Welcome to my GitHub profile! Here, you'll find information about my projects, interests, and how to get in touch with me.
- 🔭 Currently working on mobi-agent
- 🌱 Learning Next.js or AI
- 👯 Looking to collaborate on Web Front-end Development or AI-based Application Development
- 💬 Ask me about (photographic) subject or muscle training or soccer
- 📫 How to reach me: https://x.com/shoma_ai
- 😄 Pronouns: make the chosen path the correct one
- ⚡ Fun fact: Fast web app development with bolt.new
Here are some of the projects I've been working on:
- Mobi Agent: Chatbot that can be linked to CRM where users and company operators interact.
- Rakuten Wallet: Virtual currency exchange management systems
- Customer Information Management System: In-store microservice system for mobile operating companies
- Programming Languages: Javascript or Typescript or Ruby or PHP
- Frameworks and Libraries: Vue.js or React.js or Nest.js or RubyonRails
- Tools and Platforms: CircleCi or Docker or Gather or Datadog
Feel free to reach out to me via DM of X.
Thank you for visiting my profile!