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Signed-off-by: Konstantin Haase <>
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burningTyger authored and rkh committed Feb 20, 2011
1 parent 5e8815a commit 4a659e1
Showing 1 changed file with 43 additions and 44 deletions.
87 changes: 43 additions & 44 deletions README.rdoc
Expand Up @@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ Renders the embedded template string.
=== Accessing Variables in Templates

Templates are evaluated within the same context as route handlers. Instance
variables set in route handlers are direcly accessible by templates:
variables set in route handlers are directly accessible by templates:

get '/:id' do
@foo = Foo.find(params[:id])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ To associate a file extension with a template engine, use

Tilt.register :tt, Tilt[:textile]

=== Adding You Own Template Engine
=== Adding Your Own Template Engine

First, register your engine with Tilt, then create a rendering method:

Expand All @@ -662,9 +662,9 @@ learn more about Tilt.

== Filters

Before filters are evaluated before each request within the same context as
the routes will be and can modify the request and response. Instance variables
set in filters are accessible by routes and templates:
+before+ filters are evaluated before each request within the same
context as the routes. They can modify the request and the response. Instance
variables set in these filters are accessible by routes and templates:

before do
@note = 'Hi!'
Expand All @@ -676,9 +676,9 @@ set in filters are accessible by routes and templates:
params[:splat] #=> 'bar/baz'

After filter are evaluated after each request within the same context and can
also modify the request and response. Instance variables set in before filters
and routes are accessible by after filters:
+after+ filters are evaluated after each request within the same context
and can also modify the request and the response. Instance variables set in
+before+ filters and routes are accessible by +after+ filters:

after do
puts response.status
Expand All @@ -688,8 +688,8 @@ Note: Unless you use the +body+ method rather than just returning a String from
the routes, the body will not yet be available in the after filter, since it is
generated later on.

Filters optionally taking a pattern, causing them to be evaluated only if the
request path matches that pattern:
Filters optionally taking a pattern will cause them to be evaluated only if
the request path matches the pattern:

before '/protected/*' do
Expand All @@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ request path matches that pattern:
session[:last_slug] = slug

Like routes, filters also take conditions:
Like routes, filters may also take conditions:

before :agent => /Songbird/ do
# ...
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -777,8 +777,8 @@ of calling another route. Simply use +call+ to achieve this:

Note that in the example above, you would ease testing and increase performance
by simply moving <tt>"bar"</tt> into a helper used by both <tt>/foo</tt> and
by simply moving <tt>"bar"</tt> into a helper method used by both <tt>/foo</tt>
and <tt>/bar</tt>.

If you want the request to be sent to the same application instance rather than
a duplicate, use <tt>call!</tt> instead of <tt>call</tt>.
Expand All @@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ Check out the Rack specification if you want to learn more about <tt>call</tt>.

It is possible and recommended to set the status code and response body with the
return value of the route block. However, in some scenarios you might want to
set the body at an arbritary point in the execution flow. You can do so with the
set the body at an arbitrary point in the execution flow. You can do so with the
+body+ helper method. If you do so, you can use that method from there on to
access the body:

Expand All @@ -801,11 +801,10 @@ access the body:
puts body

It is also possible to pass a block to body, that will be executed by the rack
handler (this can be used to implement streaming, see
"Return Values").
It is also possible to pass a block to +body+, that will be executed by the Rack
handler (this can be used to implement streaming, see "Return Values").

Similar to the body, you can also set the status code:
Similar to +body+, you can also set the status code:

get '/foo' do
status 418
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -874,7 +873,7 @@ For sending files, you can use the <tt>send_file</tt> helper method:
send_file 'foo.png'

It also take a couple of options:
It also takes a couple of options:

send_file 'foo.png', :type => :jpg

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -920,7 +919,7 @@ error handlers) through the <tt>request</tt> method:
request.get? # true (similar methods for other verbs)
request.form_data? # false
request["SOME_HEADER"] # value of SOME_HEADER header
request.referer # the referer of the client or '/'
request.referer # the referrer of the client or '/'
request.user_agent # user agent (used by :agent condition)
request.cookies # hash of browser cookies
request.xhr? # is this an ajax request?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -968,7 +967,7 @@ able to use more than one view directory:

Another example would be using different directories for different engines:
Another example would be to use different directories for different engines:

set :views, :sass => 'views/sass', :haml => 'templates', :default => 'views'

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1057,20 +1056,20 @@ You can access those options via <tt>settings</tt>:
settings.add_charsets << "application/foobar"

[app_file] main application file, used to detect project root,
views and public folder and inline templates
views and public folder and inline templates.

[bind] IP address to bind to (default:
Only used for built-in server.

[default_encoding] encoding to assume if unknown
(defaults to <tt>"utf-8"</tt>)
(defaults to <tt>"utf-8"</tt>).

[dump_errors] display errors in the log
[dump_errors] display errors in the log.

[environment] current environment, defaults to <tt>ENV['RACK_ENV']</tt>,
or <tt>"development"</tt> if not available
or <tt>"development"</tt> if not available.

[logging] use the logger
[logging] use the logger.

[lock] Places a lock around every request, only running
processing on request per Ruby process concurrently.
Expand All @@ -1079,7 +1078,7 @@ You can access those options via <tt>settings</tt>:
Disabled per default.

[method_override] use <tt>_method</tt> magic to allow put/delete forms in
browsers that don't support it
browsers that don't support it.

[port] Port to listen on. Only used for built-in server.

Expand All @@ -1088,17 +1087,17 @@ You can access those options via <tt>settings</tt>:
<tt>redirect '/foo'</tt> would behave like
<tt>redirect to('/foo')</tt>. Disabled per default.

[public] folder public files are server from
[public] folder public files are served from

[reload_templates] whether or not to reload templates between requests.
enabled in development mode and on Ruby 1.8.6 (to
compensate a bug in Ruby causing a memory leak)
Enabled in development mode and on Ruby 1.8.6 (to
compensate a bug in Ruby causing a memory leak).

[root] project root folder
[root] project root folder.

[raise_errors] raise exceptions (will stop application)
[raise_errors] raise exceptions (will stop application).

[run] if enabled, Sinatra will handle starting the webserver,
[run] if enabled, Sinatra will handle starting the web server,
do not enable if using rackup or other means.

[running] is the built-in server running now?
Expand All @@ -1108,20 +1107,20 @@ You can access those options via <tt>settings</tt>:
defaults to ['thin', 'mongrel', 'webrick'], order indicates

[sessions] enable cookie based sessions
[sessions] enable cookie based sessions.

[show_exceptions] show a stacktrace in the browser
[show_exceptions] show a stack trace in the browser.

[static] Whether Sinatra should handle serving static files.
Disable when using a Server able to do this on its own.
Disabling will boost performance.
Enabled per default.

[views] views folder
[views] views folder.

== Error Handling

Error handlers run within the same context as routes and before filters, which
Error handlers run within the same context as routes and +before+ filters, which
means you get all the goodies it has to offer, like <tt>haml</tt>,
<tt>erb</tt>, <tt>halt</tt>, etc.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1160,7 +1159,7 @@ You get this:

So what happened was... something bad

Alternatively, you can install error handler for a status code:
Alternatively, you can install an error handler for a status code:

error 403 do
'Access forbidden'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1301,7 +1300,7 @@ for details on available options and their behavior.
Contrary to common believes, there is nothing wrong with classic style. If it
suits your application, you do not have to switch to a modular application.

There are only two downsides compared to modulare style:
There are only two downsides compared to modular style:

* You may only have one Sinatra application per Ruby process - if you plan to
use more, switch to modular style.
Expand All @@ -1325,7 +1324,7 @@ differences in the setting:

=== Serving a Modular Application

There are two common options for starting a modular app, activly starting with
There are two common options for starting a modular app, actively starting with

# my_app.rb
Expand All @@ -1334,7 +1333,7 @@ There are two common options for starting a modular app, activly starting with
class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
# ... app code here ...

# start the server if ruby file executed directly
# start the server if ruby file is executed directly
run! if app_file == $0

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1530,13 +1529,13 @@ To get some of the latest features.

=== With Bundler
If you want to run your application with the latest Sinatra, using
{Bundler}[] is the recommend way.
{Bundler}[] is the recommended way.

First, install bundler, if you haven't:
First, install bundler, if you haven't yet:

gem install bundler

Then, in you project directory, create a +Gemfile+:
Then, in your project directory, create a +Gemfile+:

source :rubygems
gem 'sinatra', :git => "git://"
Expand Down

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