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Implement missing edge cases in queryArguments. (#7)
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Previously, queryArguments was partially implemented to handle the most
common types I had run into, with a TODO to complete the rest.

This change implements the support for the remaining argument types.
Now, slices of T are mapped to "[T]!", and pointers to slices of T are
mapped to "[T]", as per GraphQL specification.

Add a comment pointing out that commas are omitted because they're
insignificant, and we're looking to produce minified output (less bytes
to send over the network).

Fixes #6.
  • Loading branch information
dmitshur committed Dec 1, 2017
1 parent 671b933 commit d0549ed
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Showing 2 changed files with 74 additions and 35 deletions.
73 changes: 48 additions & 25 deletions query.go
Expand Up @@ -30,33 +30,56 @@ func constructMutation(v interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}) string {
// E.g., map[string]interface{}{"a": Int(123), "b": NewBoolean(true)} -> "$a:Int!$b:Boolean".
func queryArguments(variables map[string]interface{}) string {
sorted := make([]string, 0, len(variables))
// Sort keys in order to produce deterministic output for testing purposes.
// TODO: If tests can be made to work with non-deterministic output, then no need to sort.
keys := make([]string, 0, len(variables))
for k := range variables {
sorted = append(sorted, k)
keys = append(keys, k)
var s string
for _, k := range sorted {
v := variables[k]
s += "$" + k + ":"
t := reflect.TypeOf(v)
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
// TODO: Support t.Elem() being a pointer, if needed. Probably want to do this recursively.
s += "[" + t.Elem().Name() + "!]" // E.g., "[IssueState!]".
case reflect.Ptr:
// Pointer is an optional type, so no "!" at the end.
s += t.Elem().Name() // E.g., "Int".
name := t.Name()
if name == "string" { // HACK: Workaround for
name = "ID"
// Value is a required type, so add "!" to the end.
s += name + "!" // E.g., "Int!".

var buf bytes.Buffer
for _, k := range keys {
io.WriteString(&buf, "$")
io.WriteString(&buf, k)
io.WriteString(&buf, ":")
writeArgumentType(&buf, reflect.TypeOf(variables[k]), true)
// Don't insert a comma here.
// Commas in GraphQL are insignificant, and we want minified output.
// See
return buf.String()

// writeArgumentType writes a minified GraphQL type for t to w.
// value indicates whether t is a value (required) type or pointer (optional) type.
// If value is true, then "!" is written at the end of t.
func writeArgumentType(w io.Writer, t reflect.Type, value bool) {
if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
// Pointer is an optional type, so no "!" at the end of the pointer's underlying type.
writeArgumentType(w, t.Elem(), false)

switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
// List. E.g., "[Int]".
io.WriteString(w, "[")
writeArgumentType(w, t.Elem(), true)
io.WriteString(w, "]")
// Named type. E.g., "Int".
name := t.Name()
if name == "string" { // HACK: Workaround for
name = "ID"
io.WriteString(w, name)

if value {
// Value is a required type, so add "!" to the end.
io.WriteString(w, "!")
return s

// query uses writeQuery to recursively construct
Expand All @@ -69,8 +92,8 @@ func query(v interface{}) string {
return buf.String()

// writeQuery writes a minified query for t to w. If inline is true,
// the struct fields of t are inlined into parent struct.
// writeQuery writes a minified query for t to w.
// If inline is true, the struct fields of t are inlined into parent struct.
func writeQuery(w io.Writer, t reflect.Type, inline bool) {
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice:
Expand Down
36 changes: 26 additions & 10 deletions query_test.go
Expand Up @@ -273,7 +273,6 @@ func TestConstructMutation(t *testing.T) {

func TestQueryArguments(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
in map[string]interface{}
want string
Expand All @@ -282,26 +281,43 @@ func TestQueryArguments(t *testing.T) {
want: "$a:Int!$b:Boolean",
in: map[string]interface{}{"states": []IssueState{IssueStateOpen, IssueStateClosed}},
want: "$states:[IssueState!]",
in: map[string]interface{}{
"required": []IssueState{IssueStateOpen, IssueStateClosed},
"optional": &[]IssueState{IssueStateOpen, IssueStateClosed},
want: "$optional:[IssueState!]$required:[IssueState!]!",
in: map[string]interface{}{"states": []IssueState(nil)},
want: "$states:[IssueState!]",
in: map[string]interface{}{
"required": []IssueState(nil),
"optional": (*[]IssueState)(nil),
want: "$optional:[IssueState!]$required:[IssueState!]!",
in: map[string]interface{}{"states": [...]IssueState{IssueStateOpen, IssueStateClosed}},
want: "$states:[IssueState!]",
in: map[string]interface{}{
"required": [...]IssueState{IssueStateOpen, IssueStateClosed},
"optional": &[...]IssueState{IssueStateOpen, IssueStateClosed},
want: "$optional:[IssueState!]$required:[IssueState!]!",
in: map[string]interface{}{"id": ID("someid")},
in: map[string]interface{}{"id": ID("someID")},
want: "$id:ID!",
in: map[string]interface{}{"ids": []ID{"someID", "anotherID"}},
want: `$ids:[ID!]!`,
in: map[string]interface{}{"ids": &[]ID{"someID", "anotherID"}},
want: `$ids:[ID!]`,
for _, tc := range tests {
for i, tc := range tests {
got := queryArguments(
if got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("%s: got: %q, want: %q",, got, tc.want)
t.Errorf("test case %d:\n got: %q\nwant: %q", i, got, tc.want)
Expand Down

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