Fast, Exact and Multi-Scale Inference for Semantic Image Segmentation with Deep Gaussian CRFs
Find the pdf of the latest ArXiV report here.
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title={Fast, Exact and Multi-Scale Inference for Semantic Image Segmentation with Deep Gaussian CRFs},
author={Siddhartha Chandra and Iasonas Kokkinos},
This is the implementation of the Potts type G-CRF caffe layer as introduced in the paper. We use deeplab-V2 resnets-101 in conjunction with the Potts type G-CRF module for learning pairwise terms. The pairwise terms are drawn from a single (parallem) branch of the resnet-101. Follow these steps to reproduce our 80.2% IoU on VOC 2012 test set.
- Change the PATH to the VOC Dataset in scripts/resources/test_rtf_release.prototxt, scripts/flip_images.m, scripts/apply_dense_crf.m, scripts/average_lr.m
- Compile caffe (caffe_deeplab2_lightweight)
- Compile dense-crf (scripts/resources/densecrf)
- For the remainder of the steps, go into the scripts directory as all paths in the scripts are relative. cd scripts
- Download the trained caffemodel from here, and place it into the scripts/resources directory.
- wget
- mv finetuned_iter_10000.caffemodel resources
- Flip test images
- We flip test images horizontally, and then average the scores. Use the matlab script: scripts/flip_images.m
- Score images using trained model.
- Use the bash script scripts/
- The results are written to scripts/results/release
- Average the flipped scores, generate results without crf.
- Use the matlab script: scripts/average_lr.m
- The averaged scores are written to scripts/results/scores
- The segmentation maps without dense CRF are written to scripts/results/nocrf
- The segmentation maps without dense CRF achieve 79.5 mean pixel IoU on VOC2012 test set.
- The results are here
- Apply dense CRF for object edge refinement.
- Use the matlab script: scripts/apply_dense_crf.m
- The densecrf post processed segmentations are written to scripts/results/crf
- The densecrf post processed segmentation maps achieve 80.2 mean pixel IoU on VOC2012 test set.
- The results are here