SimplexSpatial is a GeoSpatial server, focuses on distributed data storage and algorithms execution. It is a distributed, horizontally scalable and fault-tolerant system based in AKKA, following the four pillars of The Reactive Manifesto: Responsive, Resilient, Elastic and Message Driven.
The project is still in a really early state, so pretty sure a lot of changes will be done in the near future.
At the moment, this is the list of features implemented:
- Two different APIs has been implemented as entry points:
- JSON: Easy to use restful API, ideally for testing or web.
- gRPC: Ideally to intensive requests, like load data. As good example, refer to load-osm file project.
- gRPC-Web
- gRPC Reflection
- Add/Get Nodes or Vertices.
- Add/Get Ways or Edges.
- Batch mode / Streaming mode commands execution.
- Search the nearest node search.
- Search the nearest node search.
- Calculate Area of influence or Isolines
- Search the Shortest path between two nodes.
The current implementation uses AKKA as Actor Model toolkit and Scala as programming language.
- Akka-http + spray json to implement the RestFul entry point.
- Akka gRPC to implement the gRPC entry point.
- Akka Cluster / Sharding to distribute data and computation.
- Akka persistence to implement a CQRS model.
Because the early state of the project, there are not deployables packages to download, but there is a Docker Repository with the latest SNAPSHOT at Simplexspatial Docker Repository
You can use the docker-compose.yml in the folder doc/demo/docker-compose that will start an environment with:
- Cassandra
- Simplexspatial
If you have Docker and Docker Compose installed in your system, the simplest way to run it is [checking out](Checkout the project) the project
and executing docker-compose up
from the folder doc/demo/docker-compose.
There is a more detailed documentation at the Demo with Docker Compose section.
- Java 8: The server has been tested with Java 8, but it should work with newer versions as well.
- Sbt: It is the building tools used, so you need to install it in your system. The last version is always fine.
Clone the last version from the master and move into the new folder. Master will always contain the last stable version.
git clone
cd simplexspatial
The project uses sbt
and sbt-native-packager
to generate the artifact:
sbt clean universal:packageZipTarball
The previous step generated a file called core/target/universal/simplexspatial-core-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.tgz
. This file
contains all the necessary stuff to start a new node.
Uncompress the previous generated file into a folder. From that folder, you will be able to start new instances of the
In this example, we will use the home ~
folder. This is only as example.
tar -xvf core/target/universal/simplexspatial-core-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.tgz -C ~
Next, let's move into the new folder. From this point, we will use the new folder as root for all commands.
cd ~/simplexspatial-core-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
The new folder contains the follow structure:
├── bin
│ ├── simplexspatial-core
│ └── simplexspatial-core.bat
├── conf
│ ├── application-akka-commons.conf
│ ├── application-cassandra.conf
│ ├── application.conf
│ ├── application.ini
│ ├── application-postgres.conf
│ ├── application-simplexspatial.conf
│ └── logback.xml
├── jetty-alpn-agent
│ └── jetty-alpn-agent-2.0.9.jar
└── lib
└── A lot of jar files ;)
Simplexspatial is using lightbend config as configuration framework, like Akka uses.
The configuration file is config/application.conf
SimplexSpatial is using the same configuration system that is used in AKKA: lightbend config. It means than you can set and overwrite configuration properties as it is explained in the Lightbend Config site.
In the previously generated package, conf/application.conf
contains the specific configuration for the
server. This is the config file used by default from the script used to
start a node.
As reference, this is the set of parameters that the server uses:
simplexportal.spatial {
entrypoint {
restful {
interface = ""
port = 8080
grpc {
interface = ""
port = 7080
grpc-web {
interface = ""
port = 6080
indexes {
grid-index {
partitions {
nodes-lookup = 50
ways-lookup = 50
latitude = 10000
longitude = 10000
Remind that the server is base in AKKA, so you can set any parameters related to AKKA as well.
In relation to the AKKA cluster configuration, it is important to configure the way that the cluster is going to work.
In this stage of the project, and only for testing, the default configuration is using Postgres to store the journal and snapshots. So this is the default configuration:
akka {
log-dead-letters = 100
log-dead-letters-during-shutdown = on
loglevel = "ERROR"
extensions = [akka.persistence.Persistence]
persistence {
journal {
plugin = "jdbc-journal"
auto-start-journals = ["jdbc-journal"]
snapshot-store {
plugin = "jdbc-snapshot-store"
auto-start-snapshot-stores = ["jdbc-snapshot-store"]
cluster {
seed-nodes = [
sharding {
number-of-shards = 100
akka-persistence-jdbc {
shared-databases {
slick {
profile = "slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile$"
db {
host = "localhost"
url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/akka-persistence?reWriteBatchedInserts=true"
user = "akka"
password = "pass"
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
numThreads = 5
maxConnections = 5
minConnections = 1
jdbc-journal {
use-shared-db = "slick"
jdbc-snapshot-store {
use-shared-db = "slick"
This means that:
- It is using in JDBC persistence journal and snapshots.
- It is using fixed seed nodes. Remind to update the IP (in this case it is the local IP for Ubuntu 19.10) and ports.
All configuration related wto the JVM (memory, JMX config, etc.) is available in the file conf/application.ini
AKKA is using SLF4J but SimplexSpatial adds logback to the classpath, so that will be the library to configure.
Important information about logging configuration:
Akka persistence needs a storage system to store the journal and snapshots.
- In production or for performance test, it is recommended to use a distributed storage, like Cassandra.
- For testing ( default configuration ) Postgresql is enough. In the
folder, there is adocker-compose.yml
file to be able to start all dependencies for testing. In the same folder, you can find the SQL file with the database schema.
To use with Postgres, from the doc/dev
To start
docker-compose -f docker-compose-postgres.yml up -d
To create the database or clean up:
docker cp ./schema-postgres.sql dev_db_1:/root/schema-postgres.sql docker exec dev_db_1 psql akka-persistence akka -f /root/schema-postgres.sql
To stop:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-postgres.yml down -d
More information about Docker Compose in the documentation.
The last step, start a node. It is important the order starting nodes. In the configuration for testing, seed nodes are hardcoded, so you need to start the two seed nodes before the rest.
From the folder where you decompressed the server, in out case ~/simplexspatial-core-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
Node 1:
bin/simplexspatial-core \
-J-Xms5G \
-J-Xmx14G \
-Dconfig.file=conf/application.conf \
-Dakka.remote.artery.canonical.port=2550 \
-Dsimplexportal.spatial.entrypoint.grpc-web.port=6080 \
-Dsimplexportal.spatial.entrypoint.grpc.port=7080 \
-Dsimplexportal.spatial.entrypoint.restful.port=8080 \
bin/simplexspatial-core \
-java-home /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 \
-jvm-debug 9010 \
-J-Xms1G \
-J-Xmx4G \
-Dakka.remote.artery.canonical.port=2550 \
-Dsimplexportal.spatial.entrypoint.grpc-web.port=6080 \
-Dsimplexportal.spatial.entrypoint.grpc.port=7080 \
-Dsimplexportal.spatial.entrypoint.restful.port=8080 \
Node 2:
bin/simplexspatial-core \
-J-Xms5G \
-J-Xmx14G \
-Dakka.remote.artery.canonical.port=2551 \
-Dsimplexportal.spatial.entrypoint.grpc-web.port=6081 \
-Dsimplexportal.spatial.entrypoint.grpc.port=7081 \
-Dsimplexportal.spatial.entrypoint.restful.port=8081 \
For other nodes, we can set the port as 0, so Akka will use a random free port:
bin/simplexspatial-core \
-J-Xms1G \
-J-Xmx4G \
-Dakka.remote.artery.canonical.port=0 \
-Dsimplexportal.spatial.entrypoint.grpc-web.port=0 \
-Dsimplexportal.spatial.entrypoint.grpc.port=0 \
-Dsimplexportal.spatial.entrypoint.restful.port=0 \
gRPC is the way to go (if it is possible) in production.
As part of the packaging step, a gRPC Akka Stream client library has been created to used. If you want to
create your own library, the gRPC sevice definition is available in the report, under protobuf-api/src/main/resources/simplexspatial.proto
As example, you can checkout the code in the osm pbf loader project, used to load osm files into the Simplexspatial server.
Using Httpi
To seed the database, it is possible to use a json file with the list of commands to execute. Note that the performance and size of the seed file is not adequate for big data sets. So this is recommended only for testing purpose.
To execute a sequence of commands in one request.
"nodes": [
"id": 100001,
"lon": 1.100001,
"lat": -1.000002,
"attributes": {}
"id": 100002,
"lon": 2.100001,
"lat": -2.000002,
"attributes": {}
"ways": [
"id": 100010,
"nodes": [
"attributes": {
"name": "Two points way."
Request to execute all commands in batch mode:
http PUT http://localhost:8080/batch < batch_commands.json
Add a node
http PUT http://localhost:8080/node/1 lon:=3.0001 lat:=-2.4444 attributes:={}
content:{ "lon": 10.100001, "lat": -22.000002, "attributes": {} }
Request to insert node:
http PUT http://localhost:8080/node/1 < node_file.json
Get a Node
http GET http://localhost:8080/node/1
Add a Way
http PUT http://localhost:8080/way/10 nodes:=[1,2] attributes:={}
content:{ "nodes": [1, 2], "attributes": { } }
Request to insert way:
http PUT http://localhost:8080/node/10 < way_file.json
Get a Way
http GET http://localhost:8080/way/10
http -v GET http://localhost:8080/algorithm/nearest/node lat==43.73819 lon==7.4269
- Enable GRPC logs: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/path/to/
- More information about Artery in the AKKA documentation.
- Using icons from Online Web Fonts licensed by CC BY 3.0.
- Using icons from Font Awesome licensed by CC BY 4.0.