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make rtranslate compatible with AS 3.0
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sishen committed Oct 31, 2010
1 parent d09f776 commit 30585ce
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Showing 5 changed files with 17 additions and 13 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions History.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
V1.5 Oct 31th, 2010
* Compatible with ActiveSupport 3.0

V1.3 Dec 18th, 2009
* Enable the translation for the long string which is supposed to be more than 500 characters. The lib will split the text into several groups 500 by 500 and then join the response translated text together.

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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions lib/rtranslate.rb
Expand Up @@ -14,10 +14,11 @@
require 'json'

$KCODE = 'u'

$KCODE = 'u' unless RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9"
unless defined?(ActiveSupport)
require 'active_support'
require 'active_support/core_ext'

include Translate
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lib/rtranslate/rtranslate.rb
Expand Up @@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ def translate(text, options = { })
to = Google::Language.abbrev(to)
langpair = "#{from}|#{to}"

text.mb_chars.scan(/(.{1,300})/).inject("") do |result, st|
text.mb_chars.scan(/(.{1,300})/).flatten.inject("") do |result, st|
url = "#{GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_URL}?q=#{CGI.escape(st.to_s)}&langpair=#{CGI.escape(langpair)}&v=#{@version}"
url << "&key=#{@key}" if @key
url << "&userip=#{options[:userip]}" if options[:userip]

result += do_translate(url)
result += CGI.unescapeHTML(do_translate(url))
raise UnsupportedLanguagePair, "Translation from '#{from}' to '#{to}' isn't supported yet!"
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions sishen-rtranslate.gemspec
Expand Up @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ do |s| = %q{sishen-rtranslate}
s.version = "1.4"
s.version = "1.5"

s.required_rubygems_version =">= 0") if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version=
s.authors = ["Ye Dingding"] = %q{2010-08-31} = %q{2010-10-31}
s.default_executable = %q{rtranslate}
s.description = %q{A simple, unofficial, ruby client API for using Google Translate.} = %q{}
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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions tests/ts_translate.rb
Expand Up @@ -8,25 +8,25 @@ class Translate::TranslateTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
include Google::Language
def test_english_translate
assert_equal("مرحبا العالم", Translate.t("Hello world", "ENGLISH", "ARABIC"));
assert_equal("世界您好", Translate.t("Hello world", "ENGLISH", "CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED"));
assert_equal("你好世界", Translate.t("Hello world", "ENGLISH", "CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED"));
assert_equal("Bonjour tout le monde", Translate.t("Hello world", "ENGLISH", "FRENCH"));
assert_equal("Hallo Welt", Translate.t("Hello world", "ENGLISH", "GERMAN"));
assert_equal("Ciao a tutti", Translate.t("Hello world", "ENGLISH", "ITALIAN"));
assert_equal("こんにちは、世界", Translate.t("Hello world", "ENGLISH", "JAPANESE"));
assert_equal("안녕하세요 세상", Translate.t("Hello world", "ENGLISH", "KOREAN"));
assert_equal("안녕하세요", Translate.t("Hello world", "ENGLISH", "KOREAN"));
assert_equal("Olá mundo", Translate.t("Hello world", "ENGLISH", "PORTUGUESE"));
assert_equal("Привет мир", Translate.t("Hello world", "ENGLISH", "RUSSIAN"));
assert_equal("¡Hola, mundo", Translate.t("Hello world", "ENGLISH", "SPANISH"));

def test_auto_detect_translate
assert_equal("مرحبا العالم", Translate.t("Hello world", nil, "ARABIC"));
assert_equal("世界您好", Translate.t("Hello world", nil, "CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED"));
assert_equal("你好世界", Translate.t("Hello world", nil, "CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED"));
assert_equal("Bonjour tout le monde", Translate.t("Hello world", nil, "FRENCH"));
assert_equal("Hallo Welt", Translate.t("Hello world", nil, "GERMAN"));
assert_equal("Ciao a tutti", Translate.t("Hello world", nil, "ITALIAN"));
assert_equal("こんにちは、世界", Translate.t("Hello world", nil, "JAPANESE"));
assert_equal("안녕하세요 세상", Translate.t("Hello world", nil, "KOREAN"));
assert_equal("안녕하세요", Translate.t("Hello world", nil, "KOREAN"));
assert_equal("Olá mundo", Translate.t("Hello world", nil, "PORTUGUESE"));
assert_equal("Привет мир", Translate.t("Hello world", nil, "RUSSIAN"));
assert_equal("¡Hola, mundo", Translate.t("Hello world", nil, "SPANISH"));
Expand All @@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ def test_unsupported_translate

def test_translate_strings
assert_equal(["", "世界"], Translate::RTranslate.translate_strings(["Hello", "World"], "en", "zh-CN"))
assert_equal(["你好", "世界"], Translate::RTranslate.translate_strings(["Hello", "World"], "en", "zh-CN"))

def test_translate_string_to_languages
assert_equal(["世界您好", "ハローワールド"], Translate::RTranslate.translate_string_to_languages("Hello World", {:from => "en", :to => ["zh-CN", "ja"]}))
assert_equal(["你好世界", "ハローワールド"], Translate::RTranslate.translate_string_to_languages("Hello World", {:from => "en", :to => ["zh-CN", "ja"]}))

def test_batch_translate
assert_equal(["世界您好", "ハローワールド"],
assert_equal(["你好世界", "ハローワールド"],
Translate::RTranslate.batch_translate([["Hello World", {:from => "en", :to => "zh-CN"}], ["Hello World", {:from => "en", :to => "ja"}]]))

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