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Advent of Code

My Advent of Code solutions 🎄


Generate challenge files:

bun g [day] [year]

# Generate today's challenge files
bun g

# Generate day 12 of this year's challenge files
bun g 12

# Generate day 8 of 2019's challenge files
bun g 8 2019

Run challenge:

bun <part> [day] [year]

# Run part 1 or 2 of today's challenge
bun 1
bun 2

# Run part 1 of day 12 of this year
bun 1 12

# Run part 2 of day 8 of 2019
bun 2 8 2019

Use flags:

# No flags (default) - uses only test input
bun 1

# f — final - uses only final input
bun 1f

# a — all - uses both test and final input
bun 1a

Run tests for some utility functions:

bun test

Even shorter scripts?

Set alias for Bun in your shell config file (e.g. .bashrc or .zshrc):

alias b="bun"


  • 2023: 9 — Least Common Multiple (LCM) + Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
  • 2023: 10 — Flood Fill + BFS
  • 2023: 11 — Manhattan Distance