Releases: siracusa/rose
Releases · siracusa/rose
CPAN Rose::DB 0.783
cpan-rdb-0-783 Fixed a bug in DBD::Pg version detection.
CPAN Rose::DB::Object 0.817
cpan-rdbo-0-817 Fix for RT 132300
CPAN Rose::DB::Object 0.816
cpan-rdbo-0-816 Updated to support DBD::Pg 3.8.0 and later
CPAN Rose::DB 0.782
cpan-rdb-0-782 Fixes for DBD::Pg 3.8.0
CPAN Rose::DB 0.781
cpan-rdb-0-781 Added missing test file.
CPAN Rose::DB 0.778
cpan-rdb-0-778 Updated tests for the latest versions of MySQL and DateTime::Format::Pg.