A bag-of-words set similarity (or set distance) algorithm. Python2 and python3 compatible, no dependencies.
Spaghetti Distance Index is an alternative I developed to Jaccard similarity index.
It computes set distance or similarity attempting to keep context awareness, e.g. common set items (items that appear frequently across all sets) are less valuable when computing similarity.
See https://spaghettiwires.com/blog/2017/06/20/spaghetti-distance-index-set-similarity-algorithm/
from SpaghettiDistance import SpaghettiDistance
calculator = SpaghettiDistance()
set1 = {'these', 'are', 'common', 'words'}
set2 = {'also', 'these', 'are', 'very', 'common', 'words'}
set3 = {'nearly', 'all', 'of', 'these', 'are', 'very', 'common', 'words'}
# set1 is made only of common words and thus they are worth nothing
calculator.get_similarity(set1, set2)
=> 0.0
# set2 and set3 share one uncommon word
calculator.get_similarity(set2, set3)
=> 0.11111111111111112
Available functions
get_similarity(A, B, normalized=True)
Returns the similarity between A and B. If "normalized" is True, the result is normalized between 0 (less similar) and 1 (more similar). Otherwise, an unbounded float measuring the value of common items is returned.
get_distance(A, B)
Returns the distance between A and B (1 - similarity). The result is normalized between 0 (less distant) and 1 (more distant).
Returns the cumulative value of items in the set.
Add a new set to the context.
Remove a set from the context.