Progressive web application for Umuttepe weather conditions, includes live stream in the background. Built with Next.js, TypeScript and Tailwind CSS.
Kocaeli University's central campus is located in Umuttepe. Umuttepe is one of the places that have unstable weather conditions compared to Izmit Centre because of its 1276 feet (389 meters) altitude.
This project was developed with the following technologies:
- Next.js
- next-pwa
- TypeScript
- Tailwind CSS
Fork this repository and clone it into the current directory
git clone
Install dependencies
Start dev server and watch files
yarn dev's contents are copyrighted by Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality. crawled data are also used in this project.
Use as only for educational purposes. Use at your own risk.
This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for details.