Anagrhash is a tool which can generate anagrams, and test them against a hash.
It is a tool I wrote many years ago for educative purposes, to try out some different concurrency models and inter-thread communication methods in C, and get some basics of programming in the GNU/Linux environment.
It serves as an anagram generator, and can shuffle letters, but can also be set to shuffle whole words in a sentence, use tokens from a list (words which you don't want to appear simultaneously), and specify separators between tokens (like spaces or commas).
It can also test anagrams which satisfies an exact target hash, or a hash specified with a regular expression.
The home page for this project is
# sudo apt-get install libmhash-dev libglib2.0-dev
# make
The repo contains a binary which might work for you, if you are on an x86 Debian or similar.
anagrhash v0.2, an anagram generator/hash reverser Usage: anagrhash [OPTIONS] [token1 [token2 ...]] { xtoken1 xtoken2 [...] } Available options: -h hash : Stops when hash is matched -r regex : Stops when hash matches regex -a word : Use every letter of word as token (makes anagrams of word) -s separators : Use separators between tokens -l n : Use at most n tokens (default: 8) -i filename : Load every line of file as a token -e filename : Load every line of file as a group of exclusive tokens -o filename : Writes anagrams to file [any word] : Use word as token { [any word] } : Add the words specified between curly brackets to an exclusive-tokens group -n : Terminates every token with a newline before generating a hash. -v : Verbose mode. -vv : Also prints every generated key. -? : Prints this help.
By default anagrams are not printed to screen. Use either -vv or -o to print to file.
# anagrhash -a hello -> generates all anagrams of "hello" # anagrhash hello world -> generates all combinations of the tokens "hello" and "world" e.g. hello world helloworld worldhello # anagrhash -s , hello world -> generates all combinations of the tokens "hello" and "world", separating the tokens with "," e.g. hello world hello,world world,hello # anagrhash hello { world earth } -> Uses only one of "world" or "earth" e.g. hello earth world earthhello worldhello helloearth helloworld # anagrhash -l 2 hello world earth -> Uses at most 2 out of "hello", "world", "earth" e.g. earth world hello worldearth helloearth earthworld helloworld earthhello worldhello # anagrhash -l 2 hello world earth -h fc5e038d38a57032085441e7fe7010b0 -> String 'helloworld' matches hash fc5e038d38a57032085441e7fe7010b0, success! # anagrhash -a abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz -n -r 'baddcafe' -> Tries to find a combination of "[a-z]{8}\n" which hashes to "baddcafe"