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Swift exercises and examples carried out during the #100DaysOfCode


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Swift exercises and examples carried out during the #100DaysOfCode


Day Topic
001 Introduction and how an app works
002 Tools, materials and set up with Xcode
003 Xcode development and environment walkthrough
004 Design user interface and app icon
005 Xcode storyboard and interface builder
006 Git and GitHub configuration for Xcode
007 Design a dice app
008 Swift variable, arrays and IBOutlet IBAction
009 Random dice faces and ultimate app
010 Constants, range operator, and randomization
011 8 ball app challenge
012 Auto layout and responsive UIs
013 Calculator auto layout
014 Functions and scope
015 Xylophone project
016 If-else control flow and switch statements
017 Dictionaries and unwrapping optionals
018 Egg timer project
019 2-Dimensional array, structures with methods and properties
020 Quizzler app project
021 Design patterns and functions with outputs and returns
022 Immutability and mutating functions
023 Redesign quizzler app with MVC design pattern
024 Quizzler app with multiple choices
025 Creating a “choose your own adventure” game
026 UISlider to calculate the BMI
027 Destini App
028 Classes and inheritance
029 Custom UIViewController class, create a UI programmatically and pass data between ViewControllers
030 Segues and navigation for multi-screen apps
031 Optional binding, chaining and the null coalescing operator
032 Finish the BMI app
033 Tip calculator and bill split app
034 Protocols and delegates
035 Dark mode and working with vector assets
036 Learn how to use UITextField with protocols and delegates
037 Swift closures
038 Use URLSession and JSON decoding
039 Typealias with protocols and delegate
040 Internal and external parameter names, error handling, and DispatchQueue usage
041 Extensions and default implementations for protocols
042 Using extensions to refactor, CoreLocation, and get location data
043 Bitcoin price ticker
044 Loops, loops, loops, loops for everyone
045 3rd party libraries, CocoaPods and adding Firebase to the xCode project
046 Firebase registers a new user, login and logout
047 Constants, UITableView, and customizing cells using a .xib file
048 Type casting with operator as, as?, as!, is, any
049 Firestore set up, saving and retrieving data
050 Sort data, listen the updates on Firestore and use the Swift package manager
051 ViewController lifecycle
052 Command line and terminal
053 Introduction to SwiftUI and rebuilding the app on day 4
054 SwiftUI: business card
055 SwiftUI: design a layout using spacer and subviews
056 SwiftUI: feature building and state management
057 SwiftUI: list, Identifiable protocol, networking and Observer design pattern
058 SwiftUI: UIkit components
059 SwiftUI: quick overview of Mac catalyst and running iOS app on Mac
060 Git, version control, and using Xcode for source control
061 Subclassing, TableView delegate methods and accessories, UIAlert
062 Local data storage with UserDefaults, singleton object and creating a custom data model
063 The concept of iOS sandboxing, data encoding and decoding with NSCoder
064 SQLite, configure Core Data and use CRUD operations
065 Relationship graph in Core Data and lists of lists
066 Introduction to Realm and use CRUD operations
067 Swipeable cells, inheriting and updating UI
068 Computed and Observed properties
069 Swift structs vs classes
070 Calculator project using: getter and setters, access levels, and computed properties
071 Swift tuples and transform the calculator project from classes to structs
072 Introduction to machine learning and the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning
073 CoreML and reinforcement learning
074 Import image recognition model and enable camera functionality
075 Get image recognition results from the ML model
076 ML, The hot dog-identifying app from HBO's Silicon Valley
077 Introduction to CreateML
078 Build your own machine learning model
079 Using createML for natural language processing
080 Introduction to ARKit, configure the project for AR and create a 3D object
081 Introduction to app design and why design is important for an app
082 Color theory and how to combine colors to create color palettes
083 Introduction to typography, the family of Serif types
084 Combine fonts
085 Approach to UI Design and the importance of Alignment
086 Usability
087 Simplicity and consistency
088 Flow diagrams and wireframes
089 Review
090 Idea validation
091 The Simplest Way of Validating Your Idea
092 Using Google Trends to estimate the size of your market
093 The Landing page validation method
094 Creating a Minimum Viable Product
095 Use crowdfunding to validate and finance your idea
096 How to monetize your App
097 When to use in-app ads
098 How to get an App icon designed without breaking the bank
099 Only on the App Store
100 Your first 1000 customers


Swift exercises and examples carried out during the #100DaysOfCode







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