This is the PrototypeJS version of the jQuery-plugin socialSharePrivacy of the "Heise Zeitschriftenverlags". More information about the original plugin and the options can be found here
Add a block element, such as div, with the class "socialshareprivacy" to your document, at the position where you want to place your buttons.
<div class="socialshareprivacy"></div>
Then call the socialSharePrivacy function, when the page was loaded:
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
'id':'socialshareprivacy' // Element ID
// ... rest of options
You can also pass options to the plugin (for more details, see ):
'id':'socialshareprivacy', // Element ID
services : {
twitter : {
'status' : 'off'
gplus : {
'status' : 'off'