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API-CHANGE: new checkout and changelog tools using Phing
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  • Loading branch information
Julian Seidenberg committed Apr 26, 2011
1 parent e4031aa commit 0ecaf0c
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Showing 8 changed files with 990 additions and 0 deletions.
269 changes: 269 additions & 0 deletions build.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- Installation instructions:
sudo pear install phing
sudo pear install VersionControl_Git-0.4.4
phing tag -Dtagname=2.4.6

<project name="silverstripe-installer" default="tag" phingVersion="2.4.5">

<!-- Load in the custom tasks -->
<taskdef name="findRepos" classname="tools.FindRepositoriesTask" classpath="${project.basedir}" />
<taskdef name="ssmodules" classname="tools.LoadModulesTask" classpath="${project.basedir}" />
<taskdef name="sschanglog" classname="tools.CreateChangelog" classpath="${project.basedir}" />

<property name="basedir" value="." override="true" />
<property name="dependent-modules-file" value="dependent-modules" override="true" />
<property name="changelog-definitions-file" value="changelog-definitions" override="true" />
<property name="ni_build" value="false" override="true"/> <!-- Prompt if local changes would be overwritten by update -->
<property name="changelogFile" value="" override="true"/>
<property name="changelogSort" value="type" override="true"/>

<available file="${dependent-modules-file}" property="dependent-modules-file-exists" />
<available file="${changelog-definition-file}" property="changelog-definition-file-exists" />

<target name="help">
SilverStripe Project Build

This build file contains targets to assist in creating new SilverStripe builds and releases.

Important targets

* changelog - Create a file with the changes specified in changelog.ini
* tag - Creates a new git tag in all the nested working copies (optionally pushes the created tag)
* update-package - Creates a package that excludes several diretories that can be used for extracting over the top of existing installs

<target name="gitRepositories">
<findRepos TargetDir="${basedir}" />

<!-- find the git binary and set it -->
<target name="gitBinary">
<exec command="which git" outputProperty="gitPath1" />

<!-- Tag a git repo with a specific tag (in $tagname) -->
<target name="tagTask" if="tagname,reponame,gitPath1">
force="true" /> <!-- allow overwrite of existing tags-->
<echo msg="git tag '${tagname}' added to '${reponame}' git repository" />

<!-- Push all local tags -->
<target name="pushTask" if="reponame,gitPath1">
gitPath="${gitPath1}" />
<echo msg="pushed all tags to '${reponame}' git repository" />

<!-- Checkout the specified tag on all working copies -->
<target name="checkoutTask" if="reponame,gitPath1,tagname">
gitPath="${gitPath1}" />
<echo msg="checked out ${tagname} tag/branch in '${reponame}' git repository" />

<target name="archiveTask" if="archivetype,basedir,archivename">
<!-- create tar archive -->
<equals arg1="${archivetype}" arg2="tar.gz" casesensitive="false" trim="true"/>
<tar destfile="${basedir}/${archivename}" compression="gzip">
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<include name="**/**" />
<exclude name="mysite/local.conf.php" />
<exclude name="mysite/db.conf.php" />
<exclude name="mysite/*.log" />
<exclude name="**/.svn/**" />
<exclude name="**/.git/**" />
<exclude name="**/.project" /> <!-- remove eclipse configuration file -->
<exclude name="**/.buildpath" />
<exclude name="**/.settings" />
<exclude name="**/.idea/**" /> <!-- remove phpstorm configuration file -->

<!-- create zip archive -->
<equals arg1="${archivetype}" arg2="zip" casesensitive="false" trim="true"/>
<zip destfile="${basedir}/${archivename}">
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<include name="**/**" />
<exclude name="mysite/local.conf.php" />
<exclude name="mysite/db.conf.php" />
<exclude name="mysite/*.log" />
<exclude name="**/.svn/**" />
<exclude name="**/.git/**" />
<exclude name="**/.project" />
<exclude name="**/.buildpath" />
<exclude name="**/.settings" />
<exclude name="**/.idea/**" />

<target name="createDependentModulesFile" unless="dependent-modules-file-exists">
<copy file="${dependent-modules-file}.default" tofile="${dependent-modules-file}" />

<target name="createChangelogDefinitionsFile" unless="changelog-definitions-file-exists">
<copy file="${changelog-definitions-file}.default" tofile="${changelog-definitions-file}" />

<!-- tags all git repositories in the current directory with a tag name -->
<target name="tag" if="basedir" depends="gitRepositories,gitBinary">
<isset property="tagname"/>
<echo msg="Using '${tagname}' tag"/>
<input propertyName="tagname" promptChar=":">Please enter the name of the tag</input>
<echo msg="Using '${tagname}' tag"/>

<!-- find all git repos and run the tagTask on them -->
<foreach list="${GitReposList}" param="reponame" target="tagTask" />

<input propertyName="pushToOrigin" defaultValue="no" validArgs="yes,no" promptChar=":">Push local tags to origin?</input>
<equals arg1="${pushToOrigin}" arg2="yes" casesensitive="false" trim="true"/>
<phingCall target="push" />

<!-- Pushes all local tags to origin -->
<target name="push" if="basedir" depends="gitRepositories,gitBinary">
<foreach list="${GitReposList}" param="reponame" target="pushTask" />

<!-- Switches all working copies to the specified tag or branch -->
<target name="checkout" if="basedir" depends="gitRepositories,gitBinary">
<isset property="tagname"/>
<echo msg="Using '${tagname}' tag/branch"/>
<input propertyName="tagname" defaultValue="HEAD" promptChar=":">Please enter the name of the tag or branch you wish to checkout</input>
<echo msg="Using '${tagname}' tag/branch"/>

<!-- find all git repos and run the checkoutTask on them -->
<foreach list="${GitReposList}" param="reponame" target="checkoutTask" />

<!-- Creates a gzip archive from the current folder (removes any version control files) -->
<target name="archive" if="basedir">
<isset property="archivetype"/>
<echo msg="Creating '${archivetype}' archive"/>
<input propertyName="archivetype" defaultValue="tar.gz" validArgs="tar.gz,zip" promptChar=":">Please choose archive format</input>
<echo msg="Creating '${archivetype}' archive"/>

<isset property="archivename"/>
<echo msg="Creating '${archivename}' archive"/>
<input propertyName="archivename" defaultValue="archive.${archivetype}" promptChar=":">Please enter a name for the archive</input>
<echo msg="Creating '${archivename}' archive"/>

<!-- check if file exists -->
<available file="${${basedir}/${archivename}}" property="afileexists" />
<istrue value="${afileexists}"/>
<echo msg="File ${basedir}/${archivename} already exists. Aborting."/>
<else><!-- File exists, we can continue building the archive -->
<phingCall target="archiveTask" />

<echo msg="Created archive in: ${basedir}/${archivename}" />


<!-- Load modules where sensitive dependency exists -->
<target name="update_modules" depends="createDependentModulesFile">
<ssmodules file="${basedir}/${dependent-modules-file}" noninteractive="${ni_build}"/>

<!-- Add a new module to the system. Run from the commandline, you can pass
in the details of the module as phing add_module -Dmodule=blog -Dmodurl=http://path/to/svn -->
<target name="add_module">
<isset property="modurl"/>
<echo msg="Downloading module from '${modurl}'"/>
<input propertyName="modurl" promptChar=":">Please enter the module's git or svn URL</input>
<echo msg="Downloading module from '${modurl}'"/>

<isset property="module"/>
<echo msg="Creating new '${module}' module"/>
<input propertyName="module" promptChar=":">Please enter the module's name (i.e. the folder to module should be created in)</input>
<echo msg="Creating new '${module}' module"/>

<ssmodules name="${module}" url="${modurl}" />

<!-- Create a changelog of git changes based on the -->
<target name="changelog" depends="createChangelogDefinitionsFile" if="basedir,changelogFile,changelogSort">
<sschanglog definitions="${changelog-definitions-file}" baseDir="${basedir}" sort="${changelogSort}"/>

<isset property="changelogOutput"/>
<echo msg="${changelogOutput}" file="${changelogFile}" append="false" />
<echo msg="Changelog written to '${changelogFile}' file" />
<echo msg="There was a problem generating commits"/>

12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions changelog-definitions.default
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Use this file to define which git repositories the "phing changlog" task will include when generating
# a file.
# Any paths not mentioned here will be excluded from the changelog. The script will ignore any paths that are not git
# repositories, or are otherwise invalid.
# Leave the <from-commit> <to-commit> fields blank to include all commits.
# <path> <from-commit> <to-commit>
. 2.4.4-rc1 2.4.5
sapphire 2.4.4-rc1 2.4.5
cms 2.4.4-rc1 2.4.5
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions dependent-modules.default
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# File format
# -----------
# Each line represents one dependent module.
# local_module_folder[:git_branch|:svn_revision_number] repository_url [run_dev_build=true] [local]
# Note that the local_module_folder can contain subfolders delimited via '/' characters
# A specific git branch or SVN revision can be added in by specifying after the local
# foldername, separated by a colon. By default, the 'master' branch of a git repository is used.
# It is recommended to have sqlite3 and cms first with [run_dev_build] set to "false".
# Having this set to 'false' prevents the execution of the dev/build process, meaning it can be
# deferred until all dependencies are in place, specifically the sapphire module. List
# all additional modules after that.
# Examples
# frontend-editing:development git://
# themes/mytheme git://local.server/themes/mytheme.git false

cms:master:2.4.5 git://
sapphire:master:2.4.5 git://

# The following are the some other modules you might like to import

# sqlite3:master:1.1.0 git://
# userforms:master:0.3.0 git://
# securefiles

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