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Voltronic Axpert PIP inverter chargers & Generic Chinese bluetooth BMS

simat edited this page Oct 9, 2020 · 4 revisions

I have set up a new configuration using either the inverter/charger by itself or combined with the bluetooth BMS as the data input. With this configuration the information from the Bluetooth BMS can be used to control the inverter/charger.

In the [Interfaces] section of the config file battery.cfg specify the interfaces you will be using
pip = 'pip(92931805102299)' # number in brackets is SN of PIP)
pip2 = 'pip(92931906104223)' # number in brackets is SN of PIP)
bms = 'bms(LH-SP15S001-P15S-30A)' # string in brackets is harware name, from read command 05

In the [Ports] section of the config file
pipport = '/dev/ttyU*' # where to look for pipport
bmsport = '/dev/ttyS1' # where to look for bmsport

There is a sample config file for a 15S battery called battery15cellBMSPIP.cfg for use if you have both the BMS and Inverter/charger or battery1cellPIP.cfg if you are using the inverter/charger for the data input, copy this to battery.cfg in the same directory as the software and edit it to suit your configuration. You will also have to copy a skeleton of the summary file called summary.15cell or summary.1cell to the directory where you are storing the BMS data and rename it summary.

The best way to get my software is to install git on your system, change directory to where you want to install the software and install it with the command
git clone
Another option if you don't want to use git is to download the file as a zip file from here To run the software you will need python3 on your system.

If you want to access the output from my program over the internet you will have to set up a Web Server and PHP on your machine. Then copy the files batday.php and battery.php to the WWW server root directory or make a link to them or whatever.

Edit the line
$config = file_get_contents("/home/simat/gadgets/bms/BatteryMonitor/battery.cfg");
at the beginning of batday.php to point to the location of your battery config file
and edit
$myfile = fopen("/home/simat/gadgets/bms/BatteryMonitor/data", "r") or die("Unable to open file!");
at the beginning of battery.php.

If you used git clone a directory BatteryMonitor will be created with all the software in it, change to this directory and set up battery.cfg and the summary file to suit your system.

You should now be able to run my software with the command
python3 [ah]
where ah is the current DOD of the battery (0=full), if no argument given my program will use the current DOD from the sample file.

If you have any problems or questions use the git messaging system.