt.plot(rel_z, miscft_gl, 'ro-', rel_z, miscft_l, 'bo-')
plt.legend(('Group lasso', 'Lasso'), loc='best')
plt.title('Features misclassified')
plt.xlabel('Relative regularization parameter')
plt.ylabel('# of features misclassified')

plt.tight_layout(1.2, 0, 0)

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