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singpolyma committed Apr 22, 2009
0 parents commit 2ce7c8d
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Showing 46 changed files with 10,096 additions and 0 deletions.
805 changes: 805 additions & 0 deletions OutlineClasses/JSON.php

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

463 changes: 463 additions & 0 deletions OutlineClasses/Outline.php

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

266 changes: 266 additions & 0 deletions OutlineClasses/OutlineFromHATOM.php
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@


class OutlineFromHATOM extends Outline {

var $_errorcode = 0;

function getError() { return $this->_errorcode; }

function __construct($data='',$options=array()) {
$data = $this->hatom2array($data,$options['resolve']);
}//end constructor

//private functions
function hatom2array($data,$resolve) {

$pageurl = $resolve;

$tmp = explode('/',$resolve);
$resolve = implode('/',$tmp);
if(substr($resolve,-1,1) != '/')
$resolve .= '/';

$theParser = xml_parser_create();
if(!xml_parse_into_struct($theParser,$data,$vals)) {
$errorcode = xml_get_error_code($theParser);
if($errorcode != XML_ERROR_NONE && $errorcode != 27)
$this->_errorcode = $errorcode;
}//end if ! parse
$rtrn = array();
$inhatom = true;
$rootel = '';
$subroots = 0;
$entryel = false;
$subentry = 0;
$flattento = false;
$flattentag = '';
$subflatten = 0;
$entry = array();
$tmptitle = '';
$toabbr = false;
$enteringentry = false;

foreach($vals as $el) {

if($el['attributes']['HREF']) {
$el['attributes']['HREF'] = trim($el['attributes']['HREF']);
if($el['attributes']['HREF']{0} == '/') $el['attributes']['HREF'] = substr($el['attributes']['HREF'],1,strlen($el['attributes']['HREF'])-1);
if(substr($el['attributes']['HREF'],0,4) != 'http' && $resolve) $el['attributes']['HREF'] = $resolve.$el['attributes']['HREF'];
}//end if href

if($el['tag'] == 'TITLE') {$this->setField('text',trim($el['value']));$this->setField('rel','home');}

$isopen = ($el['type'] == 'open' || $el['type'] == 'complete');//for readability
$isclose = ($el['type'] == 'close' || $el['type'] == 'complete');

if(!$inhatom && in_array('hfeed',explode(' ',$el['attributes']['CLASS'])) && $isopen) {//are we starting an hatom section?
$inhatom = true;
$rootel = $el['tag'];
}//end if !inhatom and class~=hfeed

if($inhatom) {//if processing an hatom section

if($el['attributes']['REL'] && in_array('tag',explode(' ',$el['attributes']['REL']))) {
$atag = array_reverse(explode('/',$el['attributes']['HREF']));
$atag = explode('#',$atag[0]);
$atag = explode('?',$atag[0]);
$entry['tags'][] = $atag[0];
}//end if rel=tag

if($el['tag'] == $rootel && $isopen) {$subroots++;}
if($el['tag'] == $rootel && $isclose) {
$inhatom = false;
}//end if tag == rootel && type == close
if(!$entryel && in_array('hentry',explode(' ',$el['attributes']['CLASS'])) && $isopen) {
$entryel = $el['tag'];
$entry = array();
$entry['class'] = 'entry-title';
$entry['rel'] = 'bookmark';
$entry['id'] = $el['attributes']['ID'];
$tmptitle = '';
$subentry = 0;
$enteringentry = true;
}//end if !entryel and class~=hentry
if($entryel) {//if in an entry
if($flattento !== false) {//if flattening tags
if($isopen && $flattentag == $el['tag']) {$subflatten++;}
if($isclose && $flattentag == $el['tag']) {
if($subflatten > 0) {
} else {
$flattentag = '';
$subflatten = 0;
$flattento = false;
}//end if-else subflatten
}//end if isclose &&
if($flattento !== false) {//flattento may have changed in previous section
$emptytag = false;//assume not an empty tag
if($isopen) {//if opening tag
$flattento .= ' <'.strtolower($el['tag']);//add open tag
if($el['attributes']) {//if attributes
foreach($el['attributes'] as $id => $val) {//loop through and add
$flattento .= ' '.strtolower($id).'="'.htmlspecialchars($val).'"';
}//end foreach
}//end if attributes
$emptytag = ($el['type'] == 'complete' && !$el['value']);//is emptytag?
$flattento .= $emptytag?' />':'>';//end tag
if($el['value']) {$flattento .= htmlspecialchars($el['value']);}//add contents, if any
}//end if isopen
if($el['type'] == 'cdata') {//if cdata
$flattento .= htmlspecialchars($el['value']);//add data
}//end if cdata
if($isclose) {//if closing tag
if(!$emptytag) {$flattento .= '</'.strtolower($el['tag']).'>';}//if not emptytag, write out end tag
}//end if isclose
}//end if flattento
}//end if flattento
if($toabbr !== false && $el['tag'] == 'ABBR') {
$toabbr = strtotime(trim($el['attributes']['TITLE']));
$toabbr = false;
}//end if toabbr
//close entry?
if(!$enteringentry && $el['tag'] == $entryel && $isopen) {$subentry++;}
if($el['tag'] == $entryel && $isclose) {
if($subentry) {
} else {
if(stristr($entry['text#1'],'<')) {//process author
$theParser = xml_parser_create();
foreach($tmp as $tmpel) {
if(in_array('fn',explode(' ',$tmpel['attributes']['CLASS']))) {$entry['text#1'] = trim($tmpel['value']);}
if(in_array('url',explode(' ',$tmpel['attributes']['CLASS']))) {$entry['href#1'] = $tmpel['attributes']['HREF'] ? trim($tmpel['attributes']['HREF']) : trim($tmpel['value']);}
}//end foreach
}//end if (process author)
if($entry['comments']) {//process comments
$tmp = new OutlineFromXOXO('<ul class="xoxo comments">'.$entry['comments'].'</ul>',array('xoxo','comments'));
$entry = array_merge($entry,$tmp->toArray());
}//end if comments
$entry['title'] = $entry['title'] ? $entry['title'] : $entry['updated'];
$entry['updated'] = $entry['updated'] ? $entry['updated'] : $entry['title'];
$entry['text'] = $entry['text'] ? strip_tags($entry['text']) : $tmptitle;
if(!$entry['href'] && $entry['id'])
$entry['href'] = $pageurl.'#'.$entry['id'];
$rtrn[] = $entry;
$entryel = false;
$flattentag = '';
$subflatten = 0;
$flattento = false;
$toabbr = false;
$subentry = 0;
}//end if subentry
}//end if tag == rootel && type == close
//get title
if(!$entry['text'] && in_array('entry-title',explode(' ',$el['attributes']['CLASS'])) && $isopen) {
if($el['tag'] == 'ABBR') {
$entry['text'] = trim($el['attributes']['TITLE']);
} else {
$entry['text'] .= $el['value'];
if(!$isclose) {//if there are tags in this tag
$flattento =& $entry['text'];
$flattentag = $el['tag'];
}//end if ! isclose
}//end if-else ABBR
}//end if entry-title isopen
if(!$entry['text'] && strlen($el['tag']) == 2 && $el['tag']{0} == 'h' && is_numeric($el['tag']{1}) && $isopen) {//if starting h# tag
$tmptitle .= trim($el['value']);
}//end if h#
//get content
if(in_array('entry-content',explode(' ',$el['attributes']['CLASS'])) && $isopen) {
$entry['body'] .= $el['value'];
if(!$isclose) {//if there are tags in this tag
$flattento =& $entry['body'];
$flattentag = $el['tag'];
}//end if ! isclose
}//end if content
//get summary
if(in_array('entry-summary',explode(' ',$el['attributes']['CLASS'])) && $isopen) {
$entry['summary'] .= $el['value'];
if(!$isclose) {//if there are tags in this tag
$flattento =& $entry['summary'];
$flattentag = $el['tag'];
}//end if ! isclose
}//end if excerpt isopen
//get permalink
if(!$entry['href'] && in_array('bookmark',explode(' ',$el['attributes']['REL'])) && $isopen) {
$entry['href'] = $el['attributes']['HREF'];
}//end if bookmark isopen
//get timestamp
if(!$entry['title'] && in_array('published',explode(' ',$el['attributes']['CLASS'])) && $isopen) {
if(trim($el['value']) && strtotime(trim($el['value'])) > 0)
$entry['title'] = strtotime(trim($el['value']));
if(trim($el['attributes']['TITLE']) && strtotime(trim($el['attributes']['TITLE'])) > 0)
$entry['title'] = strtotime(trim($el['attributes']['TITLE']));
}//end if published isopen
//get updated
if(!$entry['updated'] && in_array('updated',explode(' ',$el['attributes']['CLASS'])) && $isopen) {
if(trim($el['value']) && strtotime(trim($el['value'])) > 0)
$entry['updated'] = strtotime(trim($el['value']));
if(trim($el['attributes']['TITLE']) && strtotime(trim($el['attributes']['TITLE'])) > 0)
$entry['updated'] = strtotime(trim($el['attributes']['TITLE']));
}//end if updated isopen
//get author
if(!$entry['text#1'] && (in_array('author',explode(' ',$el['attributes']['CLASS'])) || $el['tag'] == 'ADDRESS') && $isopen) {
$entry['rel#1'] = 'author';
if(trim($el['value'])) {
$entry['text#1'] = trim($el['value']);
if($el['attributes']['HREF']) {$entry['href#1'] = trim($el['attributes']['HREF']);}
}//end if
if(in_array('fn',explode(' ',$el['attributes']['CLASS'])))
$entry['text#1'] = trim(strip_tags($el['value']));
if(in_array('url',explode(' ',$el['attributes']['CLASS'])))
$entry['href#1'] = $el['attributes']['HREF'] ? trim($el['attributes']['HREF']) : trim($el['value']);
if(!$isclose) {//if there are tags in this tag
$flattento =& $entry['text#1'];
$flattentag = $el['tag'];
}//end if ! isclose
}//end if author isopen
//get comments URL and count
if(!$entry['text#2'] && in_array('comments',explode(' ',$el['attributes']['REL'])) && !in_array('alternate',explode(' ',$el['attributes']['REL'])) && $isopen) {
$entry['rel#2'] = 'comments';
$entry['text#2'] = trim($el['value']);
$entry['href#2'] = trim($el['attributes']['HREF']);
}//end if comments isopen
//get comments feed URL
if(!$entry['href#3'] && in_array('comments',explode(' ',$el['attributes']['REL'])) && in_array('alternate',explode(' ',$el['attributes']['REL'])) && $isopen) {
$entry['rel#3'] = 'comments alternate';
$entry['text#3'] = trim($el['value']);
$entry['href#3'] = trim($el['attributes']['HREF']);
}//end if comments && alternate isopen
//get comments
if(in_array('xoxo',explode(' ',$el['attributes']['CLASS'])) && in_array('comments',explode(' ',$el['attributes']['CLASS'])) && $isopen) {
$entry['comments'] = '';
if(!$isclose) {//if there are tags in this tag
$flattento =& $entry['comments'];
$flattentag = $el['tag'];
}//end if ! isclose
}//end if content isopen
$enteringentry = false;
}//end if entryel
}//end if $inhatom
}//end foreach
return $rtrn;
}//end function hatom2array

}//end class OutlineFromHATOM

18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions OutlineClasses/OutlineFromJSON.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@

require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/JSON.php');//requires JSON-PHP

class OutlineFromJSON extends Outline {

function __construct($data='',$options=array()) {
$json = new Services_JSON(SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE);
$phpobj2 = $json->decode($data);
$options['itemel'] = $options['itemel'] ? strtolower($options['itemel']) : '';
}//end constructor

}//end class OutlineFromJSON

73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions OutlineClasses/OutlineFromOPML.php
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@


class OutlineFromOPML extends Outline {

var $_errorcode = 0;

function getError() { return $this->_errorcode; }

function __construct($data='',$options=array()) {
$data = $this->opml2array($data);
}//end constructor

//private functions
function opml2array($data) {
$theParser = xml_parser_create();
if(!xml_parse_into_struct($theParser,$data,$vals)) {
$errorcode = xml_get_error_code($theParser);
if($errorcode != XML_ERROR_NONE && $errorcode != 27)
$this->_errorcode = $errorcode;
}//end if ! parse
$rtrn = array();
$meta = array();
$nestlevel = 0;
$parents = array();
$thisel = array();
$curdt = '';
foreach($vals as $el) {
if($el['tag'] == 'OPML') {$inopml = TRUE;continue;}//if we are starting the opml element set inopml to TRUE
if($inopml && $el['tag'] == 'OPML' && $el['type'] == 'close') {$inopml = FALSE;}//if we are closing the OPML root element then !inopml
if($inopml) {//if we are inside the OPML element
if($el['tag'] == 'HEAD' && $el['type'] == 'open') {$inhead = TRUE;}//if entering head
if($el['tag'] == 'HEAD' && $el['type'] == 'close') {$inhead = FALSE;}//if exiting head
if($inhead && $el['type'] == 'complete') {//only process complete head elements
$meta[strtolower($el['tag'])] = trim($el['value']);
}//end if inhead && complete
if($el['tag'] == 'OUTLINE') {//if this is an OUTLINE tag
if($el['type'] == 'open' || $el['type'] == 'complete') {//if we are opening the tag
if($nestlevel) {//if we are in another OUTLINE element
$parents[$nestlevel] =& $thisel;//set the parent element
$thisel =& $thisel[];//create a new element in this el and assign it's reference to thisel
} else {//otherwise this is a root element
$parents[0] =& $rtrn;//set the parent element
$thisel =& $rtrn[];
}//end if-else nestlevel
foreach($el['attributes'] as $attribute => $val) {
if($thisel[strtolower($attribute)]) {continue;}
if(trim($val)) {$thisel[strtolower($attribute)] = trim($val);}
}//end foreach
$nestlevel++;//we are nested one more level
}//end if open
if($el['type'] == 'close' || $el['type'] == 'complete') {//if we are closing the tag
$nestlevel--;//we are nested one less level
$thisel =& $parents[$nestlevel];//we are now back in the parent
}//end if close
}//end if OUTLINE
}//end if inopml
}//end foreach
foreach($meta as $att => $val) {
$rtrn[$att] = $val;
}//end foreach
return $rtrn;
}//end function opml2array

}//end class OutlineFromOPML


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