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GitHub language cards component using React.js and Materialized CSS – carousel :)


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This is a React.js component for providing a carousel of cards. The cards show the languages the consumer likes to dabble in on GitHub. There is a link in the cards to go the consumer's GitHub projects filtered for the particular language.

By using Materialize CSS the component gains touch compatibility :D


I made this component for my personal website. Decided to make it available for everyone to use and enjoy :)


Following is the demo GIF of the component:


  • Include the dependencies as script tags in the HTML file:

Inside <head>:

<script src="" integrity="sha256-hwg4gsxgFZhOsEEamdOYGBf13FyQuiTwlAQgxVSNgt4="
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Inside <body>:

<div class="container">
  <div id="root"></div>

Note: The library is exported as gitlangcards following the UMD convention — it can be consumed by all module systems in their native forms. For eg in CommonJS, consume as require("gitlangcards").

  • Library name: gitlangcards

  • In JS script:

// `gitlangcards` is the library, since I've added the bundle as a script, I can consume the library freely
// as a global variable
// The `render()` of the `GitHubLanguageColors` object takes 3 parameters:
// 1. The GitHub user name
// 2. The elementId of the div the carousel needs to be rendered inside
// 3. The callback function that needs to be called after the carousel(component) 
//    has been rendered on the screen
new gitlangcards.GitHubLanguageColors().renderOnScreen("sidmishraw", "root", () => console.log("Done"));

Note: I'd recommend add the bundled js after the body elements have rendered for faster processing.

<!-- towards the end of the <body> tag -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=".././bin/materialize.bundle.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=".././bin/gitlangcards.bundle.js"></script>

Note: load the materialize.bundle.js before the gitlangcards.bundle.js since it satisfies the CSS and JS dependencies in gitlangcards.bundle.js. I believe this holds only in root or HTML script include method for JS files. CommonJS, CommonJS2, and AMD module systems follow their conventions.

Consumer dependencies:

  • "jquery" : "^3.2.1"

  • "materialize-css" : "^0.100.2"

  • "react" : "^16.0.0"

  • "react-dom" : "^16.0.0"

Developer dependencies:

  • "babel-core" : "^6.26.0"

  • "babel-loader" : "^7.1.2"

  • "babel-preset-env" : "^1.6.1"

  • "babel-preset-react" : "^6.24.1"

  • "css-loader" : "^0.28.7"

  • "extract-text-webpack-plugin" : "^3.0.2"

  • "file-loader" : "^1.1.5"

  • "html-webpack-plugin" : "^2.30.1"

  • "materialize-loader" : "^2.0.2"

  • "path" : "^0.12.7"

  • "style-loader" : "^0.19.0"

  • "url-loader" : "^0.6.2"

  • "webpack" : "^3.8.1"

  • "webpack-dev-server" : "^2.9.4"

Dev builds:

yarn install          # installs all the dependencies and sets up the project

yarn build            # builds the distributables or bundles in the ${PROJECT_ROOT}/bin directory

yarn clean            # cleans the distributables

yarn rebuild          # cleans and builds -- fails of bin directory is not there

yarn start --watch    # starts the webpack-dev-server for live feedback -- http://localhost:8080/bin/app.html



GitHub language cards component using React.js and Materialized CSS – carousel :)








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