This demo is now finished:
This project uses Three.js
Elements we want:
- A train. Toy/Brio-style. We would like to use this model:
- A terrain with a mountain and some water
- A rail track
- A tunnel
- Smoke for the train
- Text
Effects we want:
- Ascii style glitchyness (also, the music turns 8-bit when the visuals turn into ascii)
- TV style noise/crackling/jitter (as a transition to/from the ascii effect)
The music:
- Length: 1m 54s
- Tempo: 120 bpm
- The first beat starts at approximately t = 870
The plot (roughly):
- Travelling in tunnel under water
- Introduction text
- Overview of the terrain
- The train is being built
- At first we only see front_body
- Then middle_body and then rear_body fall down into place
- Then the wheels arrive from the sides (first front, then middle and then rear)
- Then the remaining parts (pole, cube etc) fall down from the top and are placed correctly on the train
- Rail track is being built
- Party time - Train drives over the track
- Ascii-effect
- Greets/shoutouts